Simple Shaped Potion Vial Sketch - Sold By
Zone Merchant Location Plat Gold Silver Copper
Butcherblock Mountains
Izbal Brightblaze
(-1287, -1972)
0 0 2 7
Cabilis East
Klok Hoga
(253, -202)
0 0 2 7
Crescent Reach
Potter Subira
(-1210, -1483)
0 0 2 7
East Commonlands
Merra Clayfinger
(-135, 21)
0 0 2 7
East Freeport
Ennrion Striesius
(176, -873)
0 0 2 7
East Freeport
(-1346, -862)
0 0 2 7
East Freeport
Gurb Smithson
(-1363, -806)
0 0 2 7
(260, 273)
0 0 2 7
Highpass Hold
Winn Greenbane
(-364, -124)
0 0 2 7
Highpass Hold
Winn Greenbane
(-672, -344)
0 0 2 7
Katta Castellum
Arabella Augustleaf
(-400, -684)
0 0 2 7
Misty Thicket
Topper Drodo
(585, -2357)
0 0 2 7
Helgara Dirtcarver
(225, 743)
0 0 2 7
Taria Clayspinner
(994, 804)
0 0 2 7
Evus Doracmal
(996, 817)
0 0 2 7
Tentus Brackmar
(995, 810)
0 0 2 7
Shadow Haven
Wayke Mudhands
(-420, 1387)
0 0 2 7
South Desert of Ro
Merchant Ulyssa
(2023, -1232)
0 0 2 7
Southern Desert of Ro
Merchant Ulyssa
(128, 495)
0 0 2 7
The Abysmal Sea
Hiloan O`Yviania
(-243, 235)
0 0 2 7
The Abysmal Sea
Malkidiv U`Ycionuz
(-247, 212)
0 0 2 7
The City of Shar Vahl
(-474, -308)
0 0 2 7
The City of Shar Vahl
Gherik Alarhun
(255, -508)
0 0 2 7
The City of Thurgadin
Gilthan Brittleblade
(-249, 134)
0 0 2 7
The Commonlands
Merra Clayfinger
(118, -2832)
0 0 2 7
The Greater Faydark
Merchant Legweien
(420, 373)
0 0 2 7
The Misty Thicket
Topper Drodo
(473, -1180)
0 0 2 7
The Plane of Knowledge
Dalin Greskar
(-30, 325)
0 0 2 7
The Plane of Knowledge
Elisha Dirtyshoes
(394, 945)
0 0 2 7
The Plane of Knowledge
Sculptor Radee
(-290, 788)
0 0 2 7
The Rathe Mountains
Zok Drup
(-1741, -47)
0 0 2 7
The Rathe Mountains
Zok Folis
(-2379, 818)
0 0 2 7
The Stonebrunt Mountains
Jaimiou Claypaws
(1391, -536)
0 0 2 7
The Western Plains of Karana
(1008, -2087)
0 0 2 7
West Freeport
Gurb Smithson
(-183, -329)
0 0 2 7
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022