


M: show/hide menu

N: scrolls menu to the top

F1: help

H: help

G: goto location

S: generate a link to share a location

␛: close map popup

↑ or ↓: adds/subtracts location by 10 when typing in a number field (goto, share, etc).



If you're having performance or display issues it could be related to your machine. The majority of the code is executed on your computer so a laptop, phone or an older machine might have issues. If your rig is decent, it's possible Internet Explorer is the problem. If you are on IE there is a solution here.


General Map Interaction

You can click to drag the map left and right or use the arrow keys. You can click the plus and minus icons on the top right to zoom, or use the mouse wheel. You can inspect the symbology by clicking on it for additional details. If you click in an area without a symbol it will display the location you clicked and extend an option to generate a link to share the location you clicked.


All Symbology

Searched NPC
Custom Map Label
Red Con Mob
Yellow Con Mob
White/Black Con Mob
Blue Con Mob
Green Con Mob
Untargetable Mob
Guild Master
Druid Teleport Destination
Wizard Teleport Destination
NPC/Quest Teleport Destination
Local Teleporter Start
Local Teleporter Destination
PC Start Location
Tradeskill/Other Object
Locked Door
Single Ground Spawn
Zone Teleporter


NPC Symbology (path/radius)

When you click an NPC it will display some additional symbology. If the mob has pathing it will display the pathing as a series of footprints (
). The mob will animate/walk along those footprints. Mobs with pathing/animation will have an additional pop symbol (
) which shows at the end of their pathing and represents the spot they originally spawned. A circle will also display around the NPC, this is it's aggro radius. All of this symbology is colored based on the con-level of the NPC (gray symbology for merchant/banker/etc). To hide the additional symbology click on the NPC again.


Teleporter Symbology

Teleporter's source and destination will have a sybol. The source is a triangle, the destination a circle. If you click one of those symbols it will draw a vector connecting the source/destination; click again to hide. You can jump from source to dest and back by clicking the symbology and then clicking the [Show on Map] link.


Custom URL:

You can add variables to the URL to change the viewing location, and add a custom point to the map. The variables are:

view_x & view_y: location being shown when the page loads, the default is the safe spot.

poi_x & poi_y: adds a custom symbol to the map at this location.

poi: adds a text label to the custom symbol.

level: relative level for con color.

z_upper & z_lower: filters the map lines/symbols by elevation.


Find a Mob/Zoneline/Object/etc:

If there is a single item within a display class (merchant, banker, locked door, etc.) there will be a collapsible sub-menu on the main menu.

Press 'M' to open the menu, find the sub-menu header for the display class you're after (e.g. Merchants) and click the arrow icon (▾) or the header itself to expand the sub-menu. Find the specific item you are interested in (e.g. Ping Fuzzlecutter) and click on the items bold header. The map will zoom/jump to that location and briefly point an arrow at it.



Press 'M on the keyboard or click the menu icon (MENU) in the top-right of the screen to display the menu. Click thumbtack icon (📌) to collapse the menu. While open you can press 'N' on the keyboard, or click the top of the menu to scroll back to the top.


Consider at level

Mobs will display with their con color. E.G. if your relative level is 60, a mob that is 65 will display with red symbology.

To change your relative level press M to open the menu and select the relative level in the 'Consider at level' dropdown.


Show on Map

You can turn entire sets of labels off and on by clicking the radio buttons under the 'Show on Map' section of the menu. You can hide/show the groups or leave it on auto. Auto will automatically hides/shows the groups based on the zoom level.

The group is always off The group is always on The group is automatic and currently off The group is automatic and currently on


Hide/Show Labels

By default the labels on the map do not show, with the exception of symbols you hover over, specially requested points, or points you are searching for. You can turn all labels on by using the "Show Labels" button in the menu.


Z Filter

Sometimes areas of the maps are hard to explore because multiple floors/layers are stacked up. You can use this slider to set the target elevation range. Symbols and lines outside of this range will be hidden.


Line Weight

This lets you set the thickness of the map lines.


By Color

This lets you hide lines by color, this does not hide symbols. E.G. if there is a room drawn in green, and you hide green, the NPCs in that room will still be displayed.


Location Menus

The location menus label or the ▾ icon can be clicked to expand the menu. You'll find a related list of locations on the map with a brief description under it. If you click the name of one of the named points the map will zoom in on that point and a small red arrow will briefly indicate the point.


Find Mobs by Name

This dropdown menu lists every NPC by name. It works a little different from the other symbol menus because there can be multiple points with this name. When you click a name, all the spawn points that have a matching spawn will have their name highlighted in white. It helps to view these search labels if you turn the other labels off with the 'Hide Labels' button. If a spawn point has multiple spawns the one you are searching for will become the primary label. You can also do a custom search by typing a query in the field at the top and hitting enter.


Spawn Points

This dropdown is distinct from the "Find Mobs by Name" menu because it references specific spawn points. It does list an NPC name, but this is just a proxy label, the relevant location is listed in the description. When you click one of these the map zooms in at the spawn point, not the location the NPC is at. If you're trying to find an NPC, use the "Find Mob by Name" menu.


Custom Labels

These are labels that are part of the EQ map file, not from the PEQ database.


Other Zones

This is a list of every other zone, you can click to load that zone's map.


Footer Buttons

🎯: opens the goto dialog which lets you jump to a desired location

⍰: opens the help dialog

🔗: opens the share dialog which lets you generate a link to share a location


Share Location:

Click the point on the map you'd like to share and a popup box will be displayed. In this popup there will be a "Share Location" button. Clicking it will open the Share Location dialog. You can also open it by pressing 'S' on the keyboard or using the link icon (🔗) in the menu footer.

The dialogue has several inputs which get used to build a link for you to share. The link is generated in the bottom field, "Link Output". You can highlight and copy this link or use the clipboard icon (📋) to copy the link.

The 'Location' fields default to 0, but will be updated when you click on a location on the map (an empty location, not an npc/teleporter/etc.). You can also type a location in. The link you generate will load a map with a symbol and label at this point, and zoom in on it. Ideally you click on the point you'd like to share, and then open the Share Dialog.

The 'Z Filter' fields are updated when you modify the 'Z Filter' on the 'Line Filters' menu. You can also type a custom value in. Modifying this will encode an elevation filter into your output link. Use this if you want to hide a floor/layer of the map. Ideally you'd set your 'Z Filter' in the 'Line Filters' menu so the map appears the way you want. Then you'd open the Share Dialog.

The 'Label' field lets you type in a custom label to be displayed on the map. The label will show next to the 'Location' you have set.

The 'Icon' field lets you pick what kind of icon you want showing up beside your custom label.

The 'Type' field picks the type of link output you want.

If you are familiar with URL formatting and GET variables you can customize the link behaviour.

An example usage would be setting the Z Filter to show just the top floor of the POK tower. Clicking a spot on the floor in the tower and then clicking the "Share Location" button. In the label field, type "Meet at top of tower". Copy the link and share it. The link will open the POK map, with only the top floor of the tower shown, with a red start where you clicked and a "Meet at top of tower" label beside it.


Goto Location:

Press 'G' on the keyboard or click the dartboard icon (🎯) in the menu footer. When the dialog displays, type in the desired location and hit 'Enter'. While typing in the fields you can press the up and down arrows to add/subtract 10 from the location.



Press 'H' on the keyboard or click the question mark icon (⍰) in the menu footer. The Help Dialog will be displayed.


Goto Location
( , )
Share Location

Location: ( , )

Z Filter: to


Icon:    Type:

Link Output: 📋

  Katta Castellum
Consider at level:
Show on map:
Location Grid Safespot / Succor Merchants Bankers Guild Masters Spawn Points / NPCs Untargetable NPCs Zone Lines Locked Doors Ground Spawn Items Trade Skill Cont. & Interactives Local Teleporters Custom Labels
Line Filters
Z Filter:
Line Weight:
By Color:
Other Main layer lines Zone Lines Layer 1 Layer 2 Steps / Terrain Doors Traps Water Water Deep
Find Mobs by Name
a coterie servant
A bell
a coterie servant
a coterie assassin
a coterie servant
a dust bunny
a gargoyle custodus
a ghost spawner
a guard sonic wolf
a locked chest
a magus protectorate
a wetfang minnow
Aerin K`Vekn
Aliara Galestra
an invis spawner
Arabella Augustleaf
Arialestra Dionicas
Avir Sterbla
bell two
Bella Helsin
Berda Granitefist
Berk Thurstone
Blaylok Geerlok
Bole Bricktop
Borean Soggybeard
Broote Malicus
Celris Shadetracker
Centurion Allanus
Centurion Altinus
Centurion Balk
Centurion Bartilous
Centurion Bevor
Centurion Brutus
Centurion Ceraticles
Centurion Cevikor
Centurion Cradolus
Centurion Crullick
Centurion Dalaction
Centurion Domicus
Centurion Donactalis
Centurion Ebben
Centurion Elnerius
Centurion Engrov
Centurion Garicalious
Centurion Gersetor
Centurion Goran
Centurion Hephas
Centurion Hunigon
Centurion Jeracus
Centurion Jerek
Centurion Korigon
Centurion Kroldus
Centurion Kromdus
Centurion Macivian
Centurion Manik
Centurion Markalis
Centurion Maverus
Centurion Mesoptilus
Centurion Narser
Centurion Nezzer
Centurion Pallak
Centurion Pythondius
Centurion Queniton
Centurion Ralton
Centurion Rancoves
Centurion Regorator
Centurion Relicor
Centurion Renardio
Centurion Rutleo
Centurion Samsun
Centurion Shanigus
Centurion Sorialus
Centurion Talekor
Centurion Valaric
Centurion Valisus
Centurion Venctivo
Centurion Vengor
Centurion Vericol
Centurion Veridious
Centurion Xavier
Centurion Zeratillion
Clavius Masric
Corporal Donfeld
Corporal Kent
Danika Farcloud
Dianna Dilsm
Dralin K`Vekn
Drenic Garrison
Elnerick Augustleaf
Erikal Wolfeye
Erixok Twildbik
Evonna Songslinger
Fallar Grolden
Gaerok Rednose
Galren Fuzzytoes
Georgette Dawneyes
Geran Starshiner
Gertrude Twiblik
Glixx Tobbnokcog
Gosek Jerabi
Granic Malicus
Greta Teralin
Guard Lennon
Guard Zimmer
Gundal Bronzebrow
Harvin Talbson
Helga Furrunner
Helinya Limerick
Heracus Helsin
Incantator Elza Dilsm
Incantator Gedy Helsin
Incantator Hue Teralin
Incantator Jak Masric
Incantator Jeena Talbson
Incantator Teak Firetree
Incantator Toby Lidspin
Incantator Waek Kerrol
Incantator Yaln Dilsm
Jacob Rutledge
Jarin Lorean
Kalin Abanjabi
Kellari Autumnfall
Keylara Abanjabi
Kitty Barleou
Klandar Bronzebrow
Kroldar Strongarm
Lathin Firetree
Lcea Katta
Legionnaire Abedeb
Legionnaire Agorix
Legionnaire Akixok
Legionnaire Alivarius
Legionnaire Apollonius
Legionnaire Aponius
Legionnaire Apthorus
Legionnaire Ardion
Legionnaire Arices
Legionnaire Artemidorus
Legionnaire Atlakices
Legionnaire Avoretes
Legionnaire Axlox
Legionnaire Banictus
Legionnaire Baolk
Legionnaire Belisarius
Legionnaire Berblug
Legionnaire Berplugle
Legionnaire Blokgrim
Legionnaire Bonosus
Legionnaire Broble
Legionnaire Bromidus
Legionnaire Brugnar
Legionnaire Buntop
Legionnaire Byronius
Legionnaire Carinalio
Legionnaire Carsius
Legionnaire Catonius
Legionnaire Catullus
Legionnaire Claudius
Legionnaire Cobnoggin
Legionnaire Cogniker
Legionnaire Cosmus
Legionnaire Cresces
Legionnaire Dannicus
Legionnaire Decmitius
Legionnaire Devorialius
Legionnaire Diodotus
Legionnaire Domrib
Legionnaire Doralycus
Legionnaire Doreses
Legionnaire Dromides
Legionnaire Eldopop
Legionnaire Erallic
Legionnaire Ericos
Legionnaire Flavio
Legionnaire Flobbin
Legionnaire Garrok
Legionnaire Gilldonicus
Legionnaire Giovesanes
Legionnaire Glycon
Legionnaire Gorbthar
Legionnaire Gumpbar
Legionnaire Hadolar
Legionnaire Hectavio
Legionnaire Heraticus
Legionnaire Heratio
Legionnaire Hesicalic
Legionnaire Hesychius
Legionnaire Hicesius
Legionnaire Hoblle
Legionnaire Holiged
Legionnaire Holisus
Legionnaire Holug
Legionnaire Hugby
Legionnaire Ioces
Legionnaire Iustario
Legionnaire Iysando
Legionnaire Jaypario
Legionnaire Kapericus
Legionnaire Klicbang
Legionnaire Koaltok
Legionnaire Korael
Legionnaire Leemnix
Legionnaire Logoxop
Legionnaire Loxscog
Legionnaire Malicio
Legionnaire Micon
Legionnaire Miconius
Legionnaire Mixltik
Legionnaire Mordib
Legionnaire Nalicario
Legionnaire Neville
Legionnaire Nicimious
Legionnaire Nimlox
Legionnaire Oridion
Legionnaire Orloxip
Legionnaire Orodilius
Legionnaire Orosius
Legionnaire Ozzmik
Legionnaire Parethro
Legionnaire Paryanos
Legionnaire Peralisor
Legionnaire Perealos
Legionnaire Pernicious
Legionnaire Perticon
Legionnaire Piscius
Legionnaire Plixltob
Legionnaire Plocamus
Legionnaire Poggle
Legionnaire Poliedes
Legionnaire Potalius
Legionnaire Proddleb
Legionnaire Pudentius
Legionnaire Pythion
Legionnaire Qalliceus
Legionnaire Quavictus
Legionnaire Quentin
Legionnaire Rebices
Legionnaire Remigius
Legionnaire Revones
Legionnaire Rices
Legionnaire Roarices
Legionnaire Rokgar
Legionnaire Rolificus
Legionnaire Romaric
Legionnaire Rothgan
Legionnaire Rothgivus
Legionnaire Secario
Legionnaire Sorio
Legionnaire Soterides
Legionnaire Tarautas
Legionnaire Thorinius
Legionnaire Toktix
Legionnaire Toralitides
Legionnaire Tribledek
Legionnaire Trikaticus
Legionnaire Tripticus
Legionnaire Tweedlib
Legionnaire Twibleok
Legionnaire Urolic
Legionnaire Utilliac
Legionnaire Valesco
Legionnaire Vaquiles
Legionnaire Varioces
Legionnaire Vassus
Legionnaire Veak
Legionnaire Vendicius
Legionnaire Viator
Legionnaire Vitruvius
Legionnaire Willecius
Legionnaire Wundaces
Legionnaire Xaldivious
Legionnaire Xandilious
Legionnaire Ximbl
Legionnaire Xobok
Legionnaire Yabatus
Legionnaire Yabbo
Legionnaire Yaelidion
Legionnaire Yarolok
Legionnaire Yolicus
Legionnaire Zalobnokin
Legionnaire Zeboxin
Legionnaire Zexolicor
Legionnaire Zweeblok
Librarian Ezmerelda
Lizsa Barleou
Lyneea Doyle
magus conlegium trigger
Mahri Matuya
Maralicis Dilsm
Marda Granitefist
Margy O`Koyle
Maria Whispersong
Markil Jurbac
Marko Wolfeye
Maryssa Talbson
Mehgyn Garrison
Melanie Mavroudis
Melodei Cruzsia
Mercusius Farcloud
Mercutius Rutledge
Miguel Talbson
Monika Helsin
Morfesh O`Koyle
Nannette Farcloud
Nathyn Illuminious
Olam Polaja
Phenic Dionicas
Praecantor Dovar Rutledge
Praecantor Lisa Kerrol
Praecantor Perph Unja
Praecantor Selis Dawneyes
Praecantor Tes Dawneyes
Praecantor Torin Jurbac
Praecantor Ury Polaja
Praecantor Vesa Farcloud
Private Sentinel Frieza
Private Sentinel Tozza
Raesha Dawneyes
Rallena Doyle
Rallic Aristos
Rebecca Wolfeye
Rolanda Unja
Roshawna Rhorer
Rowle Shieldson
Salic Whispersong
Sasha Aliquin
Saumeem Unja
Sellar Mulletune
Sentinel Berdra
Sentinel Fellysa
Sentinel Helga
Sentinel Kerrigan
Sentinel Kerry
Sentinel Majandra
Sentinel Mellisy
Sentinel Yora
Shara Aristos
Sharra O`Koyle
Shay Aristos
Sparrow Shadetracker
Tack Shieldson
Talika Polajian
Teepa Berrytoe
The ground
The smell
The study
Theurgus Ajeea Polaja
Theurgus Bella Geerlok
Theurgus Dala Abanjabi
Theurgus Meg Teralin
Theurgus Olius Matuya
Theurgus Ravy Helsin
Theurgus Talsen Farsky
Theurgus Zral Aristos
Tilbok Furrunner
Tobala Honeyjar
Toktonn Geerlok
Triblix Tikbok
Tsuia Matuya
Tvan Gurrish
vamp infiltrator ph
Vanessa Rutledge
Wendel Starshiner
Wendlock Twiblik
Yalnin K`Vekn
Yanni Talbson
Yavik Teralin
Yazmin Farsky
Yolanda Honeyjar
You hear
You kick
You step
Your foot
Yurddle the Caretaker
Zweeblok Tiktokin
Zyleea Geerlok
General Points
Safe Spot
Safe spot/succor point at (-545, 645)
Zone origin at (0, 0)
Aliara Galestra
Spawns at (-270, -270)
Arabella Augustleaf
Spawns at (-684, -684)
Berda Granitefist
Spawns at (-1495, -1495)
Blaylok Geerlok
Spawns at (-224, -224)
Bole Bricktop
Spawns at (-1541, -1541)
Clavius Masric
Spawns at (-1472, -1472)
Dianna Dilsm
Spawns at (-688, -688)
Erixok Twildbik
Spawns at (29, 29)
Fallar Grolden
Spawns at (-1476, -1476)
Gaerok Rednose
Spawns at (-1369, -1369)
Geran Starshiner
Spawns at (-223, -223)
Gertrude Twiblik
Spawns at (76, 76)
Gosek Jerabi
Spawns at (26, 26)
Granic Malicus
Spawns at (-1479, -1479)
Greta Teralin
Spawns at (67, 67)
Gundal Bronzebrow
Spawns at (-671, -671)
Harvin Talbson
Spawns at (-1541, -1541)
Helinya Limerick
Spawns at (-363, -363)
Jacob Rutledge
Spawns at (-883, -883)
Kitty Barleou
Spawns at (-1114, -1114)
Mahri Matuya
Spawns at (-1282, -1282)
Marda Granitefist
Spawns at (-1483, -1483)
Margy O`Koyle
Spawns at (-1155, -1155)
Maria Whispersong
Spawns at (-364, -364)
Marko Wolfeye
Spawns at (-674, -674)
Maryssa Talbson
Spawns at (-882, -882)
Melanie Mavroudis
Spawns at (59, 59)
Mercusius Farcloud
Spawns at (-1471, -1471)
Miguel Talbson
Spawns at (-867, -867)
Monika Helsin
Spawns at (-162, -162)
Morfesh O`Koyle
Spawns at (-1148, -1148)
Nannette Farcloud
Spawns at (-1114, -1114)
Raesha Dawneyes
Spawns at (-111, -111)
Rebecca Wolfeye
Spawns at (-684, -684)
Rolanda Unja
Spawns at (-254, -254)
Sellar Mulletune
Spawns at (-362, -362)
Sharra O`Koyle
Spawns at (-1166, -1166)
Shay Aristos
Spawns at (-112, -112)
Sparrow Shadetracker
Spawns at (-1493, -1493)
Talika Polajian
Spawns at (25, 25)
Tsuia Matuya
Spawns at (-1207, -1207)
Vanessa Rutledge
Spawns at (-870, -870)
Wendel Starshiner
Spawns at (-254, -254)
Yanni Talbson
Spawns at (-1509, -1509)
Yolanda Honeyjar
Spawns at (-1368, -1368)
Zyleea Geerlok
Spawns at (-192, -192)
Bella Helsin
Spawns at (-1093, -1093)
Heracus Helsin
Spawns at (-1087, -1087)
Guild Masters
Arialestra Dionicas
GM Cleric
Spawns at (-2108, -2108)
Avir Sterbla
GM Magician
Spawns at (60, 60)
Erikal Wolfeye
GM Ranger
Spawns at (-1958, -1958)
Kellari Autumnfall
GM Enchanter
Spawns at (57, 57)
Kroldar Strongarm
GM Warrior
Spawns at (-2085, -2085)
Lathin Firetree
GM Wizard
Spawns at (-257, -257)
Maralicis Dilsm
GM Monk
Spawns at (-2027, -2027)
Rallena Doyle
GM Shaman
Spawns at (12, 12)
Saumeem Unja
GM Paladin
Spawns at (-2011, -2011)
Shara Aristos
GM Bard
Spawns at (-40, -40)
Tilbok Furrunner
GM Rogue
Spawns at (-1973, -1973)
Tobala Honeyjar
GM Druid
Spawns at (-339, -339)
Spawn Points
Level: 99
Respawns: 1s
Aggro Radi: 100
Spawns at (0, 0)
A bell
Level: 1
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-1506, -1506)
Aerin K`Vekn
Level: 58
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (215, 215)
Aliara Galestra
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-270, -270)
Arabella Augustleaf
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-684, -684)
Level: 50
Respawns: 1h 54m - 2h 6m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-930, -930)
Arialestra Dionicas
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Cleric
Spawns at (-2108, -2108)
Avir Sterbla
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Magician
Spawns at (60, 60)
Level: 60
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-1720, -1720)
Level: 60
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-1655, -1655)
Bella Helsin
Level: 1
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1093, -1093)
Berda Granitefist
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1495, -1495)
Berk Thurstone
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1613, -1613)
Blaylok Geerlok
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-224, -224)
Bole Bricktop
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1541, -1541)
Borean Soggybeard
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-919, -919)
Broote Malicus
Level: 62
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (162, 162)
Celris Shadetracker
Level: 62
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (11, 11)
Centurion Altinus
Level: 53
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1917, -1917)
Centurion Bartilous
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (181, 181)
Centurion Ceraticles
Level: 53
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1812, -1812)
Centurion Cradolus
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (277, 277)
Centurion Crullick
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1919, -1919)
Centurion Donactalis
Level: 53
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (173, 173)
Centurion Elnerius
Level: 54
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1954, -1954)
Centurion Gersetor
Level: 50
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (172, 172)
Centurion Hephas
Level: 50
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (35, 35)
Centurion Jerek
Level: 53
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-300, -300)
Centurion Macivian
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-114, -114)
Centurion Manik
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (35, 35)
Centurion Maverus
Level: 54
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-2071, -2071)
Centurion Pallak
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-70, -70)
Centurion Queniton
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1012, -1012)
Centurion Ralton
Level: 53
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-2072, -2072)
Centurion Regorator
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (181, 181)
Centurion Relicor
Level: 50
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1165, -1165)
Centurion Renardio
Level: 51
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (2, 2)
Centurion Rutleo
Level: 53
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-69, -69)
Centurion Samsun
Level: 50
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-288, -288)
Centurion Shanigus
Level: 54
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-114, -114)
Centurion Valaric
Level: 53
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1813, -1813)
Centurion Valisus
Level: 51
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1166, -1166)
Centurion Venctivo
Level: 53
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1957, -1957)
Centurion Vericol
Level: 54
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (276, 276)
Centurion Xavier
Level: 54
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1012, -1012)
Clavius Masric
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1472, -1472)
Corporal Donfeld
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-2056, -2056)
Corporal Kent
Level: 54
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1990, -1990)
Danika Farcloud
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-931, -931)
Level: 55
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-21, -21)
Dianna Dilsm
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-688, -688)
Dralin K`Vekn
Level: 58
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (248, 248)
Drenic Garrison
Level: 60
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (28, 28)
Elnerick Augustleaf
Level: 62
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (160, 160)
Erikal Wolfeye
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Ranger
Spawns at (-1958, -1958)
Erixok Twildbik
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (29, 29)
Evonna Songslinger
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-867, -867)
Fallar Grolden
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1476, -1476)
Gaerok Rednose
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1369, -1369)
Galren Fuzzytoes
Level: 35
Respawns: 57m - 1h 3m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-535, -535)
Georgette Dawneyes
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-870, -870)
Geran Starshiner
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-223, -223)
Gertrude Twiblik
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (76, 76)
Glixx Tobbnokcog
Level: 62
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (144, 144)
Gosek Jerabi
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (26, 26)
Granic Malicus
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1479, -1479)
Greta Teralin
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (67, 67)
Guard Lennon
Level: 55
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1761, -1761)
Guard Zimmer
Level: 65
Respawns: 5m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-820, -820)
Gundal Bronzebrow
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-671, -671)
Harvin Talbson
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1541, -1541)
Helga Furrunner
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-868, -868)
Helinya Limerick
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-363, -363)
Heracus Helsin
Level: 1
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1087, -1087)
Incantator Elza Dilsm
Level: 39
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-243, -243)
Incantator Gedy Helsin
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-231, -231)
Incantator Hue Teralin
Level: 41
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-250, -250)
Incantator Jak Masric
Level: 46
Respawns: 15m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-225, -225)
Incantator Jeena Talbson
Level: 47
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-261, -261)
Incantator Teak Firetree
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-271, -271)
Incantator Toby Lidspin
Level: 40
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-212, -212)
Incantator Waek Kerrol
Level: 34
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-267, -267)
Incantator Yaln Dilsm
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-247, -247)
Jacob Rutledge
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-883, -883)
Jarin Lorean
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-923, -923)
Kalin Abanjabi
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-189, -189)
Kellari Autumnfall
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Enchanter
Spawns at (57, 57)
Keylara Abanjabi
Level: 62
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (18, 18)
Kitty Barleou
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1114, -1114)
Klandar Bronzebrow
Level: 62
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (18, 18)
Kroldar Strongarm
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Warrior
Spawns at (-2085, -2085)
Lathin Firetree
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Wizard
Spawns at (-257, -257)
Lcea Katta
Level: 60
Respawns: 3d 20h 50m - 4d 2h 50m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-72, -72)
Legionnaire Abedeb
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1333, -1333)
Legionnaire Agorix
Level: 34
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-615, -615)
Legionnaire Alivarius
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1565, -1565)
Legionnaire Apollonius
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1573, -1573)
Legionnaire Apthorus
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1694, -1694)
Legionnaire Ardion
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1294, -1294)
Legionnaire Atlakices
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1053, -1053)
Legionnaire Avoretes
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-964, -964)
Legionnaire Axlox
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-95, -95)
Legionnaire Baolk
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1635, -1635)
Legionnaire Bromidus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1147, -1147)
Legionnaire Brugnar
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (274, 274)
Legionnaire Buntop
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1481, -1481)
Legionnaire Byronius
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1197, -1197)
Legionnaire Carinalio
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1565, -1565)
Legionnaire Catonius
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1124, -1124)
Legionnaire Catullus
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-518, -518)
Legionnaire Claudius
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-2094, -2094)
Legionnaire Cobnoggin
Level: 43
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-20, -20)
Legionnaire Cosmus
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1440, -1440)
Legionnaire Cresces
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-614, -614)
Legionnaire Dannicus
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-575, -575)
Legionnaire Devorialius
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-800, -800)
Legionnaire Diodotus
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1624, -1624)
Legionnaire Erallic
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1940, -1940)
Legionnaire Erallic
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1055, -1055)
Legionnaire Flavio
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-68, -68)
Legionnaire Garrok
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (492, 492)
Legionnaire Gilldonicus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-890, -890)
Legionnaire Giovesanes
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-887, -887)
Legionnaire Glycon
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-968, -968)
Legionnaire Hadolar
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-257, -257)
Legionnaire Hectavio
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-42, -42)
Legionnaire Heraticus
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-547, -547)
Legionnaire Hesicalic
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-742, -742)
Legionnaire Hoblle
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (273, 273)
Legionnaire Holisus
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (227, 227)
Legionnaire Holug
Level: 43
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1333, -1333)
Legionnaire Hugby
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-818, -818)
Legionnaire Iustario
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (104, 104)
Legionnaire Iysando
Level: 44
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-772, -772)
Legionnaire Jaypario
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-192, -192)
Legionnaire Klicbang
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-112, -112)
Legionnaire Korael
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-325, -325)
Legionnaire Leemnix
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-19, -19)
Legionnaire Logoxop
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (170, 170)
Legionnaire Micon
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1695, -1695)
Legionnaire Mixltik
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1457, -1457)
Legionnaire Nalicario
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1127, -1127)
Legionnaire Neville
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-2089, -2089)
Legionnaire Nimlox
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-173, -173)
Legionnaire Peralisor
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-743, -743)
Legionnaire Perealos
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-952, -952)
Legionnaire Perealos
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1940, -1940)
Legionnaire Piscius
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1019, -1019)
Legionnaire Poggle
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-817, -817)
Legionnaire Poliedes
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (134, 134)
Legionnaire Quentin
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-965, -965)
Legionnaire Rebices
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-289, -289)
Legionnaire Remigius
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1219, -1219)
Legionnaire Revones
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1055, -1055)
Legionnaire Rices
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-596, -596)
Legionnaire Rokgar
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-96, -96)
Legionnaire Romaric
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1940, -1940)
Legionnaire Rothgan
Level: 43
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1662, -1662)
Legionnaire Rothgivus
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-663, -663)
Legionnaire Secario
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-596, -596)
Legionnaire Thorinius
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-342, -342)
Legionnaire Toralitides
Level: 43
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1903, -1903)
Legionnaire Tribledek
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-676, -676)
Legionnaire Trikaticus
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1440, -1440)
Legionnaire Tripticus
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-127, -127)
Legionnaire Urolic
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1940, -1940)
Legionnaire Urolic
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-994, -994)
Legionnaire Utilliac
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1940, -1940)
Legionnaire Valesco
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-889, -889)
Legionnaire Vaquiles
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-890, -890)
Legionnaire Vendicius
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1024, -1024)
Legionnaire Vitruvius
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1022, -1022)
Legionnaire Wundaces
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-47, -47)
Legionnaire Xandilious
Level: 45
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-772, -772)
Legionnaire Yabbo
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-80, -80)
Legionnaire Yarolok
Level: 43
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-703, -703)
Legionnaire Yolicus
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-918, -918)
Legionnaire Zalobnokin
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (197, 197)
Legionnaire Zeboxin
Level: 43
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-173, -173)
Legionnaire Zexolicor
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-800, -800)
Legionnaire Zweeblok
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1308, -1308)
Librarian Ezmerelda
Level: 34
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-5, -5)
Lizsa Barleou
Level: 60
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-42, -42)
Lyneea Doyle
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-931, -931)
Mahri Matuya
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1282, -1282)
Maralicis Dilsm
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Monk
Spawns at (-2027, -2027)
Marda Granitefist
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1483, -1483)
Margy O`Koyle
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1155, -1155)
Maria Whispersong
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-364, -364)
Markil Jurbac
Level: 60
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (8, 8)
Marko Wolfeye
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-674, -674)
Maryssa Talbson
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-882, -882)
Mehgyn Garrison
Level: 60
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-32, -32)
Melanie Mavroudis
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (59, 59)
Melodei Cruzsia
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-705, -705)
Mercusius Farcloud
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1471, -1471)
Mercutius Rutledge
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-879, -879)
Miguel Talbson
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-867, -867)
Level: 48
Respawns: 1h 54m - 2h 6m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-919, -919)
Monika Helsin
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-162, -162)
Morfesh O`Koyle
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1148, -1148)
Nannette Farcloud
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1114, -1114)
Nathyn Illuminious
Level: 64
Respawns: 2d 21h - 3d 3h
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-827, -827)
Level: 50
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-1089, -1089)
Olam Polaja
Level: 36
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-918, -918)
Phenic Dionicas
Level: 62
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-23, -23)
Praecantor Dovar Rutledge
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (19, 19)
Praecantor Lisa Kerrol
Level: 41
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (80, 80)
Praecantor Perph Unja
Level: 34
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (38, 38)
Praecantor Selis Dawneyes
Level: 40
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (71, 71)
Praecantor Tes Dawneyes
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (72, 72)
Praecantor Torin Jurbac
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (61, 61)
Praecantor Ury Polaja
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-250, -250)
Praecantor Vesa Farcloud
Level: 41
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-238, -238)
Private Sentinel Frieza
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-806, -806)
Private Sentinel Tozza
Level: 46
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-831, -831)
Raesha Dawneyes
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-111, -111)
Rallena Doyle
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Shaman
Spawns at (12, 12)
Rallic Aristos
Level: 60
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-41, -41)
Rebecca Wolfeye
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-684, -684)
Rolanda Unja
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-254, -254)
Roshawna Rhorer
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (170, 170)
Rowle Shieldson
Level: 43
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1559, -1559)
Salic Whispersong
Level: 62
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (163, 163)
Sasha Aliquin
Level: 46
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1164, -1164)
Saumeem Unja
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Paladin
Spawns at (-2011, -2011)
Sellar Mulletune
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-362, -362)
Sentinel Berdra
Level: 53
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-94, -94)
Sentinel Fellysa
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (279, 279)
Sentinel Mellisy
Level: 53
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-95, -95)
Sentinel Yora
Level: 54
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (279, 279)
Shara Aristos
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Bard
Spawns at (-40, -40)
Sharra O`Koyle
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1166, -1166)
Shay Aristos
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-112, -112)
Sparrow Shadetracker
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1493, -1493)
Level: 50
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-895, -895)
Tack Shieldson
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1559, -1559)
Talika Polajian
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (25, 25)
Teepa Berrytoe
Level: 62
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (195, 195)
Level: 55
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-320, -320)
Theurgus Ajeea Polaja
Level: 41
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (18, 18)
Theurgus Bella Geerlok
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (89, 89)
Theurgus Dala Abanjabi
Level: 37
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (41, 41)
Theurgus Meg Teralin
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (58, 58)
Theurgus Olius Matuya
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-266, -266)
Theurgus Ravy Helsin
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (78, 78)
Theurgus Talsen Farsky
Level: 36
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-220, -220)
Theurgus Zral Aristos
Level: 34
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (41, 41)
Tilbok Furrunner
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Rogue
Spawns at (-1973, -1973)
Tobala Honeyjar
Level: 61
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
GM Druid
Spawns at (-339, -339)
Toktonn Geerlok
Level: 60
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 100
Spawns at (-40, -40)
Triblix Tikbok
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-192, -192)
Tsuia Matuya
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1207, -1207)
Tvan Gurrish
Level: 20
Respawns: 7m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1543, -1543)
Vanessa Rutledge
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-870, -870)
Wendel Starshiner
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-254, -254)
Wendlock Twiblik
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-105, -105)
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-244, -244)
Level: 42
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-246, -246)
Level: 55
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (38, 38)
Yalnin K`Vekn
Level: 56
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (251, 251)
Yanni Talbson
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1509, -1509)
Yavik Teralin
Level: 36
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-919, -919)
Yazmin Farsky
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-9, -9)
Yolanda Honeyjar
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1368, -1368)
Yurddle the Caretaker
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1714, -1714)
Zweeblok Tiktokin
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-229, -229)
Zyleea Geerlok
Level: 35
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-192, -192)
a coterie servant
Level: 50
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-742, -742)
a coterie assassin
Level: 38
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1569, -1569)
a coterie servant
Level: 38
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-718, -718)
a dust bunny
Level: 50
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-757, -757)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1602, -1602)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1636, -1636)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1428, -1428)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1567, -1567)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1462, -1462)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-11, -11)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-183, -183)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-11, -11)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1497, -1497)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1556, -1556)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1510, -1510)
a gargoyle custodus
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-185, -185)
a ghost spawner
Level: 1
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-1510, -1510)
a ghost spawner
Level: 1
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-1551, -1551)
a ghost spawner
Level: 1
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-1541, -1541)
a guard sonic wolf
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1822, -1822)
a guard sonic wolf
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-898, -898)
a guard sonic wolf
Level: 44
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-891, -891)
a locked chest
Level: 1
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-819, -819)
a magus protectorate
Level: 48
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-81, -81)
a magus protectorate
Level: 48
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-119, -119)
a magus protectorate
Level: 48
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-117, -117)
a magus protectorate
Level: 48
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-118, -118)
a magus protectorate
Level: 48
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-80, -80)
a magus protectorate
Level: 52
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-107, -107)
a magus protectorate
Level: 48
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-78, -78)
a wetfang minnow
Level: 34
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (395, 395)
a wetfang minnow
Level: 33
Respawns: 18m
Aggro Radi: 55
Spawns at (-1821, -1821)
an invis spawner
Level: 1
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-1531, -1531)
bell two
Level: 1
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-1466, -1466)
magus conlegium trigger
Level: 1
Respawns: 10m 40s
Aggro Radi: 0
Spawns at (-155, -155)
Untargetable NPCs
Spawns at (-1581, -1581)
Spawns at (-1630, -1630)
Spawns at (-1634, -1634)
Spawns at (-1760, -1760)
Spawns at (-1304, -1304)
Spawns at (-1432, -1432)
The study
Spawns at (-719, -719)
You step
Spawns at (-1367, -1367)
Zone Lines
The Tenebrous Mountains
The Twilight Sea
To The Twilight Sea at (-1977, -32)
[Show on Map]
The Twilight Sea
To The Twilight Sea at (-1976, -183)
[Show on Map]
Locked Doors
Locked Door
This door is locked and can be picked with 170 skill.
Ground Spawn Items
Dried Floral Bouquet
Spawn Point: (-1762, -493)
Item: Dried Floral Bouquet
Empty Jug
Spawn Point: (-864, -328)
Item: Empty Jug
Memoirs of Nathyn...
Spawn Point: (-699, 301)
Item: Memoirs of Nathyn Illuminious
Trade Skill Cont. & Interactives
Location: (-1314, 295)
Brewing Barrel
Location: (-867, -304)
Item: Brewing Barrel
Location: (-1545, 18)
Item: Forge
Location: (-1547, -42)
Item: Forge
Pottery Kiln
Location: (-686, -334)
Pottery Wheel
Location: (-672, -307)
Location: (-246, 658)
Local Teleporters
Teleports you to (-1085, -163)
Teleports you to (-1085, -163)
Teleports you to (-96, -907)
Teleports you to (-96, -907)
Teleports you to (-96, -907)
Teleports you to (-100, -760)
Custom Labels
Location: (174.666107, -550.511108)
Location: (1169.336426, -252.880493)
Location: (930.875000, 219.071396)
Location: (2108.000000, 161.000000)
Location: (1479.607910, 139.140594)
Location: (-60.000000, 663.000000)
Location: (1093.000000, 28.000000)
Location: (1622.004761, 309.221802)
Location: (232.994904, 822.951782)
Location: (911.104126, 315.170410)
Location: (1135.000000, 208.000000)
Location: (1324.898804, -312.302887)
Location: (864.724915, 298.206787)
Location: (1367.072998, -230.774506)
Location: (929.060303, 243.428101)
Location: (-150.000000, -130.000000)
Location: (1957.460693, -138.197098)
Location: (870.433716, 249.479401)
Location: (818.068298, -333.212189)
Location: (819.374023, -413.983612)
Location: (661.059082, 146.497803)
Location: (1543.248291, -18.421600)
Location: (1540.540405, 42.443600)
Location: (728.504700, -309.459991)
Location: (896.216614, 387.962189)
Location: (1114.000000, -240.000000)
Location: (875.433105, 283.795288)
Location: (1882.229614, 8.098200)
Location: (671.000000, 400.000000)
Location: (363.000000, -652.000000)
Location: (1087.000000, 28.000000)
Location: (885.449219, 405.494812)
Location: (915.706909, 200.287704)
Location: (-57.000000, 950.000000)
Location: (685.782715, 334.261292)
Location: (2085.000000, -154.000000)
Location: (257.000000, 956.000000)
Location: (67.525299, 197.112701)
Location: (5.047300, 758.761230)
Location: (1563.211548, -68.049103)
Location: (748.504700, -329.459991)
Location: (931.485718, 353.586304)
Location: (2027.000000, 148.000000)
Location: (364.000000, -643.000000)
Location: (887.909729, 142.550797)
Location: (712.634583, -446.340790)
Location: (878.637817, 167.246597)
Location: (597.686829, 357.025085)
Location: (867.989990, 138.443100)
Location: (915.995728, 213.917007)
Location: (162.000000, -600.000000)
Location: (896.319275, -371.698700)
Location: (830.655090, -442.553009)
Location: (910.739380, 276.285400)
Location: (907.016174, 346.303589)
Location: (1313.688843, -296.812500)
Location: (686.059082, 379.533386)
Location: (671.979919, 310.733612)
Location: (-12.000000, 95.000000)
Location: (1562.812866, 228.826401)
Location: (2011.000000, -148.000000)
Location: (1587.380371, 60.521900)
Location: (362.000000, -636.000000)
Location: (40.000000, 151.000000)
Location: (597.483582, 178.877502)
Location: (1508.334351, -63.372601)
Location: (1271.529053, -230.591003)
Location: (1510.005615, 92.305901)
Location: (-66.277901, 989.551392)
Location: (-26.855101, 670.098083)
Location: (240.642303, 999.934692)
Location: (326.636810, -565.207581)
Location: (545.000000, -645.000000)
Location: (1564.427246, 173.644104)
Location: (111.000000, -636.000000)
Location: (1964.713989, 152.251495)
Location: (339.000000, -61.000000)
Location: (41.322701, 714.229370)
Location: (931.000000, -158.000000)
Location: (197.678802, 745.710510)
Location: (870.660583, 407.871704)
Location: (1475.340210, -94.689903)
Location: (254.000000, 710.000000)
Location: (915.537109, 240.551193)
Location: (231.782303, 793.430176)
Location: (192.547394, 822.218994)
Location: (654.813477, -693.358215)
Location: (972.000000, 1763.425537)
Other Zones
Academy of Arcane Sciences
Accursed Temple of CazicThule
Al`Kabor`s Nightmare
Anguish, the Fallen Palace
Arcstone, Isle of Spirits
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Art Testing Domain
Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale
Aviak Village
Barindu, Hanging Gardens
Barren Coast
Bastion of Thunder
Beasts` Domain
Blackfeather Roost
Blacksail Folly
Blightfire Moors
Bloodmoon Keep
Bloody Kithicor
Brell`s Arena
Brell`s Rest
Brell`s Temple
Butcherblock Mountains
Cabilis East
Cabilis West
Catacombs of Dranik
Catacombs of Dranik
Catacombs of Dranik
Caverns of the Lost
Caverns of the Lost: Find Fibblebrap 2 Lost Caverns
Chambers of Xill: The Rage of Kelliad
Chambers of Xill: The Search for Ilsuras
Chapterhouse of the Fallen
Chardok: The Halls of Betrayal
Citadel of the Worldslayer
City Hall
City of Dranik
Corathus Creep
Corathus Lair: Find Fibblebrap 1 The mines
Corathus Lair: Find Fibblebrap 5 The Rescue
Crescent Reach
Crypt of Shade
Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened
Dagnor`s Cauldron
Deadbone Reef
Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance
Deepest Guk: Accursed Sanctuary
Deepest Guk: Ancient Aqueducts
Deepest Guk: Cauldron of Lost Souls
Deepest Guk: Chapel of the Witnesses
Deepest Guk: Ritualist of Hate
Deepest Guk: The Curse Reborn
Deepest Guk: The Mushroom Grove
Deepest Guk: The Rescue
Deepest Guk: The Root Garden
Deepscar`s Den
Designer Apprentice
Direwind Cliffs
Dragon Necropolis
Dragonscale Hills
Dranik`s Hollows
Dranik`s Hollows
Dranik`s Hollows
Dranik`s Scar
Dreadspire Keep
Dreadspire Keep: Demi-Plane of Blood
Drunder, the Fortress of Zek
Dulak`s Harbor
East Commonlands
East Freeport
East Freeport
East Wastes: Zeixshi-Kar`s Awakening
Eastern Plains of Karana
Eastern Wastes
Erillion, City of Bronze
Erud`s Crossing
Erudin Burning
Evantil, the Vile Oak
Everfrost Peaks
EverQuest Tutorial
Fear Itself
Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia
Field of Scale
Firiona Vie
Fortress Mechanotus
Freeport Militia House: My Precious
Freeport Sewers
Frontier Mountains
Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King
Fungal Forest
Gorge of King Xorbb
Goru`kar Mesa
Grelleth`s Palace, the Chateau of Filth
Grieg`s End
Grimling Forest
Guild Hall
Guild Lobby
Gyrospire Beza
Gyrospire Zeka
Hall of Truth: Bounty
Harbinger`s Spire
Hate`s Fury
High Keep
Highpass Hold
Highpass Hold
Highpass Hold
Hills of Shade
Hollowshade Moor
House of Thule
House of Thule, Upper Floors
Icefall Glacier
Icewell Keep
Ikkinz, Chambers of Transcendence
Illsalin Marketplace
Illsalin Marketplace: The Fall of Illsalin
Inktu`Ta, the Unmasked Chapel
Innothule Swamp
Jardel`s Hook
Jewel of Atiiki
Kael Drakkel
Kael Drakkel: The King`s Madness
Kaesora Hatchery
Kaesora Library
Karnor`s Castle
Katta Castellum
Katta Castrum
Kedge Keep
Kernagir, the Shining City
Kerra Isle
Kithicor Forest
Kithicor Forest
Kod`Taz, Broken Trial Grounds
Korafax, Home of the Riders
Korascian Warrens
Kurn`s Tower
Kurn`s Tower
Lair of the Korlach
Lair of the Korlach: Discovering the Secret
Lair of the Korlach: Into the Leviathans Lair
Lair of the Korlach: Korlach the Deep Leviathan
Lair of the Korlach: Learning the Power
Lair of the Korlach: Taking Control
Lair of the Korlach: The Search for Coral
Lair of the Risen
Lake of Ill Omen
Lake Rathetear
Lavaspinner`s Lair
Lavaspinner`s Lair: A Halfling`s Greed
Lavaspinner`s Lair: Diving for Lavarocks
Lavaspinner`s Lair: Forbin`s Elixir
Lavaspinner`s Lair: Grounding the Drakes
Lavaspinner`s Lair: Infested
Lavaspinner`s Lair: Lavaspinner`s Locals
Lavaspinner`s Lair: The Drake Menace
Lavaspinner`s Lair: Treasure Hunting
Lavaspinner`s Lair: Volkara`s Bite
Lichen Creep
Loading Zone
Loping Plains
Maiden`s Grave
Marauders Mire
Marus Seru
Meldrath`s Majestic Mansion
Miragul`s Menagerie: Frozen Nightmare
Miragul`s Menagerie: Grand Library
Miragul`s Menagerie: Heart of the Menagerie
Miragul`s Menagerie: Hushed Banquet
Miragul`s Menagerie: Silent Gallery
Miragul`s Menagerie: Spider Den
Miragul`s Nightmare
Mistmoore`s Catacombs: Aisles of Blood
Mistmoore`s Catacombs: Cesspits of Putrescence
Mistmoore`s Catacombs: Chambers of Eternal Affliction
Mistmoore`s Catacombs: Dreary Grotto
Mistmoore`s Catacombs: Forlorn Caverns
Mistmoore`s Catacombs: Halls of Sanguinary Rites
Mistmoore`s Catacombs: Infernal Sanctuary
Mistmoore`s Catacombs: Scion Lair of Fury
Mistmoore`s Catacombs: Sepulcher of the Damned
Mistmoore`s Catacombs: Struggles within the Progeny
Misty Thicket
Monkey Rock
Mons Letalis
Morell`s Castle
Muramite Proving Grounds
Muramite Proving Grounds
Muramite Proving Grounds
Muramite Proving Grounds
Muramite Proving Grounds
Muramite Proving Grounds
Muramite Proving Grounds
Nagafen`s Lair
Natimbi, the Broken Shores
Nedaria`s Landing
Neriak - 3rd Gate
Neriak - Commons
Neriak - Foreign Quarter
Neriak Palace
Netherbian Lair
New Loading Zone
Nobles` Causeway
North Desert of Ro
North Freeport
North Kaladim
North Qeynos
Northern Desert of Ro
Northern Felwithe
Oasis of Marr
Ocean of Tears
Oceangreen Hills
Oceangreen Village
Old Bloodfields
Old Commonlands
Pellucid Grotto
Pillars of Alra
Plane of Hate
Plane of War
Prince`s Manor
Qinimi, Court of Nihilia
Queen Sendaii`s Lair
Queen Sendaii`s Lair: Sendaii the Hive Queen
Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling
Qvic, the Hidden Vault
Rathe Council Chamber
Razorthorn, Tower of Sullon Zek
Redfeather Isle
Relic, the Artifact City
Riftseekers` Sanctum
Riwwi, Coliseum of Games
Rubak Oseka, Temple of the Sea
Ruins of Illsalin
Ruins of Takish-Hiz
S.H.I.P. Workshop
Sanctum Somnium
Sanctus Seru
Sarith, City of Tides
Sepulcher East
Sepulcher of Order
Sepulcher West
Sewers of Dranik
Sewers of Dranik
Sewers of Dranik
Sewers of Nihilia, Emanating Cre
Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapp
Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludg
Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Pla
Shadeweaver`s Thicket
Shadow Haven
Shadow Spine
Shadowed Grove
Shadowspine: Into the Shadows
Shard`s Landing
Silyssar, New Chelsith
Siren`s Grotto
Snarlstone Dens
Snarlstone Dens: A Plea for Help
Snarlstone Dens: Bloodeye
Snarlstone Dens: Confronting a Traitor
Solteris, the Throne of Ro
Solusek`s Eye
South Desert of Ro
South Kaladim
South Qeynos
Southern Desert of Ro
Southern Felwithe
Sporali Caverns
Sporali Caverns: Antraygus, Sporali King
Sporali Caverns: Cavern Botany
Ssraeshza Temple
Steamfont Mountains
Stillmoon Ascent: Death Comes Swiftly
Stillmoon Ascent: Drake Eggs
Stillmoon Ascent: Kessdona`s Perch
Stillmoon Ascent: Reflections of Silver
Stillmoon Ascent: Storm Dragon Scales
Stillmoon Ascent: Sudden Tremors
Stillmoon Temple
Stillmoon Temple: Animated Statue Plans
Stillmoon Temple: Best Laid Plans
Stillmoon Temple: Diseased Pumas
Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands
Stillmoon Temple: Scales of Justice
Stillmoon Temple: Sickness of the Spirit
Stillmoon Temple: Tea for Thy Master
Stillmoon Temple: Tracking the Kirin
Stillmoon Temple: Trial of Perseverance
Stone Hive
Stoneroot Falls
Stoneroot Falls: The City of Xill (A Rogues Trust)
Stoneroot Falls: The City of Xill (Building the Disguise)
Stoneroot Falls: The City of Xill (Scouting the City)
Suncrest Isle
Sunderock Springs
Sunrise Hills
Sunset Home
Sverag, Stronghold of Rage
Tacvi, The Broken Temple
Takish-Hiz: Antiquated Palace
Takish-Hiz: Balancing Chamber
Takish-Hiz: Prismatic Corridors
Takish-Hiz: River of Recollection
Takish-Hiz: Royal Observatory
Takish-Hiz: Sandfall Corridors
Takish-Hiz: Shifting Tower
Takish-Hiz: Sunken Library
Takish-Hiz: Sweeping Tides
Takish-Hiz: The Palace Grounds
Takish-Hiz: Within the Compact
Temple of Bertoxxulous
Temple of Korlach
Temple of Marr
Temple of the Korlach: Find Fibblebrap 4 The Korlach
Temple of the Korlach: Last of the Legion
Temple of the Korlach: Praetorian Guard
Temple of the Korlach: The Council of Nine
Thalassius, the Coral Keep
The Abysmal Sea
The Acrylia Caverns
The Akheva Ruins
The Arena
The Arena Two
The Ascent
The Ascent: Signal Fires
The Barter Hall
The Bazaar
The Bazaar
The Bloodfields
The Breeding Grounds
The Broodlands
The Buried Sea
The Burning Wood
The Castle of Mistmoore
The Caverns of Exile
The City of Guk
The City of Mist
The City of Shar Vahl
The City of Thurgadin
The Cocoons
The Cocoons: Rescue Cicero!
The Commonlands
The Convorteum
The Cooling Chamber
The Corathus Mines
The Crypt of Dalnir
The Crypt of Decay
The Crypt of Nadox
The Crystal Caverns
The Crystal Caverns: Fragment of Fear
The Dawnshroud Peaks
The Deep
The Devastation
The Dreadlands
The Drowning Crypt
The Echo Caverns
The Elddar Forest
The Emerald Jungle
The Erudin Palace
The Estate of Unrest
The Feerrott
The Feerrott
The Field of Bone
The Forgotten Halls
The Forgotten Wastes
The Foundation
The Frosted Halls
The Fungus Grove
The Great Divide
The Greater Faydark
The Grey
The Grounds
The Gulf of Gunthak
The Halls of Honor
The Hatchery
The Hatchery: Find Fibblebrap 3 The Hive
The Hatchery: The Lost Gnomes
The Hatchery: The Search for Clues
The Hive
The Hive: Freeing an Elder
The Hive: Hides You Seek
The Hive: Sabotage!
The Hive: The Lost Notebook
The Hive: The Orb of Subversion
The Hole
The Howling Stones
The Iceclad Ocean
The Innothule Swamp
The Jaggedpine Forest
The Lair of Terris Thule
The Lair of the Creep Beast: Lair of the Haru
The Lair of the Splitpaw
The Lavastorm Mountains
The Lesser Faydark
The Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye
The Library
The Lodge of the Fang: Matriarch Shyra
The Maiden`s Eye
The Mechamatic Guardian
The Mines of Gloomingdeep
The Mines of Gloomingdeep
The Mines of Nurga
The Misty Thicket
The Morbid Laboratory
The Nargil Pits
The Nargilor Pits: Deserting the Ranks
The Nargilor Pits: Emperor Draygun
The Nargilor Pits: Preemptive Strike
The Nargilor Pits: The Last Migration
The Nektulos Forest
The Nektulos Forest
The Nest
The Nest: Circle of Drakes
The Nest: Clues
The Nest: Curse of Ju`rek
The Nest: Dragon`s Egg
The Nest: Failed Expedition
The Nest: Flight of the Blackwing Drakes
The Nest: In the Shadows
The Nest: Lair of the Blackwing Drakes
The Nest: Origins of the Curse
The Nest: Rivals
The Nest: Scrap Metal
The Nest: Spider`s Eye
The Nest: Stopping Firiona`s Henchmen
The Nest: Toppling of the Monolith
The Nest: Web of Lies
The Northern Plains of Karana
The Ocean of Tears
The Open Sea
The Open Sea
The Open Sea
The Open Sea
The Open Sea
The Overthere
The Paludal Caverns
The Permafrost Caverns
The Plane of Air
The Plane of Disease
The Plane of Earth
The Plane of Earth
The Plane of Fear
The Plane of Fire
The Plane of Growth
The Plane of Hate
The Plane of Innovation
The Plane of Justice
The Plane of Knowledge
The Plane of Mischief
The Plane of Nightmares
The Plane of Sky
The Plane of Storms
The Plane of Time
The Plane of Time
The Plane of Tranquility
The Plane of Valor
The Plane of Water
The Precipice of War
The Qeynos Aqueduct System
The Qeynos Hills
The Rathe Mountains
The Resplendent Temple
The Root of Ro
The Ruined City of Dranik
The Ruins of Old Guk
The Ruins of Sebilis
The Rujarkian Hills: Arena of Chance
The Rujarkian Hills: Barracks of War
The Rujarkian Hills: Blazing Forge
The Rujarkian Hills: Bloodied Quarries
The Rujarkian Hills: Drudge Hollows
The Rujarkian Hills: Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters
The Rujarkian Hills: Halls of War
The Rujarkian Hills: Hidden Vale of Deceit
The Rujarkian Hills: Prison Break
The Rujarkian Hills: War March of Imal Ojun
The Rujarkian Hills: Wind Bridges
The Scarlet Desert
The Seething Wall
The Skyfire Mountains
The Sleeper`s Tomb
The Southern Plains of Karana
The Spider Den
The Steam Factory
The Steamfont Mountains
The Steppes
The Stonebrunt Mountains
The Surefall Glade
The Swamp of No Hope
The Temple of Droga
The Temple of Marr
The Temple of Solusek Ro
The Temple of Veeshan
The Tenebrous Mountains
The Theater of Imprisoned Horror
The Torgiran Mines
The Tower of Frozen Shadow
The Tower of Solusek Ro
The Twilight Sea
The Umbral Plains
The Underquarry
The Undershore
The Undershore: Trailing Longshadow
The Void
The Void
The Void
The Void
The Void
The Void
The Void
The Wakening Land
The Warrens
The Warsliks Woods
The Well
The Western Plains of Karana
The Western Wastes
Theater of Blood
Theater of the Tranquil
Thundercrest Isles
Thundercrest Isles: An End to the Storms
Thundercrest Isles: Behind Closed Doors
Thundercrest Isles: Gilded Scroll
Thundercrest Isles: Goblin Dojo
Thundercrest Isles: Holy Hour
Thundercrest Isles: House of the Autumn Rose
Thundercrest Isles: Lair Unguarded
Thundercrest Isles: Plunder the Hoard
Thundercrest Isles: Scions of Thundercrest
Thundercrest Isles: Simple Task
Thundercrest Isles: Splitting the Storm
Thundercrest Isles: Stormreach Challenge
Thundercrest Isles: The Creator
Thundercrest Isles: Throes of Contagion
Timorous Deep
Tipt, Treacherous Crags
Tirranun`s Delve
Tirranun`s Delve: A Goblin`s Escort
Tirranun`s Delve: Calling Emoush
Tirranun`s Delve: Children of Gimblax
Tirranun`s Delve: Fanning the Flames
Tirranun`s Delve: Have Note Will Travel
Tirranun`s Delve: Storming the Goblin Palace
Torment, the Plane of Pain
Toxxulia Forest
Toxxulia Forest
Trakanon`s Teeth
Tunare`s Shrine
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry
Valley of King Xorbb
Valley of Lunanyn
Veeshan`s Peak
Velketor`s Labyrinth
Vergalid Mines
Vex Thal
Volska`s Husk
Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns
Wall of Slaughter
Wedding Chapel
Wedding Chapel
West Commonlands
West Freeport
West Freeport
Windsong Sanctuary
Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles
Zhisza, the Shissar Sanctuary

2022-02-22 05:31:00pm