MacroQuest NEXT (beta)
I'm about to post the first compile of MacroQuest Next. It for sure is going to have some shortcomings and I'm hoping people can report when they have issues or suggestions. Some specific things to be on the lookout for:
- Are any of the included plugins that are likely to cause problems on most servers? There are many new plugins that I'm unfamiliar with and haven't vetted.
- Are there any plugins that are missing or need to be added, perhaps to be compatible with certain macros.
- Do you have any starter/generic ini files for plugins that you think might be a good addition? Right now there are no default ini files included.
- Do you have any suggestions for default settings to add or change in the MacroQuest.ini file?
- Are there macros, includes, or lua scripts that should be included by default?
- Is there any support software (like EQBCS) that you'd like to be included?
- How was the actual download process? There's lots of new code on the site to support this download, did you have any errors, or confusion about how to download?
Any other suggestions are appreciated. I can be reached on the forums here, by email at, or on the Emu Discord server as @Maudigan. The member/gold plugins have not been converted so there isn't a gold download at the moment. I will be posting about changes to the package here.
To download it visit the regular download page. For the first option just pick Macroquest Next. If you're looking for the old downloads they are still the default of Legacy Macroquest.