Small Sewing Kit - Sold By
Zone Merchant Location Plat Gold Silver Copper
a clockwork tanner
(954, -37)
0 3 0 5
a clockwork tanner
(977, -37)
0 3 0 5
a clockwork tanner
(954, -37)
0 3 0 5
a clockwork tanner
(977, -37)
0 3 0 5
a clockwork tailor
(1313, -915)
0 3 0 5
a clockwork tailor
(771, 172)
0 3 0 5
a clockwork tailor
(963, -63)
0 3 0 5
a clockwork tailor
(987, -52)
0 3 0 5
a clockwork tailor
(987, -52)
0 3 0 5
Butcherblock Mountains
Fugan Mumfur
(-1500, 2876)
0 3 0 5
Cabilis East
Klok Tempar
(142, -19)
0 3 0 5
Cabilis West
(184, 544)
0 3 0 5
Crescent Reach
Tailor Panya
(-1437, -1487)
0 3 0 5
East Commonlands
Dena Loommistress
(317, 4797)
0 3 0 5
East Commonlands
Germe Threadspinner
(1021, 3635)
0 3 0 5
East Commonlands
Jelda Needlefinger
(-182, 162)
0 3 0 5
East Commonlands
Loric Weaver
(-318, 3073)
0 3 0 5
East Freeport
Winlar Tanner
(38, -561)
0 3 0 5
East Freeport
Sissin Tanner
(44, -550)
0 3 0 5
East Freeport
Sanhan Tanner
(72, -568)
0 3 0 5
East Freeport
Ilyon Olditia
(-99, -818)
0 3 0 5
East Freeport
Malonwen Kaleius
(143, -837)
0 3 0 5
East Freeport
Winlar Tanner
(-322, 40)
0 3 0 5
East Freeport
Sissin Tanner
(-307, 73)
0 3 0 5
East Freeport
Sanhan Tanner
(-311, 98)
0 3 0 5
Eastern Plains of Karana
Merchant Silvia
(1309, -2503)
0 3 0 5
Demicla Tanner
(-689, -101)
0 3 0 5
Monita Weaver
(-899, -159)
0 3 0 5
Galbasi Weaver
(-754, -106)
0 3 0 5
(517, -221)
0 3 0 5
(390, -301)
0 3 0 5
(308, -179)
0 3 0 5
Katta Castellum
Raesha Dawneyes
(636, -111)
0 3 0 5
Kithicor Forest
Lena Leatherspinner
(-265, 4000)
0 3 0 5
Misty Thicket
Sonsa Fromp
(672, -2211)
0 3 0 5
Neriak - 3rd Gate
Medron Y`Lask
(769, -1310)
0 3 0 5
Neriak - Commons
Mikaela S`Kor
(-5, -1002)
0 3 0 5
Neriak - Foreign Quarter
Jasma Tather
(147, -187)
0 3 0 5
Neriak - Foreign Quarter
Mordant Tather
(130, -175)
0 3 0 5
Neriak - Foreign Quarter
(-222, -366)
0 3 0 5
North Freeport
Jallen Nooz
(-104, -199)
0 3 0 5
North Freeport
Wahnig Nooz
(-84, -184)
0 3 0 5
North Freeport
Lystyn Wyspin
(27, -139)
0 3 0 5
North Freeport
Svinal Wyspin
(64, -154)
0 3 0 5
North Freeport
Falia Frikniller
(-107, 78)
0 3 0 5
North Qeynos
Nerissa Clothspinner
(83, 346)
0 3 0 5
Northern Felwithe
Merchant Tissan
(-122, -359)
0 3 0 5
Northern Felwithe
Merchant Silvenspin
(106, -454)
0 3 0 5
Duuga Tearstopper
(363, -133)
0 3 0 5
Juk Hidebeater
(368, -202)
0 3 0 5
Old Commonlands
Jelda Needlefinger
(-1714, -2546)
0 3 0 5
Old Commonlands
Dena Loommistress
(-1884, -2494)
0 3 0 5
Old Commonlands
Sorsha Barrowfriend
(-1885, -2792)
0 3 0 5
Pardas Nalue
(944, 678)
0 3 0 5
Twippie Diggs
(-116, -211)
0 3 0 5
Meeka Diggs
(-18, -243)
0 3 0 5
Sanctus Seru
Mal Garton
(-113, -1488)
0 3 0 5
Shadow Haven
Hobolor Peltskinner
(-391, 1422)
0 3 0 5
Shadow Haven
Eastring Fashing
(148, 653)
0 3 0 5
Shadow Haven
(134, 350)
0 3 0 5
Shadow Haven
(156, 376)
0 3 0 5
South Kaladim
Gurtha Yaptongue
(230, -253)
0 3 0 5
South Kaladim
Kalameky Darkfoam
(173, 389)
0 3 0 5
South Qeynos
Solani Dayadil
(-26, -260)
0 3 0 5
South Qeynos
Fhara Semhart
(399, -80)
0 3 0 5
South Qeynos
Iala Lenard
(177, -148)
0 3 0 5
Southern Felwithe
Merchant Moonthread
(435, -872)
0 3 0 5
The Abysmal Sea
Tonlyei Lyhin
(39, 146)
0 3 0 5
The Abysmal Sea
Garald Samer
(38, 125)
0 3 0 5
The Abysmal Sea
Ordin Wheasly
(-97, 199)
0 3 0 5
The Bazaar
Domalisar Cournoyer
(-70, 51)
0 3 0 5
The Bazaar
Domalisar Cournoyer
(-70, 51)
0 3 0 5
The Bazaar
Domalisar Cournoyer
(-614, -27)
0 3 0 5
The Bazaar
Domalisar Cournoyer
(-614, -27)
0 3 0 5
The Bazaar
Dolsoj Warrebs
(-603, -27)
0 3 0 5
The Bazaar
Dolsoj Warrebs
(-603, -27)
0 3 0 5
The City of Thurgadin
Mauren Frostbeard
(-146, 218)
0 3 0 5
The City of Thurgadin
Kyla Frostbeard
(-113, 230)
0 3 0 5
The City of Thurgadin
Cobi Frostbeard
(-114, 219)
0 3 0 5
The City of Thurgadin
Fyla Frostbeard
(-113, 224)
0 3 0 5
The City of Thurgadin
Lauren Frostbeard
(-127, 216)
0 3 0 5
The City of Thurgadin
Mobi Frostbeard
(-131, 243)
0 3 0 5
The Commonlands
Peron ThreadSpinner
(-48, 2395)
0 3 0 5
The Commonlands
Sorsha Barrowfriend
(-255, 1235)
0 3 0 5
The Commonlands
Dena Loommistress
(230, -330)
0 3 0 5
The Commonlands
Germe Threadspinner
(1009, -800)
0 3 0 5
The Commonlands
Loric Weaver
(-402, -1388)
0 3 0 5
The Commonlands
Jelda Needlefinger
(53, -2724)
0 3 0 5
The Crystal Caverns
Milliace Gemshard
(-263, 233)
0 3 0 5
The Greater Faydark
(-142, -545)
0 3 0 5
The Greater Faydark
Merchant Aluwenae
(-336, -116)
0 3 0 5
The Misty Thicket
Sonsa Fromp
(461, -1130)
0 3 0 5
The Plane of Knowledge
Higwyn Matrick
(120, 1480)
0 3 0 5
The Plane of Knowledge
Tratlan Matrick
(118, 1465)
0 3 0 5
The Plane of Knowledge
Sherin Matrick
(91, 1475)
0 3 0 5
The Plane of Knowledge
Tailor Kujen
(-335, 951)
0 3 0 5
The Plane of Knowledge
Artisan Kazin
(-303, 764)
0 3 0 5
The Rathe Mountains
(1719, 1310)
0 3 0 5
The Rathe Mountains
Zok Sevrana
(-2150, 305)
0 3 0 5
The Rathe Mountains
Zok Tabruu
(-2187, 260)
0 3 0 5
The Western Plains of Karana
Minya Coldtoes
(855, -1831)
0 3 0 5
The Western Plains of Karana
Silna Weaver
(855, -1831)
0 3 0 5
West Commonlands
Peron ThreadSpinner
(-400, 2666)
0 3 0 5
West Commonlands
Sorsha Hobbitfriend
(-196, 468)
0 3 0 5
West Freeport
(56, -299)
0 3 0 5
West Freeport
Jallen Nooz
(70, -271)
0 3 0 5
West Freeport
Falia Frikniller
(87, -469)
0 3 0 5
West Freeport
Wahnig Nooz
(22, -270)
0 3 0 5
West Freeport
Lystyn Wyspin
(-243, -290)
0 3 0 5
West Freeport
Svinal Wyspin
(-242, -302)
0 3 0 5
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022