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Classes Effects
392 1 - PAL/76 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1731
Slot 2: UnknownEffect340
Ancient: North Wind
392 1 - RNG/70 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1032
Nurturing Growth Rk. III
393 1 - DRU/96 Slot 1: Decrease Spell Haste by -10000%
Slot 2: UnknownEffect385
Slot 3: Summon Familiar: DruPet97Rk3
Slot 4: UnknownEffect385
Slot 5: UnknownEffect385
Slot 6: UnknownEffect385
Slot 7: UnknownEffect385
Leap of Flame Rk. II
393 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1753
Leap of Shocking Bolts Rk. II
393 1 - WIZ/73 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1753
Slot 2: Stun(1.0 sec/75)
Leap of Sparks Rk. II
393 1 - WIZ/72 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1753
Leap of Ice Rk. II
393 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1753
Galvanic Ash Rk. II
394 1 - RNG/78 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1368
Chaos Combustion
394 1 - WIZ/84 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1657 to 3313 (random)
Light of Nife
395 1 49 PAL/63 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 900
Summer's Flame
395 1 94 DRU/64 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1600
Sun Vortex
395 2 74 MAG/65 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1600
Erud's Retort Rk. II
396 1 - CLR/85 Slot 1: UnknownEffect374
Slot 7: Add Proc: Erud's Healing Touch Rk. II

Depart Rk. II
396 2 - WIZ/96 Slot 1: Evacuate to (-1, -1)
, -1 degrees in

Blackwater Bite Rk. III
397 1 - SHD/76 Slot 7: Decrease Hitpoints by 438
Annihilate Undead Rk. III
397 - - NEC/75 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2173
Needlecoat Rk. III
397 - - Slot 2: Increase AC by 64.5
Slot 3: Increase Damage Shield by 10
Iceflame Efflux Rk. III
397 1 - MAG/84 Slot 2: Add Proc: Iceflame Assault Rk. III

Slot 3: Increase Damage Shield by 32
Summer's Dew Rk. II
397 1 - RNG/74 Slot 1: UnknownEffect374
Slot 2: UnknownEffect374
Slot 3: Increase Hate by 214
Slot 4: Hitpoints by 0
Repute Rk. II
397 - - Slot 1: Increase AC by 45.9
Slot 2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1057
Slot 3: Increase HP when cast by 1057
Veil of Alaris Rk. III
398 - - RNG/91 Slot 1: Add Defensive Proc: Veil of Alaris Parry III

Ancient: Neurosis
398 1 - ENC/70 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1634
Burnout X Rk. II
398 1 - MAG/91 Slot 2: Increase (Unknown Calc) Damage Modifier by 18pct
Slot 3: Increase STR by 203
Slot 4: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
Slot 5: Increase ATK by 143
Slot 6: Increase AC by 66.3
Banshee Skin Rk. II
398 1 - SHD/86 Slot 3: Increase Damage Shield by 40
Call of Dusk Rk. III
399 - - SHD/89 Slot 2: Increase ATK by 212
Slot 7: Decrease Hitpoints by 28 per tick
Assiduous Impurity Rk. II
399 1 - SHD/77 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 256 per tick
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 171 per tick
399 1 48 MAG/55 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 630
Thunderous Barrier Rk. II
399 2 - BRD/91 Slot 1: Add Defensive Proc: Thunderstun II

Arbor Veil
399 1 - RNG/96 Slot 1: Add Defensive Proc: Arbor Veil Parry

Essence of Earth
400 1 - MAG/74 Slot 1: Summon Pet: SumEarthR17
Focus Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
400 1 - NEC/60, WIZ/60,
MAG/60, ENC/55
Slot 1: Summon Item: Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence

Focus Mass Crude Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
400 1 - NEC/20, WIZ/20,
MAG/20, ENC/20
Slot 1: Summon Item: Crude Spellcaster's Empowering Essence

Complete Heal
400 6 1443 CLR/39 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 7500
Atol's Concussive Shackles Rk. III
400 - - WIZ/93 Slot 2: Decrease Movement by 34 (L1) to 60 (L25)%
Rain Elemental
400 - - Slot 1: Summon Pet: SumWaterR16
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Source: 17 Jan 2022