Atol`s Concussive Shackles Rk. III - General Info
Atol's Concussive Shackles Rk. III
Classes: WIZ/93
Mana :400
Duration: 1 ticks @L1 to 2.5 min @L49

Slot 2: Decrease Movement by 34 (L1) to 60 (L25)%

Cast on you: Spectral shackles bind your feet to the ground.
Cast on other: Someone is shackled to the ground.
Wears off: Your feet come free.

Casting Time: 1.5
Recast Time: 2.0
Recovery Time: 1.5
Skill: Alteration
Spell Type: Detrimental
Target Type: Targeted AE
Resist: Magic (-10)
Range: 200
AE Range: 25
Interruptable: Yes
Deleteable: No
Dispellable: Yes
Time of day: Any
Location: Any
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022