Change Log 8 Mar 2015
8 Mar 2015



After the patch here there remained an issue with items not going to their correct place if they were in bags. This was not an issue with the bandolier or exchange plugins but with MQ2Main. The problem was in the way (or lack of the way) that /itemnotify handled items when in bags. I added a segment of code to fix it. Developers see here



Added the changes SoutherOgre requested and submitted here. Developers see here

Both of the above changes required a full rebuild of the compile. You cannot copy just mq2main.dll over to your previous folder. You'll need every DLL.


(ROF & ROF2)

Awhile back I did a beta build for Underfoot of this plugin mentioned here. I thought the changes from the underfoot build had been rolled into RoF/RoF2 when they came out but I was mistaken.

- Maudigan
It really restructures the way the plugin and the ini file work. It does away with the Button object type, and adds in an Icon type. This Icon type has some new properties. The Graphic property, which lets you set a different UI graphic element to be displayed in it's place and the Index property which lets you determine which frame of that graphic to display.

Take for example A_DragItem. This is the graphic your inventory uses to display an item. It contains every single item in the game and they are indexed. A_DragItem with an index of 531 might be some leather sleeves. 502 might be a steel helm. These properties, Graphic and Index, are parsed. So you could add an Icon to your characters pod that displayed the item on their cursor.

What I've used it for in the default INI of this beta build is to display each characters buff icons next to their pod--you can see all your characters buffs at once (their small!). I've made the buttons on the pod graphical, and the graphics change based on what your character is doing. So the down arrow on the sit button becomes and up arrow (for stand) when you are already sitting. In addition to these changes I added a command, /clickbuff <spell id>, which when used will cause your character to click on the buff with the matching spell id. This is applied to the new buff icons on the pod so you click a buff and it sends a command to that toon to remove the buff. This is what that all looks like

I can't stress this next part enough. The user interface files have changed. If you download Underfoot Gold build you need to recopy the contents of the MQ/UIFiles/ folder over the old versions of the files in your EQ/uifiles/default folder. If you don't the pods will probably show up as invisible or something else wonky.
Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:31 pm
Project Lead
Change Log 8 Mar 2015