Valley of King Xorbb - Legacy Map

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Show NPCs:

a dying scout
Crazy Verken
Dabbin Sneakfoot
dying scout body
Gerbril the Cook
Grolak the Ancient
Gronk the Krystul King
Lord Sviir
Lord Syrkl
Minotaur Smasher
Pickslave Lurr
Scout Gavrilo
Shimsham Ratlobber
Worker`s Champion
Xolok the Blind
Zerkis Bigfeets
an earthcrust elemental
an eskerdirt muddite
an evenflame goblin
an evilgaze eye
an icewarrior goblin
an infectious spill
an omnifocus eye
an overseer minotaur
a bonepile golem
a bruiser minotaur
a clayborn muddite
a cloudburst cyclone
a cloudburst whirlwind
a clouded eye
a cloud of smoke
a condemned skeleton
a core elemental
a corpsebinder goblin
a corpseflower sporali
a cowardly scout
a creekbottom muddite
a crystalfear golem
a crystalfear hydra
a currentfang snake
a darkbody golem
a darkflesh golem
a deadcrawler sporali
a deadeater crocodile
a deadfiend goblin
a dead halfling
a deathraiser goblin
a decomposing mass
a deepwoods bear
a deepwoods snake
a direflame goblin
a farsighted eye
a fearbone skeleton
a fetid mass
a filthduct snake
a fleshburn mephit
a focused eye
a forest bear
a forest snake
a geosplint mephit
a gravelcrush whirlwind
a groundswell elemental
a guardian minotaur
a halfling adventurer
a halfling prisoner
a halfling scout
a hungry goblin
a lifeshard hydra
a longfang rat
a magician`s eye
a minotaur architect
a minotaur cook
a minotaur shelter
a moldgrown sporali
a multifacet hydra
a nightfear mephit
a noxious spill
a nullmind mephit
a pickslave goblin
a putrid mass
a rabid bear
a ritualtalker goblin
a riverfoam elemental
a scarred skeleton
a scholarly minotaur
a sedimentary muddite
a sewer rat
a sewer snake
a shamanic goblin
a shamanic minotaur
a shardcraft golem
a shardcraft hydra
a sickwater crocodile
a stonegrind whirlwind
a stormrage whirlwind
a streamswell elemental
a stream snake
a subservient goblin
a tainted spill
a terror golem
a thickhide crocodile
a timbercrush bear
a tunnel snake
a vigilant eye
a warrior minotaur
a watchman minotaur
a waterbrigade goblin
a waterknight goblin
a wetbloom sporali
a workmaster goblin
a woundhealer goblin
follower of the Champion
goblin remains
halfling remains
tiny spider
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022