Takish-Hiz: Shifting Tower - Spawn Locs
Coordinates Respawn NPCs Level Race Chance
(378, 1106)
4h a guardian of sand
18 Golem New 100%
(306, 1039)
4h a guardian of sand
18 Golem New 100%
(155, 1086)
4h a phosphorescent golem
19 Golem New 100%
(157, 1126)
4h a phosphorescent golem
19 Golem New 100%
(-79, 807)
4h a Royal confidante
18 Sand Elf 100%
(-110, 867)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(-93, 898)
4h an earthen defender
18 Earth Elemental 100%
(-184, 893)
4h an enraged stoneservant
18 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-59, 742)
4h a Flowkeeper director
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-58, 616)
4h an earthen defender
18 Earth Elemental 100%
(-108, 620)
4h an earthen defender
18 Earth Elemental 100%
(-272, -169)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(-291, -196)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(33, -178)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(-1, 14)
4h an earthen defender
18 Earth Elemental 100%
(4, 144)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
20 Insect 100%
(491, 126)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
20 Insect 100%
(530, 201)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
20 Insect 100%
(63, 223)
4h an enraged stoneservant
18 Rock-gem Men 100%
(60, 323)
4h an earthen defender
18 Earth Elemental 100%
(-37, 426)
4h a Flowkeeper director
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 426)
4h a guardian of sand
18 Golem New 100%
(-233, 417)
4h a phosphorescent golem
19 Golem New 100%
(-284, 456)
4h a phosphorescent golem
19 Golem New 100%
(-349, 454)
4h a flustered sandspirit
20 Dervish New 100%
(-423, 397)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(-231, -252)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(38, -78)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-42, 192)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(228, 160)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(97, 306)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-26, 975)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-245, 763)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-220, 433)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(28, 1107)
4h Flavor Text Three
1 Teleport Man 100%
(390, 171)
4h Flavor Text Two
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-170, -211)
4h Flavor Text One
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-14, 922)
4h a wooden barrel
18 Barrel 100%
(331, 1074)
4h a pristine guardian
18 Golem New 100%
(295, 1071)
4h a Geomantic Compact prodigy
19 Sand Elf 100%
(284, 1132)
4h a Royal hierophant
19 Sand Elf 100%
(229, 1072)
4h a Royal confidante
18 Sand Elf 100%
(230, 1142)
4h a Royal confidante
18 Sand Elf 100%
(102, 1128)
4h a Flowkeeper director
19 Sand Elf 100%
(43, 1108)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 1091)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(-64, 1134)
4h a forgotten Cave Dweller
18 Sand Elf 100%
(-83, 1107)
4h a summoned greater defender
19 StoneGrabber 100%
(-18, 1018)
4h a Royal confidante
18 Sand Elf 100%
(-33, 952)
4h an enraged stoneservant
18 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-72, 1006)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
20 Sand Elf 100%
(60, 842)
4h a Royal confidante
18 Sand Elf 100%
(49, 801)
4h an ancient sand frog
20 Poison Frog 100%
(91, 867)
4h a summoned greater defender
19 StoneGrabber 100%
(-60, 899)
4h an earthen defender
18 Earth Elemental 100%
(-42, 840)
4h a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper
20 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 833)
4h a Royal advisor
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-130, 890)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
20 Insect 100%
(-176, 848)
4h a flustered sandspirit
20 Dervish New 100%
(-217, 878)
4h a Flowkeeper director
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-266, 791)
4h a Flowkeeper director
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-193, 793)
4h a guardian of sand
18 Golem New 100%
(-276, 766)
4h a Flowkeeper director
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-287, 726)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(-219, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
19 StoneGrabber 100%
(-251, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
19 StoneGrabber 100%
(-236, 609)
4h a city patroller
18 Sand Elf 100%
(-92, 724)
4h a Royal guardian
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-52, 692)
4h a Flowkeeper director
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-138, 684)
4h a petrified colossal tree
19 Ent 100%
(-107, 607)
4h Panicked Summoning
20 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-63, 572)
4h a petrified colossal tree
19 Ent 100%
(-377, -237)
4h a phosphorescent golem
19 Golem New 100%
(-103, -227)
4h a Flowkeeper director
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-98, -202)
4h a Royal protector
20 Sand Elf 100%
(-243, -182)
4h a Royal sandadvisor
18 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, -217)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
20 Sand Elf 100%
(-46, -212)
4h a summoned greater defender
19 StoneGrabber 100%
(12, -109)
4h a menacing tree spirit
20 Ent 100%
(31, -27)
4h a talented gemsetter
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-35, 142)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
19 Sand Elf 100%
(455, 150)
4h a menacing tree spirit
20 Ent 100%
(117, 168)
4h a guardian of sand
18 Golem New 100%
(361, 182)
4h a talented gemsetter
19 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 190)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 144)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(173, 146)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(174, 186)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(89, 350)
4h a talented gemsetter
19 Sand Elf 100%
(27, 311)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
19 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 437)
4h a pristine guardian
18 Golem New 100%
(61, 474)
4h a phosphorescent golem
19 Golem New 100%
(0, 459)
4h a talented gemsetter
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-132, 476)
4h a city patroller
18 Sand Elf 100%
(-134, 437)
4h an earthen defender
18 Earth Elemental 100%
(-176, 459)
4h Amethyst Summoning
20 Golem New 100%
(-176, 413)
4h a summoned greater defender
19 StoneGrabber 100%
(-231, 457)
4h a summoned greater defender
19 StoneGrabber 100%
(-284, 412)
4h a summoned greater defender
19 StoneGrabber 100%
(-419, 426)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
20 Sand Elf 100%
(-421, 482)
4h a talented gemsetter
19 Sand Elf 100%
(-579, 442)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
20 Sand Elf 100%
(378, 1106)
4h a guardian of sand
24 Golem New 100%
(306, 1039)
4h a guardian of sand
24 Golem New 100%
(-104, 426)
4h a guardian of sand
24 Golem New 100%
(-193, 793)
4h a guardian of sand
24 Golem New 100%
(117, 168)
4h a guardian of sand
24 Golem New 100%
(155, 1086)
4h a phosphorescent golem
25 Golem New 100%
(157, 1126)
4h a phosphorescent golem
25 Golem New 100%
(-233, 417)
4h a phosphorescent golem
25 Golem New 100%
(-284, 456)
4h a phosphorescent golem
25 Golem New 100%
(-377, -237)
4h a phosphorescent golem
25 Golem New 100%
(61, 474)
4h a phosphorescent golem
25 Golem New 100%
(-79, 807)
4h a Royal confidante
24 Sand Elf 100%
(229, 1072)
4h a Royal confidante
24 Sand Elf 100%
(230, 1142)
4h a Royal confidante
24 Sand Elf 100%
(-18, 1018)
4h a Royal confidante
24 Sand Elf 100%
(60, 842)
4h a Royal confidante
24 Sand Elf 100%
(-110, 867)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(-272, -169)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(-291, -196)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(33, -178)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(-423, 397)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(43, 1108)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 1091)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(-287, 726)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 190)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 144)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(173, 146)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(174, 186)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(-419, 426)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
26 Sand Elf 100%
(-93, 898)
4h an earthen defender
24 Earth Elemental 100%
(-58, 616)
4h an earthen defender
24 Earth Elemental 100%
(-108, 620)
4h an earthen defender
24 Earth Elemental 100%
(-1, 14)
4h an earthen defender
24 Earth Elemental 100%
(60, 323)
4h an earthen defender
24 Earth Elemental 100%
(-60, 899)
4h an earthen defender
24 Earth Elemental 100%
(-134, 437)
4h an earthen defender
24 Earth Elemental 100%
(-184, 893)
4h an enraged stoneservant
24 Rock-gem Men 100%
(63, 223)
4h an enraged stoneservant
24 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-33, 952)
4h an enraged stoneservant
24 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-59, 742)
4h a Flowkeeper director
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-37, 426)
4h a Flowkeeper director
25 Sand Elf 100%
(102, 1128)
4h a Flowkeeper director
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, 878)
4h a Flowkeeper director
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-266, 791)
4h a Flowkeeper director
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-276, 766)
4h a Flowkeeper director
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-52, 692)
4h a Flowkeeper director
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-103, -227)
4h a Flowkeeper director
25 Sand Elf 100%
(4, 144)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
26 Insect 100%
(491, 126)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
26 Insect 100%
(530, 201)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
26 Insect 100%
(-130, 890)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
26 Insect 100%
(-349, 454)
4h a flustered sandspirit
26 Dervish New 100%
(-176, 848)
4h a flustered sandspirit
26 Dervish New 100%
(-231, -252)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(38, -78)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-42, 192)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(228, 160)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(97, 306)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-26, 975)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-245, 763)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-220, 433)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(28, 1107)
4h Flavor Text Three
1 Teleport Man 100%
(390, 171)
4h Flavor Text Two
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-170, -211)
4h Flavor Text One
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-14, 922)
4h a wooden barrel
24 Barrel 100%
(331, 1074)
4h a pristine guardian
24 Golem New 100%
(103, 437)
4h a pristine guardian
24 Golem New 100%
(295, 1071)
4h a Geomantic Compact prodigy
25 Sand Elf 100%
(284, 1132)
4h a Royal hierophant
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-64, 1134)
4h a forgotten Cave Dweller
24 Sand Elf 100%
(-83, 1107)
4h a summoned greater defender
25 StoneGrabber 100%
(91, 867)
4h a summoned greater defender
25 StoneGrabber 100%
(-219, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
25 StoneGrabber 100%
(-251, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
25 StoneGrabber 100%
(-46, -212)
4h a summoned greater defender
25 StoneGrabber 100%
(-176, 413)
4h a summoned greater defender
25 StoneGrabber 100%
(-231, 457)
4h a summoned greater defender
25 StoneGrabber 100%
(-284, 412)
4h a summoned greater defender
25 StoneGrabber 100%
(-72, 1006)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
26 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, -217)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
26 Sand Elf 100%
(-579, 442)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
26 Sand Elf 100%
(49, 801)
4h an ancient sand frog
26 Poison Frog 100%
(-42, 840)
4h a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper
26 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 833)
4h a Royal advisor
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-236, 609)
4h a city patroller
24 Sand Elf 100%
(-132, 476)
4h a city patroller
24 Sand Elf 100%
(-92, 724)
4h a Royal guardian
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-138, 684)
4h a petrified colossal tree
25 Ent 100%
(-63, 572)
4h a petrified colossal tree
25 Ent 100%
(-107, 607)
4h Panicked Summoning
26 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-98, -202)
4h a Royal protector
26 Sand Elf 100%
(-243, -182)
4h a Royal sandadvisor
24 Sand Elf 100%
(12, -109)
4h a menacing tree spirit
26 Ent 100%
(455, 150)
4h a menacing tree spirit
26 Ent 100%
(31, -27)
4h a talented gemsetter
25 Sand Elf 100%
(361, 182)
4h a talented gemsetter
25 Sand Elf 100%
(89, 350)
4h a talented gemsetter
25 Sand Elf 100%
(0, 459)
4h a talented gemsetter
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-421, 482)
4h a talented gemsetter
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-35, 142)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
25 Sand Elf 100%
(27, 311)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
25 Sand Elf 100%
(-176, 459)
4h Amethyst Summoning
26 Golem New 100%
(378, 1106)
4h a guardian of sand
30 Golem New 100%
(306, 1039)
4h a guardian of sand
30 Golem New 100%
(-104, 426)
4h a guardian of sand
30 Golem New 100%
(-193, 793)
4h a guardian of sand
30 Golem New 100%
(117, 168)
4h a guardian of sand
30 Golem New 100%
(155, 1086)
4h a phosphorescent golem
31 Golem New 100%
(157, 1126)
4h a phosphorescent golem
31 Golem New 100%
(-233, 417)
4h a phosphorescent golem
31 Golem New 100%
(-284, 456)
4h a phosphorescent golem
31 Golem New 100%
(-377, -237)
4h a phosphorescent golem
31 Golem New 100%
(61, 474)
4h a phosphorescent golem
31 Golem New 100%
(-79, 807)
4h a Royal confidante
30 Sand Elf 100%
(229, 1072)
4h a Royal confidante
30 Sand Elf 100%
(230, 1142)
4h a Royal confidante
30 Sand Elf 100%
(-18, 1018)
4h a Royal confidante
30 Sand Elf 100%
(60, 842)
4h a Royal confidante
30 Sand Elf 100%
(-110, 867)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(-272, -169)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(-291, -196)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(33, -178)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(-423, 397)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(43, 1108)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 1091)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(-287, 726)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 190)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 144)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(173, 146)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(174, 186)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(-419, 426)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
32 Sand Elf 100%
(-93, 898)
4h an earthen defender
30 Earth Elemental 100%
(-58, 616)
4h an earthen defender
30 Earth Elemental 100%
(-108, 620)
4h an earthen defender
30 Earth Elemental 100%
(-1, 14)
4h an earthen defender
30 Earth Elemental 100%
(60, 323)
4h an earthen defender
30 Earth Elemental 100%
(-60, 899)
4h an earthen defender
30 Earth Elemental 100%
(-134, 437)
4h an earthen defender
30 Earth Elemental 100%
(-184, 893)
4h an enraged stoneservant
30 Rock-gem Men 100%
(63, 223)
4h an enraged stoneservant
30 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-33, 952)
4h an enraged stoneservant
30 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-59, 742)
4h a Flowkeeper director
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-37, 426)
4h a Flowkeeper director
31 Sand Elf 100%
(102, 1128)
4h a Flowkeeper director
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, 878)
4h a Flowkeeper director
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-266, 791)
4h a Flowkeeper director
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-276, 766)
4h a Flowkeeper director
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-52, 692)
4h a Flowkeeper director
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-103, -227)
4h a Flowkeeper director
31 Sand Elf 100%
(4, 144)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
32 Insect 100%
(491, 126)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
32 Insect 100%
(530, 201)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
32 Insect 100%
(-130, 890)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
32 Insect 100%
(-349, 454)
4h a flustered sandspirit
32 Dervish New 100%
(-176, 848)
4h a flustered sandspirit
32 Dervish New 100%
(-231, -252)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(38, -78)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-42, 192)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(228, 160)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(97, 306)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-26, 975)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-245, 763)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-220, 433)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(28, 1107)
4h Flavor Text Three
1 Teleport Man 100%
(390, 171)
4h Flavor Text Two
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-170, -211)
4h Flavor Text One
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-14, 922)
4h a wooden barrel
30 Barrel 100%
(331, 1074)
4h a pristine guardian
30 Golem New 100%
(103, 437)
4h a pristine guardian
30 Golem New 100%
(295, 1071)
4h a Geomantic Compact prodigy
31 Sand Elf 100%
(284, 1132)
4h a Royal hierophant
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-64, 1134)
4h a forgotten Cave Dweller
30 Sand Elf 100%
(-83, 1107)
4h a summoned greater defender
31 StoneGrabber 100%
(91, 867)
4h a summoned greater defender
31 StoneGrabber 100%
(-219, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
31 StoneGrabber 100%
(-251, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
31 StoneGrabber 100%
(-46, -212)
4h a summoned greater defender
31 StoneGrabber 100%
(-176, 413)
4h a summoned greater defender
31 StoneGrabber 100%
(-231, 457)
4h a summoned greater defender
31 StoneGrabber 100%
(-284, 412)
4h a summoned greater defender
31 StoneGrabber 100%
(-72, 1006)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
32 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, -217)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
32 Sand Elf 100%
(-579, 442)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
32 Sand Elf 100%
(49, 801)
4h an ancient sand frog
32 Poison Frog 100%
(-42, 840)
4h a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper
32 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 833)
4h a Royal advisor
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-236, 609)
4h a city patroller
30 Sand Elf 100%
(-132, 476)
4h a city patroller
30 Sand Elf 100%
(-92, 724)
4h a Royal guardian
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-138, 684)
4h a petrified colossal tree
31 Ent 100%
(-63, 572)
4h a petrified colossal tree
31 Ent 100%
(-107, 607)
4h Panicked Summoning
32 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-98, -202)
4h a Royal protector
32 Sand Elf 100%
(-243, -182)
4h a Royal sandadvisor
30 Sand Elf 100%
(12, -109)
4h a menacing tree spirit
32 Ent 100%
(455, 150)
4h a menacing tree spirit
32 Ent 100%
(31, -27)
4h a talented gemsetter
31 Sand Elf 100%
(361, 182)
4h a talented gemsetter
31 Sand Elf 100%
(89, 350)
4h a talented gemsetter
31 Sand Elf 100%
(0, 459)
4h a talented gemsetter
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-421, 482)
4h a talented gemsetter
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-35, 142)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
31 Sand Elf 100%
(27, 311)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
31 Sand Elf 100%
(-176, 459)
4h Amethyst Summoning
32 Golem New 100%
(378, 1106)
4h a guardian of sand
36 Golem New 100%
(306, 1039)
4h a guardian of sand
36 Golem New 100%
(-104, 426)
4h a guardian of sand
36 Golem New 100%
(-193, 793)
4h a guardian of sand
36 Golem New 100%
(117, 168)
4h a guardian of sand
36 Golem New 100%
(155, 1086)
4h a phosphorescent golem
37 Golem New 100%
(157, 1126)
4h a phosphorescent golem
37 Golem New 100%
(-233, 417)
4h a phosphorescent golem
37 Golem New 100%
(-284, 456)
4h a phosphorescent golem
37 Golem New 100%
(-377, -237)
4h a phosphorescent golem
37 Golem New 100%
(61, 474)
4h a phosphorescent golem
37 Golem New 100%
(-79, 807)
4h a Royal confidante
36 Sand Elf 100%
(229, 1072)
4h a Royal confidante
36 Sand Elf 100%
(230, 1142)
4h a Royal confidante
36 Sand Elf 100%
(-18, 1018)
4h a Royal confidante
36 Sand Elf 100%
(60, 842)
4h a Royal confidante
36 Sand Elf 100%
(-110, 867)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(-272, -169)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(-291, -196)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(33, -178)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(-423, 397)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(43, 1108)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 1091)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(-287, 726)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 190)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 144)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(173, 146)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(174, 186)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(-419, 426)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
38 Sand Elf 100%
(-93, 898)
4h an earthen defender
36 Earth Elemental 100%
(-58, 616)
4h an earthen defender
36 Earth Elemental 100%
(-108, 620)
4h an earthen defender
36 Earth Elemental 100%
(-1, 14)
4h an earthen defender
36 Earth Elemental 100%
(60, 323)
4h an earthen defender
36 Earth Elemental 100%
(-60, 899)
4h an earthen defender
36 Earth Elemental 100%
(-134, 437)
4h an earthen defender
36 Earth Elemental 100%
(-184, 893)
4h an enraged stoneservant
36 Rock-gem Men 100%
(63, 223)
4h an enraged stoneservant
36 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-33, 952)
4h an enraged stoneservant
36 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-59, 742)
4h a Flowkeeper director
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-37, 426)
4h a Flowkeeper director
37 Sand Elf 100%
(102, 1128)
4h a Flowkeeper director
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, 878)
4h a Flowkeeper director
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-266, 791)
4h a Flowkeeper director
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-276, 766)
4h a Flowkeeper director
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-52, 692)
4h a Flowkeeper director
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-103, -227)
4h a Flowkeeper director
37 Sand Elf 100%
(4, 144)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
38 Insect 100%
(491, 126)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
38 Insect 100%
(530, 201)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
38 Insect 100%
(-130, 890)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
38 Insect 100%
(-349, 454)
4h a flustered sandspirit
38 Dervish New 100%
(-176, 848)
4h a flustered sandspirit
38 Dervish New 100%
(-231, -252)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(38, -78)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-42, 192)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(228, 160)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(97, 306)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-26, 975)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-245, 763)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-220, 433)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(28, 1107)
4h Flavor Text Three
1 Teleport Man 100%
(390, 171)
4h Flavor Text Two
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-170, -211)
4h Flavor Text One
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-14, 922)
4h a wooden barrel
36 Barrel 100%
(331, 1074)
4h a pristine guardian
36 Golem New 100%
(103, 437)
4h a pristine guardian
36 Golem New 100%
(295, 1071)
4h a Geomantic Compact prodigy
37 Sand Elf 100%
(284, 1132)
4h a Royal hierophant
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-64, 1134)
4h a forgotten Cave Dweller
36 Sand Elf 100%
(-83, 1107)
4h a summoned greater defender
37 StoneGrabber 100%
(91, 867)
4h a summoned greater defender
37 StoneGrabber 100%
(-219, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
37 StoneGrabber 100%
(-251, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
37 StoneGrabber 100%
(-46, -212)
4h a summoned greater defender
37 StoneGrabber 100%
(-176, 413)
4h a summoned greater defender
37 StoneGrabber 100%
(-231, 457)
4h a summoned greater defender
37 StoneGrabber 100%
(-284, 412)
4h a summoned greater defender
37 StoneGrabber 100%
(-72, 1006)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
38 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, -217)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
38 Sand Elf 100%
(-579, 442)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
38 Sand Elf 100%
(49, 801)
4h an ancient sand frog
38 Poison Frog 100%
(-42, 840)
4h a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper
38 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 833)
4h a Royal advisor
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-236, 609)
4h a city patroller
36 Sand Elf 100%
(-132, 476)
4h a city patroller
36 Sand Elf 100%
(-92, 724)
4h a Royal guardian
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-138, 684)
4h a petrified colossal tree
37 Ent 100%
(-63, 572)
4h a petrified colossal tree
37 Ent 100%
(-107, 607)
4h Panicked Summoning
38 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-98, -202)
4h a Royal protector
38 Sand Elf 100%
(-243, -182)
4h a Royal sandadvisor
36 Sand Elf 100%
(12, -109)
4h a menacing tree spirit
38 Ent 100%
(455, 150)
4h a menacing tree spirit
38 Ent 100%
(31, -27)
4h a talented gemsetter
37 Sand Elf 100%
(361, 182)
4h a talented gemsetter
37 Sand Elf 100%
(89, 350)
4h a talented gemsetter
37 Sand Elf 100%
(0, 459)
4h a talented gemsetter
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-421, 482)
4h a talented gemsetter
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-35, 142)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
37 Sand Elf 100%
(27, 311)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
37 Sand Elf 100%
(-176, 459)
4h Amethyst Summoning
38 Golem New 100%
(378, 1106)
4h a guardian of sand
42 Golem New 100%
(306, 1039)
4h a guardian of sand
42 Golem New 100%
(-104, 426)
4h a guardian of sand
42 Golem New 100%
(-193, 793)
4h a guardian of sand
42 Golem New 100%
(117, 168)
4h a guardian of sand
42 Golem New 100%
(155, 1086)
4h a phosphorescent golem
43 Golem New 100%
(157, 1126)
4h a phosphorescent golem
43 Golem New 100%
(-233, 417)
4h a phosphorescent golem
43 Golem New 100%
(-284, 456)
4h a phosphorescent golem
43 Golem New 100%
(-377, -237)
4h a phosphorescent golem
43 Golem New 100%
(61, 474)
4h a phosphorescent golem
43 Golem New 100%
(-79, 807)
4h a Royal confidante
42 Sand Elf 100%
(229, 1072)
4h a Royal confidante
42 Sand Elf 100%
(230, 1142)
4h a Royal confidante
42 Sand Elf 100%
(-18, 1018)
4h a Royal confidante
42 Sand Elf 100%
(60, 842)
4h a Royal confidante
42 Sand Elf 100%
(-110, 867)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(-272, -169)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(-291, -196)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(33, -178)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(-423, 397)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(43, 1108)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 1091)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(-287, 726)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 190)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 144)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(173, 146)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(174, 186)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(-419, 426)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
44 Sand Elf 100%
(-93, 898)
4h an earthen defender
42 Earth Elemental 100%
(-58, 616)
4h an earthen defender
42 Earth Elemental 100%
(-108, 620)
4h an earthen defender
42 Earth Elemental 100%
(-1, 14)
4h an earthen defender
42 Earth Elemental 100%
(60, 323)
4h an earthen defender
42 Earth Elemental 100%
(-60, 899)
4h an earthen defender
42 Earth Elemental 100%
(-134, 437)
4h an earthen defender
42 Earth Elemental 100%
(-184, 893)
4h an enraged stoneservant
42 Rock-gem Men 100%
(63, 223)
4h an enraged stoneservant
42 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-33, 952)
4h an enraged stoneservant
42 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-59, 742)
4h a Flowkeeper director
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-37, 426)
4h a Flowkeeper director
43 Sand Elf 100%
(102, 1128)
4h a Flowkeeper director
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, 878)
4h a Flowkeeper director
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-266, 791)
4h a Flowkeeper director
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-276, 766)
4h a Flowkeeper director
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-52, 692)
4h a Flowkeeper director
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-103, -227)
4h a Flowkeeper director
43 Sand Elf 100%
(4, 144)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
44 Insect 100%
(491, 126)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
44 Insect 100%
(530, 201)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
44 Insect 100%
(-130, 890)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
44 Insect 100%
(-349, 454)
4h a flustered sandspirit
44 Dervish New 100%
(-176, 848)
4h a flustered sandspirit
44 Dervish New 100%
(-231, -252)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(38, -78)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-42, 192)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(228, 160)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(97, 306)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-26, 975)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-245, 763)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-220, 433)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(28, 1107)
4h Flavor Text Three
1 Teleport Man 100%
(390, 171)
4h Flavor Text Two
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-170, -211)
4h Flavor Text One
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-14, 922)
4h a wooden barrel
42 Barrel 100%
(331, 1074)
4h a pristine guardian
42 Golem New 100%
(103, 437)
4h a pristine guardian
42 Golem New 100%
(295, 1071)
4h a Geomantic Compact prodigy
43 Sand Elf 100%
(284, 1132)
4h a Royal hierophant
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-64, 1134)
4h a forgotten Cave Dweller
42 Sand Elf 100%
(-83, 1107)
4h a summoned greater defender
43 StoneGrabber 100%
(91, 867)
4h a summoned greater defender
43 StoneGrabber 100%
(-219, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
43 StoneGrabber 100%
(-251, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
43 StoneGrabber 100%
(-46, -212)
4h a summoned greater defender
43 StoneGrabber 100%
(-176, 413)
4h a summoned greater defender
43 StoneGrabber 100%
(-231, 457)
4h a summoned greater defender
43 StoneGrabber 100%
(-284, 412)
4h a summoned greater defender
43 StoneGrabber 100%
(-72, 1006)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
44 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, -217)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
44 Sand Elf 100%
(-579, 442)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
44 Sand Elf 100%
(49, 801)
4h an ancient sand frog
44 Poison Frog 100%
(-42, 840)
4h a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper
44 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 833)
4h a Royal advisor
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-236, 609)
4h a city patroller
42 Sand Elf 100%
(-132, 476)
4h a city patroller
42 Sand Elf 100%
(-92, 724)
4h a Royal guardian
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-138, 684)
4h a petrified colossal tree
43 Ent 100%
(-63, 572)
4h a petrified colossal tree
43 Ent 100%
(-107, 607)
4h Panicked Summoning
44 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-98, -202)
4h a Royal protector
44 Sand Elf 100%
(-243, -182)
4h a Royal sandadvisor
42 Sand Elf 100%
(12, -109)
4h a menacing tree spirit
44 Ent 100%
(455, 150)
4h a menacing tree spirit
44 Ent 100%
(31, -27)
4h a talented gemsetter
43 Sand Elf 100%
(361, 182)
4h a talented gemsetter
43 Sand Elf 100%
(89, 350)
4h a talented gemsetter
43 Sand Elf 100%
(0, 459)
4h a talented gemsetter
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-421, 482)
4h a talented gemsetter
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-35, 142)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
43 Sand Elf 100%
(27, 311)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
43 Sand Elf 100%
(-176, 459)
4h Amethyst Summoning
44 Golem New 100%
(378, 1106)
4h a guardian of sand
48 Golem New 100%
(306, 1039)
4h a guardian of sand
48 Golem New 100%
(-104, 426)
4h a guardian of sand
48 Golem New 100%
(-193, 793)
4h a guardian of sand
48 Golem New 100%
(117, 168)
4h a guardian of sand
48 Golem New 100%
(155, 1086)
4h a phosphorescent golem
49 Golem New 100%
(157, 1126)
4h a phosphorescent golem
49 Golem New 100%
(-233, 417)
4h a phosphorescent golem
49 Golem New 100%
(-284, 456)
4h a phosphorescent golem
49 Golem New 100%
(-377, -237)
4h a phosphorescent golem
49 Golem New 100%
(61, 474)
4h a phosphorescent golem
49 Golem New 100%
(-79, 807)
4h a Royal confidante
48 Sand Elf 100%
(229, 1072)
4h a Royal confidante
48 Sand Elf 100%
(230, 1142)
4h a Royal confidante
48 Sand Elf 100%
(-18, 1018)
4h a Royal confidante
48 Sand Elf 100%
(60, 842)
4h a Royal confidante
48 Sand Elf 100%
(-110, 867)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(-272, -169)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(-291, -196)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(33, -178)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(-423, 397)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(43, 1108)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 1091)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(-287, 726)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 190)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 144)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(173, 146)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(174, 186)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(-419, 426)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
50 Sand Elf 100%
(-93, 898)
4h an earthen defender
48 Earth Elemental 100%
(-58, 616)
4h an earthen defender
48 Earth Elemental 100%
(-108, 620)
4h an earthen defender
48 Earth Elemental 100%
(-1, 14)
4h an earthen defender
48 Earth Elemental 100%
(60, 323)
4h an earthen defender
48 Earth Elemental 100%
(-60, 899)
4h an earthen defender
48 Earth Elemental 100%
(-134, 437)
4h an earthen defender
48 Earth Elemental 100%
(-184, 893)
4h an enraged stoneservant
48 Rock-gem Men 100%
(63, 223)
4h an enraged stoneservant
48 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-33, 952)
4h an enraged stoneservant
48 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-59, 742)
4h a Flowkeeper director
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-37, 426)
4h a Flowkeeper director
49 Sand Elf 100%
(102, 1128)
4h a Flowkeeper director
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, 878)
4h a Flowkeeper director
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-266, 791)
4h a Flowkeeper director
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-276, 766)
4h a Flowkeeper director
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-52, 692)
4h a Flowkeeper director
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-103, -227)
4h a Flowkeeper director
49 Sand Elf 100%
(4, 144)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
50 Insect 100%
(491, 126)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
50 Insect 100%
(530, 201)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
50 Insect 100%
(-130, 890)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
50 Insect 100%
(-349, 454)
4h a flustered sandspirit
50 Dervish New 100%
(-176, 848)
4h a flustered sandspirit
50 Dervish New 100%
(-231, -252)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(38, -78)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-42, 192)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(228, 160)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(97, 306)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-26, 975)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-245, 763)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-220, 433)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(28, 1107)
4h Flavor Text Three
1 Teleport Man 100%
(390, 171)
4h Flavor Text Two
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-170, -211)
4h Flavor Text One
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-14, 922)
4h a wooden barrel
48 Barrel 100%
(331, 1074)
4h a pristine guardian
48 Golem New 100%
(103, 437)
4h a pristine guardian
48 Golem New 100%
(295, 1071)
4h a Geomantic Compact prodigy
49 Sand Elf 100%
(284, 1132)
4h a Royal hierophant
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-64, 1134)
4h a forgotten Cave Dweller
48 Sand Elf 100%
(-83, 1107)
4h a summoned greater defender
49 StoneGrabber 100%
(91, 867)
4h a summoned greater defender
49 StoneGrabber 100%
(-219, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
49 StoneGrabber 100%
(-251, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
49 StoneGrabber 100%
(-46, -212)
4h a summoned greater defender
49 StoneGrabber 100%
(-176, 413)
4h a summoned greater defender
49 StoneGrabber 100%
(-231, 457)
4h a summoned greater defender
49 StoneGrabber 100%
(-284, 412)
4h a summoned greater defender
49 StoneGrabber 100%
(-72, 1006)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
50 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, -217)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
50 Sand Elf 100%
(-579, 442)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
50 Sand Elf 100%
(49, 801)
4h an ancient sand frog
50 Poison Frog 100%
(-42, 840)
4h a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper
50 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 833)
4h a Royal advisor
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-236, 609)
4h a city patroller
48 Sand Elf 100%
(-132, 476)
4h a city patroller
48 Sand Elf 100%
(-92, 724)
4h a Royal guardian
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-138, 684)
4h a petrified colossal tree
49 Ent 100%
(-63, 572)
4h a petrified colossal tree
49 Ent 100%
(-107, 607)
4h Panicked Summoning
50 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-98, -202)
4h a Royal protector
50 Sand Elf 100%
(-243, -182)
4h a Royal sandadvisor
48 Sand Elf 100%
(12, -109)
4h a menacing tree spirit
50 Ent 100%
(455, 150)
4h a menacing tree spirit
50 Ent 100%
(31, -27)
4h a talented gemsetter
49 Sand Elf 100%
(361, 182)
4h a talented gemsetter
49 Sand Elf 100%
(89, 350)
4h a talented gemsetter
49 Sand Elf 100%
(0, 459)
4h a talented gemsetter
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-421, 482)
4h a talented gemsetter
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-35, 142)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
49 Sand Elf 100%
(27, 311)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
49 Sand Elf 100%
(-176, 459)
4h Amethyst Summoning
50 Golem New 100%
(378, 1106)
4h a guardian of sand
54 Golem New 100%
(306, 1039)
4h a guardian of sand
54 Golem New 100%
(-104, 426)
4h a guardian of sand
54 Golem New 100%
(-193, 793)
4h a guardian of sand
54 Golem New 100%
(117, 168)
4h a guardian of sand
54 Golem New 100%
(155, 1086)
4h a phosphorescent golem
55 Golem New 100%
(157, 1126)
4h a phosphorescent golem
55 Golem New 100%
(-233, 417)
4h a phosphorescent golem
55 Golem New 100%
(-284, 456)
4h a phosphorescent golem
55 Golem New 100%
(-377, -237)
4h a phosphorescent golem
55 Golem New 100%
(61, 474)
4h a phosphorescent golem
55 Golem New 100%
(-79, 807)
4h a Royal confidante
54 Sand Elf 100%
(229, 1072)
4h a Royal confidante
54 Sand Elf 100%
(230, 1142)
4h a Royal confidante
54 Sand Elf 100%
(-18, 1018)
4h a Royal confidante
54 Sand Elf 100%
(60, 842)
4h a Royal confidante
54 Sand Elf 100%
(-110, 867)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(-272, -169)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(-291, -196)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(33, -178)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(-423, 397)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(43, 1108)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 1091)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(-287, 726)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 190)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 144)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(173, 146)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(174, 186)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(-419, 426)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
56 Sand Elf 100%
(-93, 898)
4h an earthen defender
54 Earth Elemental 100%
(-58, 616)
4h an earthen defender
54 Earth Elemental 100%
(-108, 620)
4h an earthen defender
54 Earth Elemental 100%
(-1, 14)
4h an earthen defender
54 Earth Elemental 100%
(60, 323)
4h an earthen defender
54 Earth Elemental 100%
(-60, 899)
4h an earthen defender
54 Earth Elemental 100%
(-134, 437)
4h an earthen defender
54 Earth Elemental 100%
(-184, 893)
4h an enraged stoneservant
54 Rock-gem Men 100%
(63, 223)
4h an enraged stoneservant
54 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-33, 952)
4h an enraged stoneservant
54 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-59, 742)
4h a Flowkeeper director
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-37, 426)
4h a Flowkeeper director
55 Sand Elf 100%
(102, 1128)
4h a Flowkeeper director
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, 878)
4h a Flowkeeper director
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-266, 791)
4h a Flowkeeper director
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-276, 766)
4h a Flowkeeper director
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-52, 692)
4h a Flowkeeper director
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-103, -227)
4h a Flowkeeper director
55 Sand Elf 100%
(4, 144)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
56 Insect 100%
(491, 126)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
56 Insect 100%
(530, 201)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
56 Insect 100%
(-130, 890)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
56 Insect 100%
(-349, 454)
4h a flustered sandspirit
56 Dervish New 100%
(-176, 848)
4h a flustered sandspirit
56 Dervish New 100%
(-231, -252)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(38, -78)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-42, 192)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(228, 160)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(97, 306)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-26, 975)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-245, 763)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-220, 433)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(28, 1107)
4h Flavor Text Three
1 Teleport Man 100%
(390, 171)
4h Flavor Text Two
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-170, -211)
4h Flavor Text One
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-14, 922)
4h a wooden barrel
54 Barrel 100%
(331, 1074)
4h a pristine guardian
54 Golem New 100%
(103, 437)
4h a pristine guardian
54 Golem New 100%
(295, 1071)
4h a Geomantic Compact prodigy
55 Sand Elf 100%
(284, 1132)
4h a Royal hierophant
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-64, 1134)
4h a forgotten Cave Dweller
54 Sand Elf 100%
(-83, 1107)
4h a summoned greater defender
55 StoneGrabber 100%
(91, 867)
4h a summoned greater defender
55 StoneGrabber 100%
(-219, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
55 StoneGrabber 100%
(-251, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
55 StoneGrabber 100%
(-46, -212)
4h a summoned greater defender
55 StoneGrabber 100%
(-176, 413)
4h a summoned greater defender
55 StoneGrabber 100%
(-231, 457)
4h a summoned greater defender
55 StoneGrabber 100%
(-284, 412)
4h a summoned greater defender
55 StoneGrabber 100%
(-72, 1006)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
56 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, -217)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
56 Sand Elf 100%
(-579, 442)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
56 Sand Elf 100%
(49, 801)
4h an ancient sand frog
56 Poison Frog 100%
(-42, 840)
4h a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper
56 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 833)
4h a Royal advisor
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-236, 609)
4h a city patroller
54 Sand Elf 100%
(-132, 476)
4h a city patroller
54 Sand Elf 100%
(-92, 724)
4h a Royal guardian
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-138, 684)
4h a petrified colossal tree
55 Ent 100%
(-63, 572)
4h a petrified colossal tree
55 Ent 100%
(-107, 607)
4h Panicked Summoning
56 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-98, -202)
4h a Royal protector
56 Sand Elf 100%
(-243, -182)
4h a Royal sandadvisor
54 Sand Elf 100%
(12, -109)
4h a menacing tree spirit
56 Ent 100%
(455, 150)
4h a menacing tree spirit
56 Ent 100%
(31, -27)
4h a talented gemsetter
55 Sand Elf 100%
(361, 182)
4h a talented gemsetter
55 Sand Elf 100%
(89, 350)
4h a talented gemsetter
55 Sand Elf 100%
(0, 459)
4h a talented gemsetter
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-421, 482)
4h a talented gemsetter
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-35, 142)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
55 Sand Elf 100%
(27, 311)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
55 Sand Elf 100%
(-176, 459)
4h Amethyst Summoning
56 Golem New 100%
(378, 1106)
4h a guardian of sand
12 Golem New 100%
(306, 1039)
4h a guardian of sand
12 Golem New 100%
(-104, 426)
4h a guardian of sand
12 Golem New 100%
(-193, 793)
4h a guardian of sand
12 Golem New 100%
(117, 168)
4h a guardian of sand
12 Golem New 100%
(155, 1086)
4h a phosphorescent golem
13 Golem New 100%
(157, 1126)
4h a phosphorescent golem
13 Golem New 100%
(-233, 417)
4h a phosphorescent golem
13 Golem New 100%
(-284, 456)
4h a phosphorescent golem
13 Golem New 100%
(-377, -237)
4h a phosphorescent golem
13 Golem New 100%
(61, 474)
4h a phosphorescent golem
13 Golem New 100%
(-79, 807)
4h a Royal confidante
12 Sand Elf 100%
(229, 1072)
4h a Royal confidante
12 Sand Elf 100%
(230, 1142)
4h a Royal confidante
12 Sand Elf 100%
(-18, 1018)
4h a Royal confidante
12 Sand Elf 100%
(60, 842)
4h a Royal confidante
12 Sand Elf 100%
(-110, 867)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(-272, -169)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(-291, -196)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(33, -178)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(-423, 397)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(43, 1108)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 1091)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(-287, 726)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 190)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 144)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(173, 146)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(174, 186)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(-419, 426)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
14 Sand Elf 100%
(-93, 898)
4h an earthen defender
12 Earth Elemental 100%
(-58, 616)
4h an earthen defender
12 Earth Elemental 100%
(-108, 620)
4h an earthen defender
12 Earth Elemental 100%
(-1, 14)
4h an earthen defender
12 Earth Elemental 100%
(60, 323)
4h an earthen defender
12 Earth Elemental 100%
(-60, 899)
4h an earthen defender
12 Earth Elemental 100%
(-134, 437)
4h an earthen defender
12 Earth Elemental 100%
(-184, 893)
4h an enraged stoneservant
12 Rock-gem Men 100%
(63, 223)
4h an enraged stoneservant
12 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-33, 952)
4h an enraged stoneservant
12 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-59, 742)
4h a Flowkeeper director
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-37, 426)
4h a Flowkeeper director
13 Sand Elf 100%
(102, 1128)
4h a Flowkeeper director
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, 878)
4h a Flowkeeper director
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-266, 791)
4h a Flowkeeper director
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-276, 766)
4h a Flowkeeper director
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-52, 692)
4h a Flowkeeper director
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-103, -227)
4h a Flowkeeper director
13 Sand Elf 100%
(4, 144)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
14 Insect 100%
(491, 126)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
14 Insect 100%
(530, 201)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
14 Insect 100%
(-130, 890)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
14 Insect 100%
(-349, 454)
4h a flustered sandspirit
14 Dervish New 100%
(-176, 848)
4h a flustered sandspirit
14 Dervish New 100%
(-231, -252)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(38, -78)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-42, 192)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(228, 160)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(97, 306)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-26, 975)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-245, 763)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(-220, 433)
4h a hollow tree
1 Ent 100%
(28, 1107)
4h Flavor Text Three
1 Teleport Man 100%
(390, 171)
4h Flavor Text Two
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-170, -211)
4h Flavor Text One
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-14, 922)
4h a wooden barrel
12 Barrel 100%
(331, 1074)
4h a pristine guardian
12 Golem New 100%
(103, 437)
4h a pristine guardian
12 Golem New 100%
(295, 1071)
4h a Geomantic Compact prodigy
13 Sand Elf 100%
(284, 1132)
4h a Royal hierophant
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-64, 1134)
4h a forgotten Cave Dweller
12 Sand Elf 100%
(-83, 1107)
4h a summoned greater defender
13 StoneGrabber 100%
(91, 867)
4h a summoned greater defender
13 StoneGrabber 100%
(-219, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
13 StoneGrabber 100%
(-251, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
13 StoneGrabber 100%
(-46, -212)
4h a summoned greater defender
13 StoneGrabber 100%
(-176, 413)
4h a summoned greater defender
13 StoneGrabber 100%
(-231, 457)
4h a summoned greater defender
13 StoneGrabber 100%
(-284, 412)
4h a summoned greater defender
13 StoneGrabber 100%
(-72, 1006)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
14 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, -217)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
14 Sand Elf 100%
(-579, 442)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
14 Sand Elf 100%
(49, 801)
4h an ancient sand frog
14 Poison Frog 100%
(-42, 840)
4h a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper
14 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 833)
4h a Royal advisor
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-236, 609)
4h a city patroller
12 Sand Elf 100%
(-132, 476)
4h a city patroller
12 Sand Elf 100%
(-92, 724)
4h a Royal guardian
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-138, 684)
4h a petrified colossal tree
13 Ent 100%
(-63, 572)
4h a petrified colossal tree
13 Ent 100%
(-107, 607)
4h Panicked Summoning
14 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-98, -202)
4h a Royal protector
14 Sand Elf 100%
(-243, -182)
4h a Royal sandadvisor
12 Sand Elf 100%
(12, -109)
4h a menacing tree spirit
14 Ent 100%
(455, 150)
4h a menacing tree spirit
14 Ent 100%
(31, -27)
4h a talented gemsetter
13 Sand Elf 100%
(361, 182)
4h a talented gemsetter
13 Sand Elf 100%
(89, 350)
4h a talented gemsetter
13 Sand Elf 100%
(0, 459)
4h a talented gemsetter
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-421, 482)
4h a talented gemsetter
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-35, 142)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
13 Sand Elf 100%
(27, 311)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
13 Sand Elf 100%
(-176, 459)
4h Amethyst Summoning
14 Golem New 100%
(378, 1106)
4h a guardian of sand
63 Golem New 100%
(306, 1039)
4h a guardian of sand
63 Golem New 100%
(-104, 426)
4h a guardian of sand
63 Golem New 100%
(-193, 793)
4h a guardian of sand
63 Golem New 100%
(117, 168)
4h a guardian of sand
63 Golem New 100%
(155, 1086)
4h a phosphorescent golem
64 Golem New 100%
(157, 1126)
4h a phosphorescent golem
64 Golem New 100%
(-233, 417)
4h a phosphorescent golem
64 Golem New 100%
(-284, 456)
4h a phosphorescent golem
64 Golem New 100%
(-377, -237)
4h a phosphorescent golem
64 Golem New 100%
(61, 474)
4h a phosphorescent golem
64 Golem New 100%
(-79, 807)
4h a Royal confidante
63 Sand Elf 100%
(229, 1072)
4h a Royal confidante
63 Sand Elf 100%
(230, 1142)
4h a Royal confidante
63 Sand Elf 100%
(-18, 1018)
4h a Royal confidante
63 Sand Elf 100%
(60, 842)
4h a Royal confidante
63 Sand Elf 100%
(-110, 867)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(-272, -169)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(-291, -196)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(33, -178)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(-423, 397)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(43, 1108)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 1091)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(-287, 726)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 190)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 144)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(173, 146)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(174, 186)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(-419, 426)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
65 Sand Elf 100%
(-93, 898)
4h an earthen defender
63 Earth Elemental 100%
(-58, 616)
4h an earthen defender
63 Earth Elemental 100%
(-108, 620)
4h an earthen defender
63 Earth Elemental 100%
(-1, 14)
4h an earthen defender
63 Earth Elemental 100%
(60, 323)
4h an earthen defender
63 Earth Elemental 100%
(-60, 899)
4h an earthen defender
63 Earth Elemental 100%
(-134, 437)
4h an earthen defender
63 Earth Elemental 100%
(-184, 893)
4h an enraged stoneservant
63 Rock-gem Men 100%
(63, 223)
4h an enraged stoneservant
63 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-33, 952)
4h an enraged stoneservant
63 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-59, 742)
4h a Flowkeeper director
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-37, 426)
4h a Flowkeeper director
64 Sand Elf 100%
(102, 1128)
4h a Flowkeeper director
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, 878)
4h a Flowkeeper director
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-266, 791)
4h a Flowkeeper director
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-276, 766)
4h a Flowkeeper director
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-52, 692)
4h a Flowkeeper director
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-103, -227)
4h a Flowkeeper director
64 Sand Elf 100%
(4, 144)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
65 Insect 100%
(491, 126)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
65 Insect 100%
(530, 201)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
65 Insect 100%
(-130, 890)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
65 Insect 100%
(-349, 454)
4h a flustered sandspirit
65 Dervish New 100%
(-176, 848)
4h a flustered sandspirit
65 Dervish New 100%
(-231, -252)
4h a hollow tree
10 Ent 100%
(38, -78)
4h a hollow tree
10 Ent 100%
(-42, 192)
4h a hollow tree
10 Ent 100%
(228, 160)
4h a hollow tree
10 Ent 100%
(97, 306)
4h a hollow tree
10 Ent 100%
(-26, 975)
4h a hollow tree
10 Ent 100%
(-245, 763)
4h a hollow tree
10 Ent 100%
(-220, 433)
4h a hollow tree
10 Ent 100%
(28, 1107)
4h Flavor Text Three
1 Teleport Man 100%
(390, 171)
4h Flavor Text Two
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-170, -211)
4h Flavor Text One
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-14, 922)
4h a wooden barrel
63 Barrel 100%
(331, 1074)
4h a pristine guardian
63 Golem New 100%
(103, 437)
4h a pristine guardian
63 Golem New 100%
(295, 1071)
4h a Geomantic Compact prodigy
64 Sand Elf 100%
(284, 1132)
4h a Royal hierophant
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-64, 1134)
4h a forgotten Cave Dweller
63 Sand Elf 100%
(-83, 1107)
4h a summoned greater defender
64 StoneGrabber 100%
(91, 867)
4h a summoned greater defender
64 StoneGrabber 100%
(-219, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
64 StoneGrabber 100%
(-251, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
64 StoneGrabber 100%
(-46, -212)
4h a summoned greater defender
64 StoneGrabber 100%
(-176, 413)
4h a summoned greater defender
64 StoneGrabber 100%
(-231, 457)
4h a summoned greater defender
64 StoneGrabber 100%
(-284, 412)
4h a summoned greater defender
64 StoneGrabber 100%
(-72, 1006)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
65 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, -217)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
65 Sand Elf 100%
(-579, 442)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
65 Sand Elf 100%
(49, 801)
4h an ancient sand frog
65 Poison Frog 100%
(-42, 840)
4h a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper
65 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 833)
4h a Royal advisor
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-236, 609)
4h a city patroller
63 Sand Elf 100%
(-132, 476)
4h a city patroller
63 Sand Elf 100%
(-92, 724)
4h a Royal guardian
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-138, 684)
4h a petrified colossal tree
64 Ent 100%
(-63, 572)
4h a petrified colossal tree
64 Ent 100%
(-107, 607)
4h Panicked Summoning
65 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-98, -202)
4h a Royal protector
65 Sand Elf 100%
(-243, -182)
4h a Royal sandadvisor
63 Sand Elf 100%
(12, -109)
4h a menacing tree spirit
65 Ent 100%
(455, 150)
4h a menacing tree spirit
65 Ent 100%
(31, -27)
4h a talented gemsetter
64 Sand Elf 100%
(361, 182)
4h a talented gemsetter
64 Sand Elf 100%
(89, 350)
4h a talented gemsetter
64 Sand Elf 100%
(0, 459)
4h a talented gemsetter
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-421, 482)
4h a talented gemsetter
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-35, 142)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
64 Sand Elf 100%
(27, 311)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
64 Sand Elf 100%
(-176, 459)
4h Amethyst Summoning
65 Golem New 100%
(378, 1106)
4h a guardian of sand
66 Golem New 100%
(306, 1039)
4h a guardian of sand
66 Golem New 100%
(-104, 426)
4h a guardian of sand
66 Golem New 100%
(-193, 793)
4h a guardian of sand
66 Golem New 100%
(117, 168)
4h a guardian of sand
66 Golem New 100%
(155, 1086)
4h a phosphorescent golem
67 Golem New 100%
(157, 1126)
4h a phosphorescent golem
67 Golem New 100%
(-233, 417)
4h a phosphorescent golem
67 Golem New 100%
(-284, 456)
4h a phosphorescent golem
67 Golem New 100%
(-377, -237)
4h a phosphorescent golem
67 Golem New 100%
(61, 474)
4h a phosphorescent golem
67 Golem New 100%
(-79, 807)
4h a Royal confidante
66 Sand Elf 100%
(229, 1072)
4h a Royal confidante
66 Sand Elf 100%
(230, 1142)
4h a Royal confidante
66 Sand Elf 100%
(-18, 1018)
4h a Royal confidante
66 Sand Elf 100%
(60, 842)
4h a Royal confidante
66 Sand Elf 100%
(-110, 867)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(-272, -169)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(-291, -196)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(33, -178)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(-423, 397)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(43, 1108)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(103, 1091)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(-287, 726)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 190)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(227, 144)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(173, 146)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(174, 186)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(-419, 426)
4h a Jeweled Guard hero
68 Sand Elf 100%
(-93, 898)
4h an earthen defender
66 Earth Elemental 100%
(-58, 616)
4h an earthen defender
66 Earth Elemental 100%
(-108, 620)
4h an earthen defender
66 Earth Elemental 100%
(-1, 14)
4h an earthen defender
66 Earth Elemental 100%
(60, 323)
4h an earthen defender
66 Earth Elemental 100%
(-60, 899)
4h an earthen defender
66 Earth Elemental 100%
(-134, 437)
4h an earthen defender
66 Earth Elemental 100%
(-184, 893)
4h an enraged stoneservant
66 Rock-gem Men 100%
(63, 223)
4h an enraged stoneservant
66 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-33, 952)
4h an enraged stoneservant
66 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-59, 742)
4h a Flowkeeper director
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-37, 426)
4h a Flowkeeper director
67 Sand Elf 100%
(102, 1128)
4h a Flowkeeper director
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, 878)
4h a Flowkeeper director
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-266, 791)
4h a Flowkeeper director
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-276, 766)
4h a Flowkeeper director
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-52, 692)
4h a Flowkeeper director
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-103, -227)
4h a Flowkeeper director
67 Sand Elf 100%
(4, 144)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
68 Insect 100%
(491, 126)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
68 Insect 100%
(530, 201)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
68 Insect 100%
(-130, 890)
4h a giant burrowing scarab
68 Insect 100%
(-349, 454)
4h a flustered sandspirit
68 Dervish New 100%
(-176, 848)
4h a flustered sandspirit
68 Dervish New 100%
(-231, -252)
4h a hollow tree
16 Ent 100%
(38, -78)
4h a hollow tree
16 Ent 100%
(-42, 192)
4h a hollow tree
16 Ent 100%
(228, 160)
4h a hollow tree
16 Ent 100%
(97, 306)
4h a hollow tree
16 Ent 100%
(-26, 975)
4h a hollow tree
16 Ent 100%
(-245, 763)
4h a hollow tree
16 Ent 100%
(-220, 433)
4h a hollow tree
16 Ent 100%
(28, 1107)
4h Flavor Text Three
1 Teleport Man 100%
(390, 171)
4h Flavor Text Two
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-170, -211)
4h Flavor Text One
1 Teleport Man 100%
(-14, 922)
4h a wooden barrel
66 Barrel 100%
(331, 1074)
4h a pristine guardian
66 Golem New 100%
(103, 437)
4h a pristine guardian
66 Golem New 100%
(295, 1071)
4h a Geomantic Compact prodigy
67 Sand Elf 100%
(284, 1132)
4h a Royal hierophant
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-64, 1134)
4h a forgotten Cave Dweller
66 Sand Elf 100%
(-83, 1107)
4h a summoned greater defender
67 StoneGrabber 100%
(91, 867)
4h a summoned greater defender
67 StoneGrabber 100%
(-219, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
67 StoneGrabber 100%
(-251, 665)
4h a summoned greater defender
67 StoneGrabber 100%
(-46, -212)
4h a summoned greater defender
67 StoneGrabber 100%
(-176, 413)
4h a summoned greater defender
67 StoneGrabber 100%
(-231, 457)
4h a summoned greater defender
67 StoneGrabber 100%
(-284, 412)
4h a summoned greater defender
67 StoneGrabber 100%
(-72, 1006)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
68 Sand Elf 100%
(-217, -217)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
68 Sand Elf 100%
(-579, 442)
4h a Flowkeeper engineer
68 Sand Elf 100%
(49, 801)
4h an ancient sand frog
68 Poison Frog 100%
(-42, 840)
4h a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper
68 Sand Elf 100%
(-104, 833)
4h a Royal advisor
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-236, 609)
4h a city patroller
66 Sand Elf 100%
(-132, 476)
4h a city patroller
66 Sand Elf 100%
(-92, 724)
4h a Royal guardian
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-138, 684)
4h a petrified colossal tree
67 Ent 100%
(-63, 572)
4h a petrified colossal tree
67 Ent 100%
(-107, 607)
4h Panicked Summoning
68 Rock-gem Men 100%
(-98, -202)
4h a Royal protector
68 Sand Elf 100%
(-243, -182)
4h a Royal sandadvisor
66 Sand Elf 100%
(12, -109)
4h a menacing tree spirit
68 Ent 100%
(455, 150)
4h a menacing tree spirit
68 Ent 100%
(31, -27)
4h a talented gemsetter
67 Sand Elf 100%
(361, 182)
4h a talented gemsetter
67 Sand Elf 100%
(89, 350)
4h a talented gemsetter
67 Sand Elf 100%
(0, 459)
4h a talented gemsetter
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-421, 482)
4h a talented gemsetter
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-35, 142)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
67 Sand Elf 100%
(27, 311)
4h a Flowkeeper inventor
67 Sand Elf 100%
(-176, 459)
4h Amethyst Summoning
68 Golem New 100%
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022