Shadow Spine - Spawn Locs
Coordinates Respawn NPCs Level Race Chance
(73, -144)
10m 40s a forgotten soul
74 100%
(5, -30)
10m 40s a lingering shadow
74 100%
(-75, -70)
10m 40s a forgotten soul
74 100%
(-108, 1)
10m 40s a lingering shadow
72 100%
(15, 122)
10m 40s a forgotten soul
74 100%
(391, -113)
10m 40s a forgotten soul
73 100%
(395, -90)
10m 40s a lost shade
73 100%
(459, -112)
10m 40s a lingering shadow
74 100%
(181, -118)
10m 40s a forgotten soul
73 100%
(29, -198)
10m 40s a lost shade
74 100%
(77, -100)
10m 40s a lingering shadow
74 100%
(141, 162)
10m 40s a forgotten soul
73 100%
(104, 187)
10m 40s a forgotten soul
72 100%
(261, 234)
10m 40s a lost shade
73 100%
(67, -39)
10m 40s a lingering shadow
74 100%
(207, 239)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(180, 230)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(159, 236)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(150, 248)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(147, 268)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(159, 288)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(180, 292)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(202, 287)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(211, 268)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(196, -243)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(185, -263)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(165, -271)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(143, -269)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(128, -248)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(130, -226)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(151, -207)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(180, -213)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(191, -226)
10m 40s [space]
1 Teleport Man 100%
(156, 250)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(154, 267)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(163, 283)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(180, 288)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(198, 282)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(207, 266)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(202, 243)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(180, 235)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(163, 241)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(189, -242)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(-144, -220)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(182, -260)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(164, -267)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(146, -264)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(134, -248)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(136, -229)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(153, -213)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(177, -217)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(186, -229)
10m 40s a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(171, -243)
10m 40s Fragment of Draygun
73 100%
(-75, -69)
10m 40s a forgotten soul
72 100%
(-34, 30)
10m 40s a forgotten soul
74 100%
(-24, 4)
10m 40s Emperor Draygun`s Shadow
71 100%
(-28, -10)
10m 40s Fragment of Vishimtar
72 100%
(-28, -10)
time Fragment of Vishimtar
72 100%
(-24, 4)
time Emperor Draygun`s Shadow
71 100%
(-34, 30)
time a forgotten soul
72 100%
(-75, -69)
time a forgotten soul
72 100%
(171, -243)
time Fragment of Draygun
73 100%
(186, -229)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(177, -217)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(153, -213)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(136, -229)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(134, -248)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(146, -264)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(164, -267)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(182, -260)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(-144, -220)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(189, -242)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(163, 241)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(180, 235)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(202, 243)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(207, 266)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(198, 282)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(180, 288)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(163, 283)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(154, 267)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(156, 250)
time a Shadowspine librarian
70 Skeleton New 100%
(191, -226)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(180, -213)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(151, -207)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(130, -226)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(128, -248)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(143, -269)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(165, -271)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(185, -263)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(196, -243)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(211, 268)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(202, 287)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(180, 292)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(159, 288)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(147, 268)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(150, 248)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(159, 236)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(180, 230)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(207, 239)
time [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(28, 57)
time a lingering shadow
72 100%
(27, 57)
time a lost shade
72 100%
(35, 44)
time a forgotten soul
72 100%
(141, 162)
time a forgotten soul
72 100%
(77, -100)
time a lingering shadow
72 100%
(29, -198)
time a lost shade
72 100%
(181, -118)
time a forgotten soul
72 100%
(459, -112)
time a lingering shadow
72 100%
(395, -90)
time a lost shade
72 100%
(391, -113)
time a forgotten soul
72 100%
(15, 122)
time a forgotten soul
72 100%
(-108, 1)
time a lingering shadow
72 100%
(34, 44)
time a forgotten soul
72 100%
(-38, -53)
time a lingering shadow
72 100%
(34, 44)
time a forgotten soul
72 100%
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022