Karnor`s Castle - Drop Items
Name AC Mana HP Type
Ancient Shissar Gauntlet
15 0 0 Armor
0 0 0 Combinable
Axe of Destruction
0 50 75 2H Slashing
0 0 0 Container
Band of Eternal Flame
5 35 25 Jewelry
Baton of Faith
0 0 0 2H Blunt
Blackened Iksar bones
0 0 0 Gems
0 0 0 1H Blunt
Blessed Mallet
0 0 0 Gems
Blood Ember Boots
21 0 0 Armor
Blood Ember Gauntlets
16 0 0 Armor
Blood Ember Greaves
26 0 25 Armor
Blood Fork
0 0 0 Piercing
0 0 0 Combinable
Bolts of Tallon
0 0 0 Combinable
Bone Amulet of Blade Turning
2 10 0 Armor
Bone Chips
0 0 0 Combinable
Book of Obulus
0 45 0 Gems
Boots of Wrath
18 0 0 Armor
Busted Prayer Beads
0 0 0 Jewelry
Cobalt Boots
25 0 0 Armor
Cobalt Gauntlets
25 0 0 Armor
Cobalt Greaves
35 0 0 Armor
Complex Gold Gem Dusted Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Complex Platinum Silvered Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Complex Velium Gem Dusted Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Crude Spinneret Fluid
0 0 0 Gems
Crystallized Sulfur
0 0 0 Combinable
Damp Marrow
0 0 0 Gems
Deathbringer's Rod
0 0 0 2H Blunt
Deepwater Boots
21 0 0 Armor
Deepwater Gauntlets
16 0 0 Armor
Deepwater Greaves
26 0 50 Armor
Dented Battleshield
12 5 0 Shield
0 0 0 Combinable
Diamond Encrusted Staff
0 50 0 2H Blunt
Donal's Boots of Mourning
21 0 0 Armor
Donal's Gauntlets of Mourning
16 0 0 Armor
Donal's Leggings of Mourning
26 30 30 Armor
Drolvarg Mantle
7 0 0 Armor
Dry Marrow
0 0 0 Gems
Ductile Loam
0 0 0 Gems
Dust of Decay
0 0 0 Combinable
Dwarven Sap
0 0 0 1H Blunt
Elder Spiritist's Gauntlets
9 0 0 Armor
Elder Spiritist's Greaves
10 55 0 Armor
Elder Spiritist's Vambraces
8 0 0 Armor
Emerald Ring
0 0 0 Jewelry
Essence of Rathe
0 0 0 Combinable
Exquisite Gem Dusted Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Exquisite Gold Gem Dusted Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Exquisite Platinum Gem Dusted Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Exquisite Velium Gem Dusted Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Fabled Band of Eternal Flame
8 95 80 Jewelry
Fabled Jade Mace
0 95 105 1H Blunt
Faded Salil's Writ Page
0 0 0 Combinable
Faded Salil's Writ Page
0 0 0 Combinable
Faded Salil's Writ Page
0 0 0 Combinable
Fang Amulet of Calling
6 15 0 Armor
Fine Steel Dagger
0 0 0 Piercing
Fine Steel Great Staff
0 0 0 2H Blunt
Fine Steel Long Sword
0 0 0 1H Slashing
Fine Steel Morning Star
0 0 0 1H Blunt
Fire Emerald
0 0 0 Combinable
Fire Opal
0 0 0 Combinable
Flame of Vox
0 0 0 Combinable
Flayed Skin Boots
8 0 0 Armor
Flayed Skin Bracers
6 0 0 Armor
Flayed Skin Cap
8 0 0 Armor
Flayed Skin Leggings
12 0 15 Armor
Flayed Skin Sleeves
8 20 0 Armor
Flayed Skin Tunic
16 0 20 Armor
Glove of Rallos Zek
0 0 0 Combinable
Gloves of Wrath
25 0 0 Armor
Gnarled Staff
0 45 15 1H Blunt
Gold Gem Dusted Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Greyish Bone Chips
0 0 0 Gems
Harmonic Dagger
0 0 0 Piercing
Helm of Rile
6 0 0 Armor
Howling Harpoon
0 40 0 Piercing
Iksar Berserker Club
0 0 0 1H Blunt
Jade Mace
0 0 0 1H Blunt
Jarsath Scale Boots
10 0 0 Armor
Jarsath Scale Chestplate
20 0 10 Armor
Jarsath Scale Gauntlets
10 20 20 Armor
Jarsath Scale Helm
10 0 0 Armor
Jarsath Scale Leggings
15 0 0 Armor
Jarsath Scale Vambraces
10 0 0 Armor
Jarsath Scale Wrist Guards
8 0 0 Armor
Jarsath Trident
0 0 0 Piercing
0 0 0 Combinable
Jaundiced Bone Boots
18 0 0 Armor
Jaundiced Bone Gauntlets
14 0 0 Armor
Jaundiced Bone Greaves
24 75 0 Armor
Kunzar Cloak
7 0 0 Armor
Leggings of Wrath
30 0 0 Armor
0 0 0 Piercing
Lupine Dagger
0 0 0 Piercing
Lycanthropic Staff
0 0 0
Malleable Loam
0 0 0 Gems
Metal Pipe
0 0 0 Gems
Midnight Drolvarg Cloak
8 55 55 Armor
Mist of Povar
0 0 0 Combinable
Mithril Amulet
0 0 0 Jewelry
Modest Binding Powder
0 0 0 Combinable
Moist Marrow
0 0 0 Gems
Mrylokar's Boots
18 0 0 Armor
Mrylokar's Gauntlets
14 0 0 Armor
Mrylokar's Gift
0 0 10 2H Blunt
Mrylokar's Greaves
24 0 50 Armor
Natural Spinneret Fluid
0 0 0 Gems
Nature's Wrath
0 20 0 2H Blunt
Nightshade Scented Staff
0 55 0 2H Blunt
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 115
0 0 0 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 116
0 0 0 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 300
0 0 0 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 301
0 0 0 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 35
0 0 0 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 351
0 0 0 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 352
0 0 0 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 36
0 0 0 Combinable
Noctivagant Blade
0 0 0 1H Slashing
Oggok Cleaver
0 0 0 2H Slashing
0 0 0 Combinable
Opal Bracelet
0 0 0 Jewelry
Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 61
0 0 0 Combinable
Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 63
0 0 0 Combinable
Part of Zeannor's Thesis Pg. 15
0 0 0 Combinable
Pearl Necklace
0 0 0 Jewelry
Pearl Ring
0 0 0 Jewelry
0 0 0 Combinable
Petrified Werewolf Skull
0 0 0 Gems
Piece of a medallion
0 0 0 Armor
Plague Mites
0 0 0 Combinable
Platinum Gem Dusted Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Polished Obsidian Great Axe
0 0 50 2H Slashing
Ruined Leather Mask
7 45 45 Armor
Rune of Al'Kabor
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Attraction
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Cascade
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Conception
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Divergency
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Embrace
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Flash
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Glint
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Impulse
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Infraction
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Paralysis
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Petrification
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Rathe
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of the Combine
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of the Helix
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of the Inverse
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Tyranny
0 0 0 Combinable
Rune of Vortex
0 0 0 Combinable
Runed Blade
0 0 0 2H Slashing
Salil's Writ Pg. 153
0 0 0 Combinable
Salil's Writ Pg. 174
0 0 0 Combinable
Salil's Writ Pg. 174
0 0 0 Combinable
Salil's Writ Pg. 282
0 0 0 Combinable
Salil's Writ Pg. 288
0 0 0 Combinable
0 0 0 Combinable
Sarnak-Hide Mask
6 0 0 Armor
Sathir's Wand
0 0 0 Gems
Scroll of the Dark
0 0 0 Gems
Shissar Guardian Staff
0 0 0 2H Blunt
Shissar Nullifier Staff
4 50 0 2H Blunt
Simple Binding Powder
0 0 0 Combinable
Simple Etched Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Singing Steel Boots
21 0 0 Armor
Singing Steel Gauntlets
16 0 0 Armor
Singing Steel Greaves
26 0 0 Armor
Sionachie's Partisan
0 0 0 Piercing
Soul Binder
0 0 0 2H Blunt
Spell: Bandoleer of Luclin
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Bedlam
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Blizzard
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Bonds of Tunare
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Exile Undead
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Eye of Tallon
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Fist of Karana
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Forlorn Deeds
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Fortitude
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Frost
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Girdle of Karana
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Manasink
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Mark of Karn
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Plainsight
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Retribution of Al`Kabor
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Servant of Bones
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Talisman of the Cat
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Talisman of the Serpent
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Torment of Argli
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Vocarate: Water
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Wake of Karana
0 0 0 Scroll
Spell: Word of Restoration
0 0 0 Scroll
Springwood Club
0 0 0 1H Blunt
Springwood Stave
0 0 0 2H Blunt
Star Ruby
0 0 0 Combinable
Sunshard Pebble
0 0 0 Combinable
Supple Scale Armband
3 25 0 Armor
0 0 0 2H Slashing
Sword Breaker
10 0 0 1H Slashing
Tears of Prexus
0 0 0 Combinable
The Scent of Marr
0 0 0 Combinable
Toharon's Memoir Pg. 22
0 0 0 Combinable
Tolan's Darkwood Boots
18 0 0 Armor
Tolan's Darkwood Gauntlets
14 0 0 Armor
Tolan's Darkwood Greaves
24 0 0 Armor
Tranquil Staff
0 0 0 2H Blunt
Velium Gem Dusted Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Velium Gemmed Rune
0 0 0 Combinable
Waters of Impenetrable Aura
0 0 0 2H Blunt
White Silk Gloves
4 50 45 Armor
Wild Lord's Gauntlets
8 0 0 Armor
Wild Lord's Sandals
6 0 0 Armor
Wild Lord's Trousers
9 10 50 Armor
Words of Asylum
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Bidding
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Burnishing
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Cazic-Thule
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Collection (Azia)
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Collection (Beza)
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Collection (Caza)
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Convocation
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Descrying
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Disillusionment
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Domination
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Expertise
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Incarceration
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Intent
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Knowledge
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Obligation
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Projection
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Restraint
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Seizure
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Tenancy
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Tenure
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of the Psyche
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of the Spectre
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of the Suffering
0 0 0 Combinable
Words of Virtue
0 0 0 Combinable
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022