Kael Drakkel: The King`s Madness - Spawn Locs
Coordinates Respawn NPCs Level Race Chance
(-21, -606)
10m 40s Kiltar
1 Frost Giant 100%
(-165, -628)
10m 40s a kromrif recruiter
1 Frost Giant 100%
(-167, -407)
10m 40s a gust of wind
1 Invisible Man 100%
(-52, -208)
10m 40s Faffnar Wolfsbane
100 Frost Giant 100%
(27, -141)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(0, -137)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
94 100%
(0, -137)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(45, -118)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
96 100%
(45, -118)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(3, -113)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Frost Giant 100%
(-49, -110)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(30, -103)
10m 40s a soul scavenger
97 100%
(-20, 1)
10m 40s Lieutenant Fjlore
96 Frost Giant 100%
(20, 1)
10m 40s Watcher Skullcrusher
96 Frost Giant 100%
(4, 38)
10m 40s a courier
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-78, 66)
10m 40s Watcher Fenyerl
96 Frost Giant 100%
(80, 66)
10m 40s Watcher Frozentoe
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-78, 164)
10m 40s Watcher Sergeant Hyren
96 Frost Giant 100%
(80, 164)
10m 40s Lieutenant Hrykker
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-3, 171)
10m 40s Watcher Brjorall
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-78, 200)
10m 40s Watcher Stonegrinder
96 Frost Giant 100%
(76, 200)
10m 40s Adjutant Veldorin
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-2, 224)
10m 40s Return to Wevek Redforge
93 Invisible Man 100%
(138, 302)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(115, 312)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(115, 312)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
95 100%
(173, 306)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(141, 326)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
94 100%
(141, 326)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(116, 339)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Frost Giant 100%
(136, 356)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(145, 409)
10m 40s water
1 Invisible Man 100%
(126, 428)
10m 40s Lieutenant Llrenii
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-28, 603)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Storm Giant 100%
(-49, 604)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-49, 604)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
96 100%
(-33, 621)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
96 100%
(-33, 621)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-55, 628)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-53, 629)
10m 40s a fey uniter
89 100%
(-59, 635)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(221, 639)
10m 40s water
1 Invisible Man 100%
(-193, 708)
10m 40s a thieving acolyte
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-199, 732)
10m 40s Watchman Weyaen
95 Frost Giant 100%
(-243, 744)
10m 40s Adjutant Skjell
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-219, 770)
10m 40s Watch Sergeant Mjaek
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-164, 779)
10m 40s Watcher Byorek
96 Frost Giant 100%
(238, 828)
10m 40s Kevelak Whitefang
98 Frost Giant 100%
(254, 848)
10m 40s Wevek Redforge
98 Frost Giant 100%
(245, 872)
10m 40s Graggaz Fleshflayer
98 Frost Giant 100%
(120, 905)
10m 40s Jainar
96 Frost Giant 100%
(107, 909)
10m 40s a domesticated direwolf
95 Wolf 100%
(-9, 928)
10m 40s Relind
101 Iksar 100%
(-9, -58)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-9, -56)
10m 40s a fey delerium
90 100%
(179, 933)
10m 40s a frost giant commoner
96 Frost Giant 100%
(248, 944)
10m 40s a frost giant commoner
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-155, 960)
10m 40s a fey delerium
88 100%
(-154, 962)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(264, 965)
10m 40s an upright kromrif
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-119, 993)
10m 40s Watchman Yekkal
95 Frost Giant 100%
(241, 993)
10m 40s a soul scavenger
97 100%
(-241, 1012)
10m 40s a figment
101 100%
(189, 1009)
10m 40s a soul scavenger
97 100%
(235, 1014)
10m 40s a domesticated direwolf
95 Wolf 100%
(226, 1031)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Storm Giant 100%
(207, 1046)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(207, 1046)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
94 100%
(67, 1067)
10m 40s a daemonic lorespawn
99 100%
(67, 1067)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-199, 1056)
10m 40s a courier
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-302, 1039)
10m 40s a holy bonfire
97 100%
(-4, 1070)
10m 40s a thieving acolyte
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-111, 1076)
10m 40s Sergeant Leryal
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-308, 1052)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-308, 1052)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
98 100%
(1019, 776)
10m 40s Guard Uthallern
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-351, 1071)
10m 40s Adjutant Meljror
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-31, 1120)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
94 100%
(-31, 1120)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-321, 1088)
10m 40s frost giant fisherman
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-363, 1079)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
99 100%
(-363, 1079)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-686, 993)
10m 40s Icecrafter Blackrock
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-670, 998)
10m 40s a fey delerium
92 100%
(-670, 1001)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-298, 1099)
10m 40s a fish
1 Invisible Man 100%
(-622, 1040)
10m 40s Nojas Blackfist
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-345, 1124)
10m 40s Watch Sergeant Deraekk
96 Frost Giant 100%
(262, 1140)
10m 40s a daemonic lorespawn
97 100%
(262, 1140)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(282, 1140)
10m 40s a daemonic lorespawn
99 100%
(282, 1140)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-627, 1062)
10m 40s Iceweaver Beldikan
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1078, 819)
10m 40s a scalding mistdragon
98 100%
(1078, 819)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1074, 837)
10m 40s Senior Guard Tanslein
97 Storm Giant 100%
(758, 1021)
10m 40s a scalding mistdragon
97 100%
(758, 1021)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(175, 1179)
10m 40s a courier
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-284, 1163)
10m 40s a frost giant commoner
96 Frost Giant 100%
(766, 1026)
10m 40s Senior Guard Yrrelken
97 Storm Giant 100%
(39, 1191)
10m 40s a frost giant commoner
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-253, 1165)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
99 100%
(-253, 1165)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(116, 1200)
10m 40s Welverd Steelbairn
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-989, 932)
10m 40s Oracle Zardukel
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-761, 1050)
10m 40s a fey delerium
88 100%
(783, 1039)
10m 40s a courier
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-763, 1051)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(90, 1212)
10m 40s Yngvie
95 Frost Giant 100%
(-1030, 921)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-1030, 921)
10m 40s a daemonic lorespawn
96 100%
(139, 1235)
10m 40s a figment
101 100%
(-829, 1058)
10m 40s Sentinel Lergremor
97 Frost Giant 100%
(21, 1245)
10m 40s a daemonic lorespawn
96 100%
(21, 1245)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(36, 1245)
10m 40s an upright kromrif
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-802, 1074)
10m 40s Sentinel Felshrefh
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-902, 1031)
10m 40s Icecrafter Iceskull
97 Frost Giant 100%
(217, 1243)
10m 40s a holy bonfire
97 100%
(189, 1254)
10m 40s an upright kromrif
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-988, 999)
10m 40s Chanter Kllejnor
97 Frost Giant 100%
(93, 1264)
10m 40s a frost giant commoner
96 Frost Giant 100%
(1288, 783)
10m 40s a figment
101 100%
(1241, 835)
10m 40s Trooper Dlemdimor
98 Storm Giant 100%
(82, 1281)
10m 40s a domesticated direwolf
95 Wolf 100%
(-589, 1207)
10m 40s Egarik
95 Frost Giant 100%
(220, 1280)
10m 40s Watchman Ogelren
95 Frost Giant 100%
(1241, 852)
10m 40s a scalding mistdragon
98 100%
(1241, 852)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(339, 1263)
10m 40s a frost giant commoner
96 Frost Giant 100%
(658, 1186)
10m 40s Senior Guard Jlorjallag
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-804, 1137)
10m 40s Vorken Iceshard
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-1066, 1000)
10m 40s Bjoskhua Blackfist
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1357, 762)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Frost Giant 100%
(351, 1281)
10m 40s a frost giant commoner
96 Frost Giant 100%
(1378, 754)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(1355, 777)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(510, 1256)
10m 40s Guard Vydel
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-844, 1143)
10m 40s Klaggan Iceshard
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1391, 763)
10m 40s Guard Gyll
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-595, 1251)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(896, 1139)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(1189, 961)
10m 40s a ritualist of Tallon Zek
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-285, 1321)
10m 40s Watchman Berakor
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-314, 1320)
10m 40s Watchman Baelsteirn
97 Storm Giant 100%
(889, 1149)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(-564, 1274)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Storm Giant 100%
(290, 1335)
10m 40s a kromrif recruiter
96 Frost Giant 100%
(242, 1343)
10m 40s a frost giant trainer
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-777, 1209)
10m 40s Oracle Bloodstorm
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1404, 789)
10m 40s a soul scavenger
97 100%
(-593, 1271)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-593, 1271)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
96 100%
(908, 1154)
10m 40s a barrel of ale
97 Barrel 100%
(623, 1272)
10m 40s Guard Hallenban
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-568, 1284)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-568, 1284)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
94 100%
(-447, 1323)
10m 40s Watchman Karthen
95 Frost Giant 100%
(927, 1155)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(290, 1353)
10m 40s a kromrif recruiter
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-638, 1287)
10m 40s a figment
101 100%
(-552, 1304)
10m 40s Sentinel Bvakkren
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1190, 1003)
10m 40s High Priest of Tallon Zek
97 Storm Giant 100%
(904, 1175)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(860, 1197)
10m 40s Senior Guard Icemead
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-777, 1240)
10m 40s Sentinel Fyjrael
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-597, 1301)
10m 40s Sentinel Crrlarn
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1287, 944)
10m 40s Adjutant Khellendor
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-320, 1364)
10m 40s Staff Sergeant Drioc
97 Storm Giant 100%
(510, 1334)
10m 40s Senior Guard Eihorn
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1396, 857)
10m 40s a cruel wurmling
98 100%
(1396, 857)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1169, 1040)
10m 40s a priest of Tallon Zek
97 Storm Giant 100%
(623, 1306)
10m 40s Guard Khyosr
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-902, 1209)
10m 40s Iceweaver Fjhorr
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1037, 1144)
10m 40s an arena spectator
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1373, 909)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(1209, 1040)
10m 40s a cleric of Tallon Zek
98 Storm Giant 100%
(992, 1181)
10m 40s an arena spectator
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-173, 1419)
10m 40s an unbalanced kromzek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-563, 1356)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(-403, 1394)
10m 40s Weyrevar Bluehammer
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-902, 1240)
10m 40s Sentinel Fhaard
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-572, 1367)
10m 40s Sentinel Trllejen
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-605, 1351)
10m 40s a soul scavenger
97 100%
(1395, 921)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Frost Giant 100%
(-301, 1421)
10m 40s Captain Bvellos
98 Storm Giant 100%
(1105, 1140)
10m 40s Bjorak Stonefist
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-601, 1367)
10m 40s Sentinel Vllejenar
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-173, 1436)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-173, 1436)
10m 40s a daemonic lorespawn
99 100%
(-436, 1420)
10m 40s Watchman Zakrek
95 Frost Giant 100%
(-405, 1419)
10m 40s Sergeant Windrager
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-870, 1287)
10m 40s Oracle Elvekren
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-225, 1453)
10m 40s Watchman Vedravik
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1165, 1129)
10m 40s Drenlo Helmright
97 Storm Giant 100%
(55, 1465)
10m 40s Baffod the Wayward
100 Dwarf 100%
(1200, 1110)
10m 40s a frost giant gladiator
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1101, 1181)
10m 40s an arena spectator
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-404, 1442)
10m 40s Pollos Stormkeeper
101 Storm Giant 100%
(658, 1391)
10m 40s Guard Fjorlek
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-630, 1410)
10m 40s a daemonic lorespawn
96 100%
(-630, 1410)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-584, 1428)
10m 40s Sentinel Bjhern
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1255, 1110)
10m 40s Vealok the Angry
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-762, 1382)
10m 40s Stormcaller Bludlaen
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-268, 1494)
10m 40s Watchman Gemmarel
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1341, 1061)
10m 40s a soul scavenger
97 100%
(772, 1384)
10m 40s Senior Guard Grelden
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1358, 1065)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Storm Giant 100%
(2, 1533)
10m 40s a thieving acolyte
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1326, 1101)
10m 40s a spectral dragonkin
98 100%
(1326, 1101)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(362, 1515)
10m 40s a courier
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-795, 1410)
10m 40s Icecrafter Leyreon
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-38, 1545)
10m 40s Bjorik the Heartstrong
100 Storm Giant 100%
(-323, 1523)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(1382, 1075)
10m 40s Guard Sjior
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-304, 1530)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(1386, 1084)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(-630, 1484)
10m 40s Iceweaver Maldekil
97 Frost Giant 100%
(327, 1544)
10m 40s a skeleton
97 Skeleton New 100%
(-738, 1454)
10m 40s a lazy mercenary
97 Barbarian 100%
(-125, 1570)
10m 40s Watchman Djobren
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-727, 1463)
10m 40s a lazy mercenary
97 Barbarian 100%
(-317, 1550)
10m 40s a barrel of ale
97 Barrel 100%
(-683, 1480)
10m 40s Sentinel Uthnorn
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-732, 1464)
10m 40s a lazy mercenary
97 Barbarian 100%
(-761, 1467)
10m 40s Merc McFader
97 Barbarian 100%
(-311, 1569)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(-776, 1471)
10m 40s a lazy mercenary
97 Barbarian 100%
(-322, 1573)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(-157, 1598)
10m 40s a thieving acolyte
97 Storm Giant 100%
(46, 1602)
10m 40s an umbral coldain
96 100%
(46, 1602)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(902, 1431)
10m 40s an arena spectator
98 Storm Giant 100%
(1232, 1256)
10m 40s protector of Zek
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-841, 1459)
10m 40s Clrakk Blackfist
95 Frost Giant 100%
(67, 1607)
10m 40s Watchman Gardal
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1519, 1050)
10m 40s a spectral dragonkin
96 100%
(1519, 1050)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(935, 1430)
10m 40s Vkjor
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1249, 1262)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1310, 1223)
10m 40s a ritualist of Tallon Zek
97 Storm Giant 100%
(146, 1619)
10m 40s Watchman Ymmedlor
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1249, 1265)
10m 40s a fey delerium
91 100%
(129, 1620)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(129, 1620)
10m 40s a grave conjurer
97 100%
(1353, 1199)
10m 40s Adjutant Frinevrn
98 Storm Giant 100%
(1023, 1400)
10m 40s an arena spectator
98 Storm Giant 100%
(1232, 1289)
10m 40s protector of Zek
98 Storm Giant 100%
(725, 1536)
10m 40s a cruel wurmling
98 100%
(725, 1536)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1074, 1400)
10m 40s an arena spectator
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1232, 1325)
10m 40s protector of Zek
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-815, 1538)
10m 40s Icecrafter Uthyeor
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1048, 1437)
10m 40s a spectral dragonkin
99 100%
(1048, 1437)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-266, 1675)
10m 40s a figment
101 100%
(-792, 1554)
10m 40s a frost giant berserker
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-77, 1682)
10m 40s Sergeant Tharjor
96 Frost Giant 100%
(770, 1568)
10m 40s a spectral dragonkin
97 100%
(770, 1568)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1352, 1288)
10m 40s a figment
101 100%
(-119, 1695)
10m 40s Sergeant Brunfel
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-539, 1643)
10m 40s a grave conjurer
99 100%
(-539, 1643)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-422, 1666)
10m 40s a thieving acolyte
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-518, 1663)
10m 40s an umbral coldain
97 100%
(-518, 1663)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1054, 1484)
10m 40s Utyrin Gafon
101 Iksar 100%
(-221, 1720)
10m 40s a storm giant commoner
96 Storm Giant 100%
(16, 1732)
10m 40s an unbalanced kromzek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(1308, 1358)
10m 40s a ritualist of Vallon Zek
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-218, 1726)
10m 40s a courier
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-523, 1678)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-523, 1678)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
99 100%
(146, 1738)
10m 40s a holy bonfire
97 100%
(-483, 1687)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
97 100%
(-483, 1687)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-422, 1706)
10m 40s a Drakkel Dire Wolf
98 Wolf 100%
(1027, 1537)
10m 40s Guard Ulfhedinn
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1052, 1523)
10m 40s Kjelnor
100 Frost Giant 100%
(-383, 1721)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-383, 1721)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
99 100%
(1353, 1376)
10m 40s Trooper Coldstone
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1648, 1148)
10m 40s Trooper Ebonblade
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1200, 1471)
10m 40s a frost giant gladiator
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1584, 1214)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1584, 1214)
10m 40s a spectral dragonkin
96 100%
(-316, 1770)
10m 40s a domesticated direwolf
95 Wolf 100%
(1231, 1470)
10m 40s a storm giant gladiator
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1005, 1577)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
98 100%
(-1005, 1577)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-411, 1753)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
99 100%
(-411, 1753)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-480, 1751)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-480, 1751)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
95 100%
(125, 1798)
10m 40s a daemonic lorespawn
99 100%
(125, 1798)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1169, 1529)
10m 40s a cleric of Vallon Zek
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-997, 1622)
10m 40s a figment
101 100%
(-685, 1721)
10m 40s Adjutant Frinvan
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-251, 1801)
10m 40s a storm giant commoner
96 Storm Giant 100%
(-394, 1780)
10m 40s a Drakkel Dire Wolf
98 Wolf 100%
(99, 1818)
10m 40s a daemonic lorespawn
97 100%
(99, 1818)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-125, 1821)
10m 40s an unbalanced kromzek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-289, 1811)
10m 40s a kromzek sorcerer
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1400, 1411)
10m 40s Trooper Daelbrund
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1209, 1529)
10m 40s a cleric of Vallon Zek
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-587, 1758)
10m 40s a holy bonfire
97 100%
(-178, 1825)
10m 40s Lieutenant Coldforge
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1125, 1483)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
96 100%
(-1125, 1483)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-920, 1667)
10m 40s Noble Helssen
98 Storm Giant 100%
(1379, 1434)
10m 40s a cruel wurmling
97 100%
(1379, 1434)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-962, 1650)
10m 40s Gleed Dragonhunter
98 Frost Giant 100%
(-626, 1755)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
98 100%
(-626, 1755)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-732, 1746)
10m 40s a courier
97 Frost Giant 100%
(1190, 1566)
10m 40s High Priest of Vallon Zek
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-289, 1839)
10m 40s a daemonic lorespawn
96 100%
(-289, 1839)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-319, 1836)
10m 40s a storm giant commoner
96 Storm Giant 100%
(-1157, 1589)
10m 40s Adjutant Derkan
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-606, 1786)
10m 40s Jyain
101 Troll 100%
(246, 1852)
10m 40s a lesser storm giant noble
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-522, 1805)
10m 40s a Drakkel Dire Wolf
98 Wolf 100%
(-1116, 1620)
10m 40s Trooper Gyarll
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-686, 1782)
10m 40s Trooper Khyren
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1156, 1611)
10m 40s a penumbral coldain
96 100%
(-1156, 1611)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1795, 1148)
10m 40s Veteran Skeldek
98 Storm Giant 100%
(267, 1867)
10m 40s Kellek Felhammer
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-557, 1816)
10m 40s a Drakkel Dire Wolf
98 Wolf 100%
(-613, 1797)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
96 100%
(-613, 1797)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(61, 1882)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(-1081, 1644)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
96 100%
(-1081, 1644)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-1181, 1620)
10m 40s Dlammaz Stormslayer
99 Storm Giant 100%
(45, 1898)
10m 40s a barrel of ale
97 Barrel 100%
(23, 1899)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(63, 1899)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(1039, 1690)
10m 40s a cruel wurmling
96 100%
(1039, 1690)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1189, 1625)
10m 40s a ritualist of Vallon Zek
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-979, 1713)
10m 40s a penumbral coldain
99 100%
(-979, 1713)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-989, 1700)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
96 100%
(-989, 1700)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(328, 1887)
10m 40s Wenglawks Kkeak
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1591, 1370)
10m 40s a cruel wurmling
96 100%
(1591, 1370)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(100, 1910)
10m 40s a lesser storm giant noble
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1012, 1706)
10m 40s a grave conjurer
99 100%
(-1012, 1706)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(33, 1913)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(2041, 921)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1077, 1672)
10m 40s an extinct kedge
98 100%
(-1077, 1672)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-842, 1782)
10m 40s an umbral coldain
99 100%
(-842, 1782)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-863, 1776)
10m 40s Adjutant Strongaxe
98 Storm Giant 100%
(1571, 1409)
10m 40s a courier
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1085, 1694)
10m 40s an umbral coldain
97 100%
(-1085, 1694)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-1250, 1621)
10m 40s Sentinel Sunderdrake
99 Storm Giant 100%
(1782, 1241)
10m 40s a Protector of Zek
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-1320, 1588)
10m 40s Sentinel Thurdiel
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-1087, 1711)
10m 40s a penumbral coldain
97 100%
(-1087, 1711)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-1079, 1729)
10m 40s Adjutant Stormkeeper
98 Storm Giant 100%
(1196, 1678)
10m 40s a courier
97 Storm Giant 100%
(159, 1952)
10m 40s Svekk Fangbinder
98 Storm Giant 100%
(239, 1951)
10m 40s a lesser storm giant noble
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1113, 1722)
10m 40s a frost giant wolf tamer
98 Frost Giant 100%
(1075, 1746)
10m 40s Guard Delrenderak
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1025, 1763)
10m 40s Nerik Wolfsoul
95 Storm Giant 100%
(1778, 1289)
10m 40s a Protector of war
98 Storm Giant 100%
(1286, 1649)
10m 40s Legionnaire Byltor
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-1099, 1747)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
96 100%
(-1099, 1747)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1648, 1422)
10m 40s Adjutant Droggren
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-1419, 1581)
10m 40s Kyenka
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-1052, 1772)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Storm Giant 100%
(-1065, 1768)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(2044, 1043)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(2019, 1079)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(1505, 1551)
10m 40s Legionnaire Renarn
98 Storm Giant 100%
(1782, 1337)
10m 40s a Protector of Zek
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-1460, 1580)
10m 40s Sentinel Demek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1666, 1442)
10m 40s Grand Armsmith Korin
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1306, 1681)
10m 40s a grave conjurer
98 100%
(-1306, 1681)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1028, 1825)
10m 40s Guard Taalen
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1700, 1438)
10m 40s Yeeldan Spiritcaller
95 Storm Giant 100%
(1398, 1666)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(-1671, 1479)
10m 40s a noble storm giant
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1241, 1755)
10m 40s Adjutant Daggeruk
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-1308, 1722)
10m 40s an umbral coldain
98 100%
(-1308, 1722)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1397, 1678)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Storm Giant 100%
(-1248, 1767)
10m 40s Sentinel Dragonbane
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1659, 1513)
10m 40s a storm giant noble
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1741, 1460)
10m 40s a storm giant of nobility
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1405, 1706)
10m 40s a spectral dragonkin
96 100%
(1405, 1706)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1795, 1424)
10m 40s Adjutant Brunkin
98 Storm Giant 100%
(1381, 1734)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1381, 1734)
10m 40s a spectral dragonkin
97 100%
(-1697, 1529)
10m 40s Rejnak Coldspear
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1378, 1744)
10m 40s Guard Falldrryn
97 Storm Giant 100%
(1197, 1836)
10m 40s Guard Blaesek
97 Frost Giant 100%
(-1311, 1794)
10m 40s an umbral coldain
99 100%
(-1311, 1794)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-1524, 1668)
10m 40s Klraggek the Slayer
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1630, 1605)
10m 40s Sentinel Drakeslayer
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-1320, 1817)
10m 40s Sentinel Brajnor
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1521, 1700)
10m 40s King Tormax
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1359, 1806)
10m 40s a grave conjurer
96 100%
(-1359, 1806)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(1393, 1785)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(-1712, 1580)
10m 40s Barlek Stonefist
95 Storm Giant 100%
(2340, 920)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(1413, 1787)
10m 40s [space]
1 Invisible Man 100%
(1384, 1809)
10m 40s a barrel of ale
97 Barrel 100%
(1364, 1823)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(-248, 2155)
10m 40s Kion
101 Troll 100%
(1407, 1807)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(1413, 1804)
10m 40s
1 Invisible Man 100%
(-1524, 1737)
10m 40s Velden Dragonbane
99 Storm Giant 100%
(1377, 1828)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(1413, 1811)
10m 40s
1 Invisible Man 100%
(-1712, 1619)
10m 40s Gragek Mjlorkigar
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1767, 1580)
10m 40s Kragek Thunderforge
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1419, 1819)
10m 40s a visiting noble
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-1679, 1662)
10m 40s Sentinel Weldren
98 Storm Giant 100%
(-1460, 1819)
10m 40s Sentinel Blackaxe
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1712, 1660)
10m 40s Bjarorm Mjlorn
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1767, 1620)
10m 40s Veldern Blackhammer
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1500, 1818)
10m 40s a courier
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-1767, 1660)
10m 40s Vylleam Vyaeltor
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1679, 1731)
10m 40s Sentinel Thunderfist
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1709, 1728)
10m 40s Stoem Lekbar
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1630, 1789)
10m 40s Sentinel Harzok
98 Storm Giant 100%
(2481, 926)
10m 40s a thieving acolyte
97 Storm Giant 100%
(2519, 872)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1711, 1754)
10m 40s Regbor Vallgerthon
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1767, 1740)
10m 40s Jaglorm Ygorr
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1712, 1780)
10m 40s Kelenek Bluadfeth
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1767, 1780)
10m 40s Mjeldor Felstorm
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-1712, 1820)
10m 40s Dagron Stonecutter
95 Storm Giant 100%
(2278, 1317)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1690, 1867)
10m 40s Vkaak
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1767, 1820)
10m 40s Ulkar Jollkarek
95 Storm Giant 100%
(-425, 2338)
10m 40s Kvojik
100 Storm Giant 100%
(-1679, 1908)
10m 40s Weyen Stonetrader
101 Storm Giant 100%
(-1658, 1953)
10m 40s Bendad the Trader
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1700, 1953)
10m 40s Bygloirn Omorden
95 Storm Giant 100%
(2353, 1381)
10m 40s Derakor the Vindicator
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-1740, 1932)
10m 40s Ymik
99 Storm Giant 100%
(2584, 1126)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(2278, 1513)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-505, 2430)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(-501, 2447)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(-520, 2444)
10m 40s a barrel of ale
97 Barrel 100%
(2440, 1379)
10m 40s a ritualist of Rallos Zek
97 Storm Giant 100%
(2658, 1119)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-241, 2532)
10m 40s a holy bonfire
97 100%
(-548, 2508)
10m 40s a fading dirge
98 100%
(-548, 2508)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(2556, 1343)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-351, 2571)
10m 40s a frost giant berserker
96 Frost Giant 100%
(2556, 1418)
10m 40s a guardian of Zek
99 Storm Giant 100%
(-300, 2605)
10m 40s Watchman Sunderthorn
97 Storm Giant 100%
(2592, 1419)
10m 40s a ritualist of Rallos Zek
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-536, 2608)
10m 40s a frost giant berserker
96 Frost Giant 100%
(2708, 1280)
10m 40s Armor of Zek
98 Enchanted Armor 100%
(-589, 2607)
10m 40s Evanescent Coronach
99 100%
(-589, 2607)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-606, 2607)
10m 40s a frost giant berserker
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-304, 2664)
10m 40s a fading dirge
96 100%
(-304, 2664)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-644, 2616)
10m 40s a figment
101 100%
(-488, 2641)
10m 40s a soul scavenger
97 100%
(-300, 2682)
10m 40s a storm giant berserker
97 Storm Giant 100%
(-499, 2674)
10m 40s a test npc
101 Storm Giant 100%
(-514, 2686)
10m 40s a giant soul eater
98 100%
(2761, 1379)
10m 40s Armor of War
98 Enchanted Armor 100%
(2709, 1470)
10m 40s Armor of Zek
98 Enchanted Armor 100%
(-352, 2782)
10m 40s Watcher Utgen
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-414, 2795)
10m 40s a domesticated direwolf
95 Wolf 100%
(-389, 2803)
10m 40s Adjutant Darggon
96 Frost Giant 100%
(-287, 2931)
10m 40s a twisted prowler
96 100%
(-287, 2931)
10m 40s [blank]
93 Invisible Man 100%
(-934, 1059)
10m 40s The sound of
1 Invisible Man 100%
(-538, 2471)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(-537, 2449)
10m 40s a drunken faerie
97 100%
(1000, 1293)
10m 40s a skeleton
97 Skeleton New 100%
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022