Inktu`Ta, the Unmasked Chapel - NPCs
Name Additional Info Class Level Race
Nijacka the Scourge
Raid Target Warrior 70
Usher of Kelekdrix
Raid Target Warrior 72
Watcher of Kelekdrix
Raid Target Warrior 72
an onyx protector
Raid Target Warrior 65
a clay monolith
Raid Target Warrior 68
a deathprophet
Raid Target Warrior 68
a deathprophet
Raid Target Warrior 67
a deathprophet
Raid Target Warrior 66
a doomsayer
Raid Target Warrior 66
a doomsayer
Raid Target Warrior 67
a doomsayer
Raid Target Warrior 68
a lingering doomchanter
Raid Target Warrior 68
a lingering doomchanter
Raid Target Warrior 69
a lingering doomchanter
Raid Target Warrior 67
a prophet of destruction
Raid Target Warrior 69
a prophet of destruction
Raid Target Warrior 68
a prophet of destruction
Raid Target Warrior 67
a stoic guardian
Raid Target Warrior 65
Jomica the Unforgiven
Warrior 72
lockout inktuta
Warrior 1 Teleport Man
zone status
Warrior 1 Teleport Man
Raid Target Warrior 1 Teleport Man
Raid Target Warrior 1 Teleport Man
Raid Target Warrior 1 Teleport Man
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022