Hills of Shade - NPCs
Name Additional Info Class Level Race
Warrior 66
an elderly elf
Warrior 75
an elven child
Warrior 75
Aramus the Elder
Warrior 82
a dolorous elven maiden
Warrior 75
a sorrowful elf
Warrior 75
a weeping elf
Warrior 75
Warrior 75
Warrior 72
Elder Scout Tuluria
Warrior 84
Warrior 74
Warrior 70
Warrior 90 Barbarian
Scout Leader Aldin
Warrior 82
Warrior 65
The Rot
Warrior 84
Valthun Woodswatcher
Warrior 82
Addle, Minister of the Arcane
Necromancer 83 Gnome
an acolyte of Valor
Warrior 76 High Elf
an acolyte of Valor
Warrior 76 High Elf
an acolyte of Valor
Warrior 78 High Elf
an acolyte of Valor
Warrior 77 High Elf
an animated slave
Warrior 83
Arak Bladesoar
Warrior 80
Arreles Bonescrounger
Necromancer 80 Gnome
a bartender
Shopkeeper 79 Human
a Blackwater lookout
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater lookout
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater lookout
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater lookout
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater lookout
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater lookout
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater lookout
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater lookout
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater lookout
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater raider
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater raider
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater raider
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater raider
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater raider
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater raider
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 80
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 79 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 80 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81 Human
a Blackwater resident
Warrior 81
a blood crow
Warrior 79 Blood Raven
a blood crow
Warrior 78 Blood Raven
a blood crow
Warrior 77 Blood Raven
a borrower naturalist
Warrior 80
a borrower naturalist
Warrior 78
a borrower naturalist
Warrior 79
a borrower razorbeak
Warrior 78
a borrower razorbeak
Warrior 80
a borrower razorbeak
Warrior 79
a borrower shaman
Warrior 80
a borrower shaman
Warrior 79
a cavalier of Valor
Warrior 77 Human
a crypt ghoul
Warrior 82
a crypt ghoul
Warrior 81
a crypt ghoul
Warrior 83
a crypt guardian
Warrior 83 Skeleton New
a deathspore decomposer
Warrior 81
a deathspore decomposer
Warrior 82
a deathspore decomposer
Warrior 80
a deathspore feeder
Warrior 80
a deathspore feeder
Warrior 81
a deathspore feeder
Warrior 82
a deathspore grove
a deathspore grove
a deathspore grove
a deathspore grove
a deathspore grove
a deathspore sleeper
Shaman 80
a deathspore sleeper
Shaman 82
a deathspore sleeper
Shaman 81
a deathwrangler
Warrior 80 Gnome
a decorative fetish
45 Bones
a faithsworn of Valor
Warrior 76 Dwarf
a faithsworn of Valor
Warrior 78 Dwarf
a faithsworn of Valor
Warrior 77 Dwarf
a feral frightener
Warrior 79 Scarecrow
a feral frightener
Warrior 80 Scarecrow
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 80 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 80 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 80 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 80 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 80 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 80 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 80 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 80 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 80 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 81
a fisherman
Warrior 81 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 80 Human
a fisherman
Warrior 79 Human
a frenzied ancestor
Monk 82 Skeleton New
a frenzied ancestor
Monk 83 Skeleton New
a frenzied ancestor
Monk 79 Skeleton New
a frenzied ancestor
Monk 80 Skeleton New
a frenzied ancestor
Monk 81 Skeleton New
a frightener
Warrior 25 Scarecrow
a Kirathas scout
Warrior 78
a Kirathas villager
Druid 80
a Kirathas villager
Warrior 79
a Kirathas villager
Ranger 81
a Kirathas villager
Warrior 81
a Kirathas villager
Warrior 80
a Kirathas villager
Warrior 79
a Kirathas villager
Ranger 81
a Kirathas villager
Druid 79
a Kirathas villager
Ranger 81
a Kirathas villager
Warrior 80
a Kirathas villager
Druid 81
a Kirathas villager
Ranger 79
a Kirathas villager
Ranger 80
a Kirathas villager
Druid 80
a Kirathas villager
Warrior 80
a Kirathas villager
Warrior 81
a Kirathas villager
Ranger 80
a Kirathas villager
Warrior 81
a Kirathas villager
Druid 81
a lookout
Ranger 79
a lookout
Ranger 79
a lookout
Ranger 81
a lookout
Ranger 80
a mysterious stranger
Shopkeeper 80 Half-Elf
a patron
Warrior 80 Human
a patron
Warrior 79 Human
a patron
Warrior 81 Human
a phoboplasm
Warrior 78
a phoboplasm
Warrior 79
a phoboplasm
Warrior 80
a raging spirit
Warrior 83
a rampaging boneguard
Warrior 80
a rampaging boneguard
Warrior 79
a rampaging boneguard
Warrior 78
a reluctant gnome guard
Warrior 83 Gnome
a reluctant gnome guard
Warrior 83 Gnome
a reluctant gnome guard
Warrior 83 Gnome
a reluctant gnome guard
Warrior 83 Gnome
a reluctant gnome guard
Warrior 83 Gnome
a risen ancestor
Warrior 81
a risen ancestor
Warrior 80
a risen ancestor
Warrior 79
a risen ancestor
Warrior 82
a risen ancestor
Warrior 83
a rotcap decomposer
Warrior 82
a rotcap decomposer
Warrior 83
a rotcap decomposer
Warrior 81
a rotcap feeder
Warrior 81
a rotcap feeder
Warrior 82
a rotcap feeder
Warrior 83
a rotcap sleeper
Warrior 81
a rotcap sleeper
Warrior 82
a sea turtle
Warrior 20 Sea Turtle
a slithering shade
Warrior 81
a slithering shade
Warrior 83
a slithering shade
Warrior 82
a spirit of flame
Warrior 81 Fire Elemental
a spirit of flame
Warrior 80 Fire Elemental
a spirit of flame
Warrior 79 Fire Elemental
a steed
Warrior 45
a steed
Warrior 45
a steed
Warrior 45
a steed
Warrior 45
a tomb
45 Coffin
a tomb shade
Warrior 80
a tomb shade
Warrior 79
a tomb shade
Warrior 81
a tortured treant
Warrior 80
a vendor
Shopkeeper 79 Human
a vendor
Shopkeeper 81 Human
a vendor
Shopkeeper 80 Human
a viridian ghost
Warrior 80 Will O' Wisp
a viridian ghost
Warrior 78 Will O' Wisp
a viridian ghost
Warrior 79 Will O' Wisp
a weapons cache
45 Barrel
a wereorc gravedigger
Warrior 79
a wereorc gravedigger
Warrior 81
a wereorc packleader
Warrior 82
a woodcutter
Warrior 80 Human
Banty Bourdizzle
Necromancer 80 Gnome
Bimbalicus the Soulbleeder
Shadown Knight 84 Gnome
Brandt`s Coffin
1 Coffin
Brother Veras
Warrior 80 High Elf
Captain Jensen
Warrior 80 Human
Carlin`s Coffin
1 Coffin
Castell Cloudskate
Warrior 80 High Elf
Cavalier Devolah
Warrior 80 Human
Dabble Splinewinder
Warrior 80 Gnome
Elliot`s Coffin
1 Coffin
Warrior 80 Human
Warrior 80 Dwarf
Shopkeeper 80 Dwarf
Warrior 80 Human
Jorun Grimblewimbus
Necromancer 82 Gnome
Lanika Shadestepper
Shopkeeper 80 Gnome
Larkin`s Coffin
1 Coffin
Lebanezer`s steed
Warrior 45
Leeta`s Coffin
1 Coffin
meandering mulch
Warrior 82
meandering mulch
Warrior 81
molding mulch
Warrior 82
molding mulch
Warrior 83
molding mulch
Warrior 81
Naene Ebonlocke
Shopkeeper 80 High Elf
Nastel Greygore
Necromancer 80 Gnome
Old Scheffer
Warrior 80 Human
Warrior 80 Human
Reaver Lebanezer
Necromancer 83 Gnome
Sarah`s Coffin
1 Coffin
Seyan Ebonlocke
Shopkeeper 80 High Elf
Warrior 80 Dwarf
Warrior 80 Gnome
Shelsy Shadestepper
Shopkeeper 80 Gnome
Sister Daria
Warrior 80 High Elf
Warrior 80 Human
thorned mulch
Warrior 80
thorned mulch
Warrior 78
thorned mulch
Warrior 79
Warrior 80 Teleport Man
Warrior 78 Teleport Man
Warrior 80 Teleport Man
`Shifty` Jenkins
Shopkeeper 81 Human
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022