The Hive - Drop Items
Name AC Mana HP Type
Alkalai Loam
0 0 0 Gems
Atrophied Drachnid Spinneret
0 0 0 Gems
Barbed Chitin Hand Wraps
0 125 130 Martial
Bazu Steel
0 0 0 Combinable
0 0 0 Combinable
Blood Drinker's Earring
7 150 150 Armor
Blood Drinker's Ring
9 150 150 Armor
Blood Pact Bindings
32 160 160 Armor
Blood Worshipper's Amulet
12 130 125 Armor
Blood Worshipper's Cape
14 130 125 Armor
Blood Worshipper's Gloves
13 150 140 Armor
Chitin Blade
0 0 0 1H Slashing
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XI
0 0 0 Potion
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XII
0 0 0 Potion
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XIII
0 0 0 Potion
0 0 0 Combinable
Deep Orc Eyes
0 0 0 Combinable
Deep Orc Femur
0 0 0 Combinable
Deep Orc Head
0 0 0 Gems
Deep Orc Meat
0 0 0 Combinable
Deep Orc Skin
0 0 0 Combinable
Desiccated Zombie Bones
0 0 0 Combinable
Desiccated Zombie Dust
0 0 0 Combinable
Desiccated Zombie Heart
0 0 0 Combinable
Desiccated Zombie Skin
0 0 0 Combinable
Discordant Steel
0 0 0 Combinable
Drachnid Amice of Malice
17 140 150 Armor
Drachnid Blood
0 0 0 Combinable
Drachnid Bloodstone
12 130 130 Armor
Drachnid Carapace
0 0 0 Gems
Drachnid Collar
12 130 125 Armor
Drachnid Eye
0 60 0 Augmentation
Drachnid Hair
0 0 0 Combinable
Drachnid Heart
0 0 60 Augmentation
Drachnid Leg
0 0 60 Augmentation
Drachnid Poison Gland
0 0 0 Augmentation
Drachnid Preserver
40 140 140 Shield
Drachnid Recluse Mantle
13 130 125 Armor
Drachnid Rib
14 140 140 Armor
Drachnid Silk Gland
0 0 0 Combinable
Drachnid Silk Robe
25 165 165 Armor
Drachnid Skull
0 0 0 Augmentation
Drachnid Spun Belt
13 125 130 Armor
Drachnid Spun Cape
15 125 130 Armor
Drachnid Tarsus Horn
5 145 155 Wind Instrument
Drachnid Tongue
0 40 40 Augmentation
Drachnid Voodoo Doll
10 140 140 Armor
Dread Leather Wrists
25 160 160 Armor
Dreadful Chain Vest
59 165 165 Armor
Dreadful Spines
0 130 130 Martial
Drithnak's Affectation of Fate
20 175 170 Armor
Drithnak's Pauldrons of Atrocity
25 170 175 Armor
Drithnak's Prodigious Maul of Devastation
18 165 165 1H Blunt
Drithnak's Seal of Assent
25 175 175 Armor
Elaborate Binding Powder
0 0 0 Combinable
0 0 0 Combinable
Enchanted Heavy Metal
0 0 30 Augmentation
Excellent Marrow
0 0 0 Gems
Excellent Spinneret Fluid
0 0 0 Gems
Exoskeleton Ring
12 140 150 Armor
Exquisite Deep Mushroom
0 0 0 Food
Exquisite Marrow
0 0 0 Gems
Exquisite Spinneret Fluid
0 0 0 Gems
Extruded Underfoot Diamond
0 0 0 Combinable
Fine Spinneret Fluid
0 0 0 Gems
Flawless Spinneret Fluid
0 0 0 Gems
Fused Loam
0 0 0 Gems
Gemstone of Emperor Sandvarrow
0 0 0 Gems
0 0 0 Combinable
Glowing Shadowspine Rune
0 0 0 Gems
0 0 0 Combinable
0 0 0 Combinable
Gory Belt
15 180 170 Armor
Greater Shadowspine Rune
0 0 0 Gems
0 0 0 Gems
Heart Guard Breastplate
72 165 165 Armor
Hive Moccasins
13 145 145 Armor
Hive Ooze
0 50 50 Augmentation
Hive Warden's Choker
14 170 180 Armor
Intricate Binding Powder
0 0 0 Combinable
Large Darkhollow Geode
0 0 0 Gems
Legends of Norrath Starter Deck
0 0 0 Gems
Legends of Norrath: Wall of Feathers
0 0 0 Gems
Loathsome Chain Boots
30 145 145 Armor
Loathsome Chain Gauntlets
30 140 150 Armor
0 0 0 Combinable
Luminescent Lichen
0 0 0 Combinable
Mace of Forbidden Rituals
5 130 130 1H Blunt
Magnificent Hide
0 0 0 Combinable
0 0 0 Combinable
Mantle of Deep Thoughts
14 155 155 Armor
Mask of Ardent Spirits
16 160 160 Armor
Mottled Hide
0 0 0 Combinable
Natural Marrow
0 0 0 Gems
Necrotic Shiliskin Tentacle Bundle
0 0 0 Gems
Old Ebon Hero's Forge Chain Feet Ornament
0 0 0 Augmentation
Oppressed Victim's Tunic
35 165 165 Armor
Ornate Binding Powder
0 0 0 Combinable
0 0 0 Combinable
Porous Loam
0 0 0 Gems
0 0 0 Gems
Ragepaw Claw
0 0 0 Combinable
Ragepaw Hair
0 0 0 Combinable
Ragepaw Pelt
0 0 0 Combinable
Ragepaw Teeth
0 0 0 Combinable
Raw Amber Nihilite
0 0 0 Combinable
Raw Crimson Nihilite
0 0 0 Combinable
Raw Indigo Nihilite
0 0 0 Combinable
Raw Shimmering Nihilite
0 0 0 Combinable
Repugnant Leather Gloves
17 140 150 Armor
Repulsive Leather Boots
17 145 145 Armor
Scale Ore
0 0 0 Combinable
Section Eight of Cicero's Notebook
0 0 0 Gems
Section Five of Cicero's Notebook
0 0 0 Gems
Section Four of Cicero's Notebook
0 0 0 Gems
Section Nine of Cicero's Notebook
0 0 0 Gems
Section One of Cicero's Notebook
0 0 0 Gems
Section Seven of Cicero's Notebook
0 0 0 Gems
Section Six of Cicero's Notebook
0 0 0 Gems
Section Three of Cicero's Notebook
0 0 0 Gems
Section Two of Cicero's Notebook
0 0 0 Gems
Shadowmane Claw
0 0 0 Combinable
Shadowmane Hair
0 0 0 Combinable
Shadowmane Pelt
0 0 0 Combinable
Shadowmane Teeth
0 0 0 Combinable
Shiliskin Blood
0 0 0 Combinable
Shiliskin Bones
0 0 0 Combinable
Shiliskin Butcherer
25 165 175 2H Slashing
Shiliskin Finger Webbing
0 0 0 Combinable
Shiliskin Skin
0 0 0 Combinable
Shiliskin Trickster Mask
15 140 140
Shrunken Shiliskin Skull Totem
0 0 0 1H Slashing
Skull Head Ornament
0 0 0 Augmentation
Small Hammer of Cessation
5 0 0 2H Blunt
Small Sparkling Stalactite
0 0 0 Gems
Small Sparkling Stalagmite
0 0 0 Gems
Soluble Loam
0 0 0 Gems
Sooty Fine Paper
0 0 0 Combinable
Sooty Paper
0 0 0 Combinable
Stained Fine Runic Paper
0 0 0 Combinable
0 0 0 Gems
Summoned: Crystal Belt
0 0 650 Armor
Summoned: Jagged Ragesword
0 0 150 Piercing
Summoned: Muzzle of Mowcha
0 0 0 Armor
Sunshard Ore
0 0 0 Combinable
Sunshard Powder
0 0 0 Combinable
Superb Marrow
0 0 0 Gems
Superb Spinneret Fluid
0 0 0 Gems
15 140 140 Armor
0 0 0 Gems
Totem of the Wurines
10 115 115 Armor
Uncut Alexandrite
0 0 0 Combinable
Uncut Amethyst
0 0 0 Combinable
Uncut Black Sapphire
0 0 0 Combinable
Uncut Combine Star
0 0 0 Combinable
Uncut Demantoid
0 0 0 Combinable
Uncut Goshenite
0 0 0 Combinable
Uncut Jacinth
0 0 0 Combinable
Uncut Morganite
0 0 0 Combinable
Uncut Rubellite
0 0 0 Combinable
Undamaged Drachnid Thorax
55 130 130 Shield
Versluierd Fungus
0 0 0 Combinable
Viscous Hive Boots
39 145 145 Armor
Viscous Hive Gauntlets
39 140 150 Armor
Viscous Hive Girdle
13 0 130 Armor
Viscous Hive Shoulders
14 0 130 Armor
Witch's Hat Ornament
0 0 0 Augmentation
Withered Wand of Chitin
0 0 0 1H Blunt
Wurine Blood
0 0 0 Combinable
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022