Direwind Cliffs - NPCs
Name Additional Info Class Level Race
Warrior 62 Fay Drake
Arakeen, Eater of the Dead
Warrior 75
Archmage Varren
Warrior 74
Blademaster Zerralok
Warrior 75
Bollbaru the Witch
Warrior 75
Captain Orzhok
Warrior 76
Carrionmancer Marrowrot
Necromancer 75
Creeping Death
Warrior 75
Warrior 77
Warrior 74
Necromancer 78
Denlord Ezak
Warrior 77
Gatekeeper Kor
Warrior 75
Warrior 77
Hammerfist the Champion
Warrior 78
Ironpaw, Koda`s Mate
Warrior 75 Bear
Kendra the Archer
Warrior 78
Warrior 77 Bear
Moldmaster Gangii
Enchanter 75
Pyre Lord Narseekin
Warrior 80
Renagarhn the Exile
Warrior 75
Scout Keshik
Warrior 62
Scout Zryan
Warrior 70
Severan the Direwind Caller
Warrior 80
Warrior 77
Son of Severan
Rogue 78
Vahna, Dryad of Direwind
Warrior 62
Vinelord Molder
Warrior 78
an outpost guardian
Warrior 76
Axxanderan`s Animated Remains
Rogue 75
a Black Legion archer
Warrior 76
a Black Legion battlemage
Wizard 76
a Black Legion berserker
Warrior 76
a Black Legion chaplain
Cleric 76
a Black Legion mercenary
Warrior 70
a Black Legion sergeant
Warrior 70
a Black Legion warrior
Warrior 70
a bonestitch golem
Warrior 71
a carrion pile
Warrior 70
a Clan Direwind carrionmancer
Necromancer 71
a Clan Direwind carrionmancer
Necromancer 72
a Clan Direwind carrionmancer
Necromancer 73
a Clan Direwind dreadknight
Shadown Knight 74
a Clan Direwind dreadknight
Shadown Knight 75
a Clan Direwind dreadknight
Shadown Knight 73
a Clan Direwind initiate
Warrior 73
a Clan Direwind initiate
Warrior 72
a Clan Direwind initiate
Warrior 74
a Clan Direwind plague bearer
Rogue 76
a Clan Direwind ratcaller
Rogue 77
a Clan Direwind ratkin
Rogue 77
a Clan Direwind ratkin
Rogue 77
a Clan Direwind warlock
Necromancer 75
a Darkroot carrion gatherer
Warrior 70
a Darkroot carrion gatherer
Warrior 71
a Darkroot carrion gatherer
Warrior 72
a Darkroot carrion gatherer
Shaman 72
a Darkroot carrion gatherer
Shaman 70
a Darkroot gardener
Warrior 70
a Darkroot gardener
Warrior 72
a Darkroot gardener
Warrior 71
a Darkroot gardener
Shaman 72
a Darkroot moldling
Shaman 73
a Darkroot moldling
Shaman 72
a Darkroot moldling
Shaman 74
a Darkroot orchid
Warrior 68 Man Eating Plant
a Darkroot shaman
Shaman 72
a Darkroot shaman
Shaman 73
a Darkroot tender
Druid 73
a Darkroot tender
Druid 74
a Darkroot vineherd
Rogue 74
a Darkroot vinesnarl
Warrior 65
a Darkroot warrior
Warrior 72
a Darkroot warrior
Warrior 74
a Darkroot warrior
Warrior 73
a diseased griffon
Warrior 71
a diseased griffon
Warrior 72
a diseased grizzly
Warrior 71 Bear
a diseased wolf
Warrior 70 Wolf
a diseased wolf
Warrior 71 Wolf
a fleshstitch golem
Warrior 71
a Gray Legion cleric
Cleric 70
a Gray Legion conscript
Warrior 65
a Gray Legion mage
Wizard 70
a Gray Legion mage
Enchanter 70
a Gray Legion sergeant
Warrior 76
a Gray Legion soldier
Warrior 70
a Gray Legion soldier
Warrior 70
a grizzly matron
Warrior 72 Bear
a grizzly matron
Warrior 70 Bear
a grizzly matron
Warrior 71 Bear
a manasheen grove
a manasheen grove
a mindspore grove
a mindspore grove
a mindspore grove
a mountain griffon
Warrior 70
a mountain griffon
Warrior 71
a mountain griffon
Warrior 72
a mountain grizzly
Warrior 70 Bear
a mountain grizzly
Warrior 72 Bear
a mountain grizzly
Warrior 71 Bear
a nesting griffon
Warrior 72
a nesting griffon
Warrior 70
a nesting griffon
Warrior 71
a pack hunter
Warrior 71 Wolf
a pack hunter
Warrior 70 Wolf
a pack huntress
Warrior 70 Wolf
a pack huntress
Warrior 72 Wolf
a pack huntress
Warrior 71 Wolf
a plagueborne ooze
Warrior 70
a plagueborne ooze
Warrior 72
a plagueborne ooze
Warrior 71
a plagueborne ooze
Warrior 70
a plagueborne ooze
Warrior 70
a plagueborne ooze
Warrior 70
a plaguespore grove
a quickspore grove
a quickspore grove
a quickspore grove
a rabid wolf
Warrior 72 Wolf
a rabid wolf
Warrior 71 Wolf
a summoned skeleton
Warrior 70 Skeleton New
a supply crate
60 Chest
a trained griffon
Warrior 69
a trained griffon
Warrior 71
Blight Pyre Golem
Warrior 77
Captain Orenu Urulump
Warrior 74
Direwind Current
Warrior 75
diseased bear corpse
Warrior 71 Bear
diseased bear corpse
Warrior 70 Bear
diseased bear corpse
Warrior 69 Bear
diseased griffon corpse
Warrior 69
diseased griffon corpse
Warrior 70
diseased griffon corpse
Warrior 71
diseased wolf corpse
Warrior 69 Wolf
diseased wolf corpse
Warrior 71 Wolf
Guardian of the Gate
Shadown Knight 79
Jenray, Envoy of Ro
Warrior 76
Kluno Orenbrew
Shaman 72
Maven Bellstone
Warrior 65
Outcast Erralock
Shopkeeper 70
Outcast Sayrus
Shopkeeper 70
Roots of the Black Oak
Warrior 76
Scribe Nurel Uralu
Warrior 72
The Blightwind Totem
Warrior 75
The Deathwind Totem
Warrior 75
The Hatewind Totem
Warrior 75
The Stormwind Totem
Warrior 75
Tienen the Wanderer
Shopkeeper 70
Wintersting the Black Oak
Warrior 80
Zhubis the Griffon Tamer
Warrior 76
Warrior 70 Teleport Man
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022