Harm Touch - Cast By
NPC Proc Level Class
#Coterie Corruptor
56 Warrior
#General Kizuhx
53 Warrior
#Grziz the Tormentor
59 Warrior
#Klazaz the Slayer
59 Warrior
#Skzik the Tormentor
59 Warrior
#Zlakas the Slayer
59 Warrior
a cold shade
47 Warrior
a cold spectre
49 Warrior
a cold spectre
50 Warrior
a frost spectre
52 Warrior
a scorpikis
36 Warrior
a scorpikis
35 Warrior
a scorpikis
34 Warrior
a scorpikis
33 Warrior
a scorpikis
32 Warrior
a scorpikis scrounger
34 Warrior
a scorpikis scrounger
32 Warrior
a scorpikis scrounger
36 Warrior
a scorpikis scrounger
33 Warrior
a shard spectre
49 Warrior
a shard spectre
50 Warrior
DeGarran Kixl
38 Warrior
Guard J`Axx
40 Warrior
King Tranix
52 Warrior
40 Necromancer
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022