Improved Parry / Block I - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Armwraps of Celestial Discipline
Worn Effect
Axeweaver's Medal of Distinction
Worn Effect
Band of Luminescence
Worn Effect
Beast Tamer's Sleeves
Worn Effect
Chronal Seal of Block
Worn Effect
Circlet of Living Light
Worn Effect
Cloak of Weighted Chains
Worn Effect
Elladrial's Pendant of Solace
Worn Effect
Elladrial's True Pendant of Solace
Worn Effect
Worn Effect
Worn Effect
Gnoll's Honor Medal
Worn Effect
Jelvalak's Gorget
Worn Effect
Living Bone Gorget
Worn Effect
Sea Drake Sash
Worn Effect
Stillmind Armbands
Worn Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022