Reyfin`s Random Musings - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Astral Potentium
Click Effect
Band of Humility
Click Effect
Band of Unity
Click Effect
Click Effect
Baneband of Manaflux
Click Effect
Bloodspot Hook
Click Effect
Bloodswarm Bonehook
Click Effect
Click Effect
Brusk's Champion Ring
Click Effect
Charged Astral Potentium
Click Effect
Crystal-Adorned Cloak
Click Effect
Diaku Pinticle of Enchantment
Click Effect
Diaku Pinticle of Luck
Click Effect
Earring of Pain Deliverance
Click Effect
Heartblood Hook
Click Effect
Hollowed Bone Section
Click Effect
Hollowed Ukun Bone Ring
Click Effect
Large War Boar Nose Ring
Click Effect
Ring of Reconstitution
Click Effect
Ring of the Bull
Click Effect
Tectonic Shroud of Crystallos
Click Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022