Icicle Strike - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Blizzard-Born Blade
Weapon Proc
Blood Ruby of Discord
Weapon Proc
Concussion Hammer
Weapon Proc
Gavel of the Adjudicator
Weapon Proc
Glowing Permafrost
Weapon Proc
Hammer of the Forgotten City
Weapon Proc
Lurid Zircon Shard
Weapon Proc
Lurid Zircon Stone
Weapon Proc
Mace of the Fallen Hero
Weapon Proc
Radiant Permafrost Chunk
Weapon Proc
Tenebrous Mandarin Garnet
Weapon Proc
Tenebrous Mandarin Gemstone
Weapon Proc
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022