Vampire Claw - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Barbed Knuckleblade of Brutishness
Weapon Proc
Blood Sieve Plasma
Weapon Proc
Blood Sieve Plasma
Weapon Proc
Bloodstained Spear
Weapon Proc
Claw of the Darkfanged
Weapon Proc
Dragontooth Shard
Weapon Proc
Gladius Blade
Weapon Proc
Pike of the Relentless
Weapon Proc
Shaded Mandarin Garnet
Weapon Proc
Shaded Mandarin Gemstone
Weapon Proc
Sludge-Covered Short Sword
Weapon Proc
Steel Rod of the Knight
Weapon Proc
Sword of the Mist
Weapon Proc
Vicious Great Mace
Weapon Proc
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022