Detrimental Range 27 L105 - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Ancient Ritual Mask
Focus Effect
Aspect of the Horned Beast
Focus Effect
Balladeer's Domino
Focus Effect
Beastbinder's Mask
Focus Effect
Bladebinder's Mask
Focus Effect
Blood Raven Mask
Focus Effect
Bloodbinder's Mask
Focus Effect
Curled Mask of the Fleet Foot
Focus Effect
Domino of Depletion
Focus Effect
Earbinder's Mask
Focus Effect
Goggles of the Medicus
Focus Effect
Iumentor Spiritus
Focus Effect
Mask of Stormy Seas
Focus Effect
Mask of the Frozen Eye
Focus Effect
Mask of the Hidden Goblin
Focus Effect
Mindbinder's Mask
Focus Effect
Soulbinder's Mask
Focus Effect
Spectacles of the Warleader
Focus Effect
Swiftbinder's Mask
Focus Effect
Thuliasaur Mask
Focus Effect
Triceratop Skull Mask
Focus Effect
Turtleshell Mask
Focus Effect
Visage of Ever Burning Flame
Focus Effect
Visor of the Myrmidon
Focus Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022