Improved Parry / Block I - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Adornment of Frenzy
Worn Effect
Armsmaster's Sleeves
Worn Effect
Chillform Choker
Worn Effect
Chronal Seal of Parry
Worn Effect
Felmight Gorget
Worn Effect
Gorget of Ferocity
Worn Effect
Grokui's Belt
Worn Effect
Heartstiller's Mail Sleeves
Worn Effect
Icehaven Pauldron
Worn Effect
Intricate Combatant's Gorget
Worn Effect
Intricate Soldier's Gorget
Worn Effect
Necklace of Living Ice
Worn Effect
Oathbound Armguards
Worn Effect
Pendant of the Stoic
Worn Effect
Python Fang Pendant
Worn Effect
Rampart of Fallen Heroes
Worn Effect
Royal Platinum Choker
Worn Effect
Shoulderpads of Calamity
Worn Effect
Vambraces of the Blessed Champion
Worn Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022