Rallied Bastion of Vie - General Info
Rallied Bastion of Vie
Classes: CLR/100
Mana :1234
Duration: 3 min @L1 to 1 hour(s) 12 min @L24
Slot 1: Mitigate Melee Damage by 10pct until 37981 absorbed
Slot 6: Trigger Effect on Fade: Light of Vie
Cast on you: A bright white aura surrounds you.
Cast on other: Someone has been surrounded in a bright white aura.
Wears off: The white aura fades.
Classes: CLR/100
Mana :1234
Duration: 3 min @L1 to 1 hour(s) 12 min @L24
Slot 1: Mitigate Melee Damage by 10pct until 37981 absorbed
Slot 6: Trigger Effect on Fade: Light of Vie
Cast on you: A bright white aura surrounds you.
Cast on other: Someone has been surrounded in a bright white aura.
Wears off: The white aura fades.
Casting Time: 5.5 Recast Time: 1.5 Recovery Time: 1.5 Skill: Abjuration Spell Type: Beneficial Target Type: Group v1 & Pet Owners Group Resist: None (no adjust) | Range: 100 AE Range: 100 Interruptable: Yes Deleteable: No Dispellable: Yes Time of day: Any Location: Any |
Quest Source: 28 May 2022