Heal 25-70 L95 - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Aged Selyrah Collar
Focus Effect
Ancient Selyrah Scarf
Focus Effect
Collar of the Maw Lurker
Focus Effect
Deathleaper's Pendant
Focus Effect
Embellished Sleeves of the Diviner
Focus Effect
Embellished Vambraces of the Light
Focus Effect
Embellished Wristguard of the Tender
Focus Effect
Fang-Studded Choker
Focus Effect
Frozen Shadow Necklace
Focus Effect
Goral-Tooth Necklace
Focus Effect
Oeslik's Magnificent Medallion
Focus Effect
Pearl Rosary of the Curate
Focus Effect
Silver Ophidian Pendant
Focus Effect
Silvery, Winged Amulet
Focus Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022