Touch of Mujaki - Cast By
NPC Proc Level Class
#Amilia Verisue
65 Necromancer
#Arch Lich T`Vaxok
65 Necromancer
#a Chetari Packrat
62 Necromancer
#a furtive figure
63 Necromancer
#a necromantic aide
61 Necromancer
#Daleynn Spiritshadow
70 Necromancer
#Finnelzi Springworthy
62 Necromancer
70 Necromancer
#Gizzmu the Wise
70 Necromancer
#Locis V`Sek
65 Necromancer
#Malicious Trueborn Essence
61 Necromancer
#Malicious Trueborn Essence
67 Necromancer
#Nihilist Xeegarn
65 Necromancer
#Puella Opalis
65 Necromancer
#Pyidar Uytoan
70 GM Necromancer
#Ronaiar Skullmoore
68 Necromancer
#Scion Bone Binder
65 Necromancer
#Scion Bone Binder
68 Necromancer
#Shala Belen
70 Necromancer
#Tehana Elsent
63 Necromancer
#The Fabled Crypt Keeper
65 Necromancer
#The Fabled Drusella Sathir
75 Necromancer
#Warlock J`Rath
63 Necromancer
65 Necromancer
Annaelia Wylassi
61 Necromancer
an ancient necromantic shade
80 Necromancer
An Elder Emerald Drake
62 Necromancer
an undead guardian
66 Necromancer
a black wing drake
72 Necromancer
a black wing drake
72 Necromancer
a black wing drake
72 Necromancer
a drachnid ritualist
73 Necromancer
a drachnid theurgist
73 Necromancer
a drained shiliskin soul leech
67 Necromancer
a flailing phantom
62 Necromancer
a goblin bone ritualist
61 Necromancer
a heretic of hate
62 Necromancer
a heretic of hate
61 Necromancer
a repugnant ventriloquist
63 Necromancer
a repugnant ventriloquist
66 Necromancer
a sacrificing Scion
64 Necromancer
a sacrificing Scion
66 Necromancer
a sacrificing Scion
65 Necromancer
a sacrificing Trueborn
64 Necromancer
a sacrificing Trueborn
67 Necromancer
a sacrificing Trueborn
63 Necromancer
a sacrificing Trueborn
66 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
65 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
68 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
63 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
66 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
65 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
68 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
67 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
63 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
66 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
64 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
67 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
65 Necromancer
a Scion cyst maker
68 Necromancer
a Scion cyst summoner
64 Necromancer
a Scion cyst summoner
63 Necromancer
a Scion embalmer
64 Necromancer
a Scion embalmer
66 Necromancer
a Scion flesh reanimator
65 Necromancer
a Scion rites performer
67 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
64 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
67 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
63 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
66 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
64 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
67 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
63 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
66 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
63 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
66 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
65 Necromancer
a Scion soul bleeder
68 Necromancer
a screeching banshee
64 Necromancer
a skinwalker corpsefiend
69 Necromancer
a Trueborn cyst creator
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
68 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
64 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
67 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
64 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
67 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
68 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
68 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
68 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
68 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
68 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
64 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
67 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
64 Necromancer
a Trueborn embalmer
67 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
64 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
67 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
68 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn flesh reanimator
64 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
68 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
65 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
68 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
64 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
67 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn ritualcaller
66 Necromancer
a Trueborn soul devourer
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn spirit devourer
63 Necromancer
a Trueborn spirit devourer
66 Necromancer
a warlock of hate
63 Necromancer
a warlock of hate
64 Necromancer
A Witness of Hate Bonecollector
63 Necromancer
A Witness of Hate Bonecollector
66 Necromancer
A Witness of Hate Bonecollector
63 Necromancer
A Witness of Hate Bonecollector
66 Necromancer
A Witness of Hate Bonecollector
65 Necromancer
A Witness of Hate Bonecollector
68 Necromancer
A Witness of Hate Bonecollector
65 Necromancer
A Witness of Hate Bonecollector
68 Necromancer
Bloodreaver Riza`farr
70 GM Necromancer
Bubonian Death Caster
62 Necromancer
Councilmember Vakk`dra
80 Necromancer
Dark Reign Contact
67 Necromancer
Decaying Lord Galuk Drek
65 Necromancer
Librarian Zimor
61 Necromancer
Master Nochtar
61 GM Necromancer
Mike Tyson
99 Berserker
Necromancer of Decay
62 Necromancer
Nightmaster Kelador
61 GM Necromancer
Nolaen Tav`Inxya
65 Necromancer
Scion Werewolf Summoner
69 Necromancer
Shiliskin Councilor
72 Necromancer
Talorial D`Estalian
61 Necromancer
66 Necromancer
Vladnelg Galvern
65 Necromancer
Yenlr Undraie
65 Necromancer
Zol Master Malgorn
70 GM Necromancer
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022