Claw of Khati Sha - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Fabled Fist of Acrylia
Weapon Proc
Fabled Rune Etched Bamboo Bo
Weapon Proc
Fangs of Vyzh`dra
Weapon Proc
Fist of Acrylia
Weapon Proc
Fist of Glowing Acrylia
Weapon Proc
Glowing Mithril Ulak
Weapon Proc
Horns of Chaos
Weapon Proc
Horns of Ferocity
Weapon Proc
Rune Etched Bamboo Bo
Weapon Proc
Savage Lord's Eitchatka
Weapon Proc
Savage Lord's Pitchatka
Weapon Proc
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022