Sympathetic Alleviating Burst VI - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Beast King's Scepter
Focus Effect
Crys Dator, Wand of Indentured
Focus Effect
Dagger of Spectral Disruption
Focus Effect
Emerald-Encrusted Club
Focus Effect
Fused Coral Wand
Focus Effect
Gate Caller's Battlestaff
Focus Effect
Orb of the Crimson Bull
Focus Effect
Regal Sulstone of the Focused
Focus Effect
Regal Sulstone of the Thoughtful
Focus Effect
Ritual Blade of Heretics
Focus Effect
Silver Dagger of Destruction
Focus Effect
Staff of the Silent Star
Focus Effect
Terror's Hammer
Focus Effect
Focus Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022