Force of Magic VI - On Items
Item Name | Effect Type |
Battle Staff of Torment | Weapon Proc |
Beast King's Scepter | Weapon Proc |
Big Bladed Greatsword | Weapon Proc |
Big Bladed Greatsword | Weapon Proc |
Discarded Wand | Weapon Proc |
Elegant Sulstone of the Focused | Weapon Proc |
Elegant Sulstone of the Thoughtful | Weapon Proc |
Ethernere Traveler's Blade | Weapon Proc |
Etherwood Greatclub | Weapon Proc |
Ferio | Weapon Proc |
Fused Coral Bludgeon | Weapon Proc |
Fused Coral Claw | Weapon Proc |
Hand of Xaric | Weapon Proc |
Nocturnus, Rod of the Sleepless | Weapon Proc |
Plundered Blue Steelforce Wingblade | Weapon Proc |
Possessed Dreadstone Huntsman's Axe | Weapon Proc |
Possessed Dreadstone Minstrel's Rapier | Weapon Proc |
Rorce's Spike of Frenzied Swings | Weapon Proc |
Stalwart Sulstone of the Brawler | Weapon Proc |
Sword of the Lone Tarot | Weapon Proc |
Swordmaster's Blade | Weapon Proc |
The Frozen's Grudge | Weapon Proc |
Trident of Tomorrow | Weapon Proc |
Quest Source: 28 May 2022