Beneficial Haste 30 L90 - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Enigmatic Boots of Creation
Focus Effect
Enigmatic Boots of Foresight
Focus Effect
Enigmatic Boots of the Crusader
Focus Effect
Enigmatic Boots of the Hunt
Focus Effect
Enigmatic Boots of the Reaver
Focus Effect
Enigmatic Boots of the Rejuvenator
Focus Effect
Enigmatic Sandals of Finality
Focus Effect
Enigmatic Sandals of the Phantasmist
Focus Effect
Enigmatic Sandals of the Sorcerer
Focus Effect
Enigmatic Sandals of the Thaumaterge
Focus Effect
Esoteric Boots of Creation
Focus Effect
Esoteric Boots of Foresight
Focus Effect
Esoteric Boots of the Crusader
Focus Effect
Esoteric Boots of the Hunt
Focus Effect
Esoteric Boots of the Muse
Focus Effect
Esoteric Boots of the Predator
Focus Effect
Esoteric Boots of the Reaver
Focus Effect
Esoteric Boots of the Rejuvenator
Focus Effect
Esoteric Sandals of Finality
Focus Effect
Esoteric Sandals of the Phantasmist
Focus Effect
Esoteric Sandals of the Sorcerer
Focus Effect
Esoteric Sandals of the Thaumaterge
Focus Effect
Obscure Boots of Creation
Focus Effect
Obscure Boots of Foresight
Focus Effect
Obscure Boots of the Crusader
Focus Effect
Obscure Boots of the Hunt
Focus Effect
Obscure Boots of the Muse
Focus Effect
Obscure Boots of the Predator
Focus Effect
Obscure Boots of the Reaver
Focus Effect
Obscure Boots of the Rejuvenator
Focus Effect
Obscure Sandals of Finality
Focus Effect
Obscure Sandals of the Phantasmist
Focus Effect
Obscure Sandals of the Sorcerer
Focus Effect
Obscure Sandals of the Thaumaterge
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Boots of Creation
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Boots of Foresight
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Boots of the Crusader
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Boots of the Hunt
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Boots of the Muse
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Boots of the Predator
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Boots of the Reaver
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Boots of the Rejuvenator
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Sandals of Finality
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Sandals of the Phantasmist
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Sandals of the Sorcerer
Focus Effect
Perspicuous Sandals of the Thaumaterge
Focus Effect
Phantasmic Chain Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Focus Effect
Phantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Focus Effect
Phantasmic Chain Helm Seal of the Seafarer
Focus Effect
Phantasmic Leather Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Focus Effect
Phantasmic Plate Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Focus Effect
Phantasmic Plate Chest Seal of the Seafarer
Focus Effect
Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Seafarer
Focus Effect
Phantasmic Silk Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Focus Effect
Phantasmic Silk Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Focus Effect
Phantasmic Silk Leg Seal of the Seafarer
Focus Effect
Rhodium Cardinalcore Sandals
Focus Effect
Rhodium Doomherald Boots
Focus Effect
Rhodium Feralcall Boots
Focus Effect
Rhodium Fleshbane Sandals
Focus Effect
Rhodium Lightguard Boots
Focus Effect
Rhodium Mercytouched Boots
Focus Effect
Rhodium Natureborn Boots
Focus Effect
Rhodium Psychesnap Boots
Focus Effect
Rhodium Shadowguard Boots
Focus Effect
Rhodium Skychaser Boots
Focus Effect
Rhodium Sleetstorm Sandals
Focus Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022