Geomantra VII - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Banded Crystalline Earring
Click Effect
Bejeweled Loop of the Ambassador
Click Effect
Deathglider's Claw
Click Effect
Decorative Earhook of the Tides
Click Effect
Dingy Loop of the Slothlord
Click Effect
Earhook of the Faithful
Click Effect
Earring of Sonic Amplifications
Click Effect
Etched Rune of Renewal
Click Effect
Firelight Earring
Click Effect
Fogpearl Earring
Click Effect
Fragile Shard of Focus
Click Effect
Frozen Skull Earring
Click Effect
Gorget of Interlinked Hours
Click Effect
Layered Gorget of Tenacity
Click Effect
Mercurial Stud
Click Effect
Molded Amulet of Inspiration
Click Effect
Moss-Entwined Necklace
Click Effect
Silverleaf Earring
Click Effect
Thick Gorget of Coordination
Click Effect
Weathered Bone Hoop
Click Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022