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Ferocity X - On Items
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On Items (141)
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Item Name
Effect Type
Castaway Greaves of Havok
Worn Effect
Castaway Greaves of the Light
Worn Effect
Castaway Greaves of the Performer
Worn Effect
Castaway Greaves of the Revenant
Worn Effect
Castaway Greaves of the Zealot
Worn Effect
Castaway Leggings of Carnage
Worn Effect
Castaway Leggings of the Assassin
Worn Effect
Castaway Leggings of the Diviner
Worn Effect
Castaway Leggings of the Fang
Worn Effect
Castaway Leggings of the Tender
Worn Effect
Castaway Leggings of the Unwavering
Worn Effect
Castaway Leggings of the Warden
Worn Effect
Dimensional Warrior Greaves
Worn Effect
Enigmatic Greaves of the Crusader
Worn Effect
Enigmatic Greaves of the Muse
Worn Effect
Enigmatic Greaves of the Protector
Worn Effect
Enigmatic Greaves of the Reaver
Worn Effect
Enigmatic Leggings of Affinity
Worn Effect
Enigmatic Leggings of the Hunt
Worn Effect
Enigmatic Leggings of the Merciless
Worn Effect
Enigmatic Leggings of the Predator
Worn Effect
Enigmatic Leggings of the Swift
Worn Effect
Esoteric Greaves of the Crusader
Worn Effect
Esoteric Greaves of the Muse
Worn Effect
Esoteric Greaves of the Protector
Worn Effect
Esoteric Greaves of the Reaver
Worn Effect
Esoteric Leggings of Affinity
Worn Effect
Esoteric Leggings of the Hunt
Worn Effect
Esoteric Leggings of the Merciless
Worn Effect
Esoteric Leggings of the Predator
Worn Effect
Esoteric Leggings of the Swift
Worn Effect
Ethernere Traveler Pants
Worn Effect
Frightweave Greaves of Havok
Worn Effect
Frightweave Greaves of the Light
Worn Effect
Frightweave Greaves of the Performer
Worn Effect
Frightweave Greaves of the Revenant
Worn Effect
Frightweave Greaves of the Zealot
Worn Effect
Frightweave Leggings of Carnage
Worn Effect
Frightweave Leggings of the Assassin
Worn Effect
Frightweave Leggings of the Diviner
Worn Effect
Frightweave Leggings of the Fang
Worn Effect
Frightweave Leggings of the Tender
Worn Effect
Frightweave Leggings of the Unwavering
Worn Effect
Frightweave Leggings of the Warden
Worn Effect
Highwater Greaves of Havok
Worn Effect
Highwater Greaves of the Light
Worn Effect
Highwater Greaves of the Performer
Worn Effect
Highwater Greaves of the Revenant
Worn Effect
Highwater Greaves of the Zealot
Worn Effect
Highwater Leggings of Carnage
Worn Effect
Highwater Leggings of the Assassin
Worn Effect
Highwater Leggings of the Diviner
Worn Effect
Highwater Leggings of the Fang
Worn Effect
Highwater Leggings of the Tender
Worn Effect
Highwater Leggings of the Unwavering
Worn Effect
Highwater Leggings of the Warden
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Greaves of Havok
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Greaves of the Light
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Greaves of the Performer
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Greaves of the Revenant
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Greaves of the Zealot
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Leggings of Carnage
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Leggings of the Assassin
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Leggings of the Diviner
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Leggings of the Fang
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Leggings of the Tender
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Leggings of the Unwavering
Worn Effect
Latent Etheric Leggings of the Warden
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Greaves of Havok
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Greaves of the Light
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Greaves of the Performer
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Greaves of the Revenant
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Greaves of the Zealot
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Leggings of Carnage
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Leggings of the Assassin
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Leggings of the Diviner
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Leggings of the Fang
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Leggings of the Tender
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Leggings of the Unwavering
Worn Effect
Manifested Etheric Leggings of the Warden
Worn Effect
Obscure Greaves of the Crusader
Worn Effect
Obscure Greaves of the Muse
Worn Effect
Obscure Greaves of the Protector
Worn Effect
Obscure Greaves of the Reaver
Worn Effect
Obscure Leggings of Affinity
Worn Effect
Obscure Leggings of the Hunt
Worn Effect
Obscure Leggings of the Merciless
Worn Effect
Obscure Leggings of the Predator
Worn Effect
Obscure Leggings of the Swift
Worn Effect
Perspicuous Greaves of the Crusader
Worn Effect
Perspicuous Greaves of the Muse
Worn Effect
Perspicuous Greaves of the Protector
Worn Effect
Perspicuous Greaves of the Reaver
Worn Effect
Perspicuous Leggings of Affinity
Worn Effect
Perspicuous Leggings of the Hunt
Worn Effect
Perspicuous Leggings of the Merciless
Worn Effect
Perspicuous Leggings of the Predator
Worn Effect
Perspicuous Leggings of the Swift
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Chain Boot Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Chain Chest Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Chain Leg Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Chain Wrist Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Leather Chest Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Leather Glove Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Leather Leg Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Leather Sleeve Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Leather Wrist Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Plate Boot Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Plate Chest Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Plate Leg Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Plate Sleeve Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Phantasmic Plate Wrist Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Rhodium Feralcall Leggings
Worn Effect
Rhodium Furyblind Leggings
Worn Effect
Rhodium Leggings of the Enlightened Anima
Worn Effect
Rhodium Lightguard Greaves
Worn Effect
Rhodium Mythkeeper Greaves
Worn Effect
Rhodium Shadowguard Greaves
Worn Effect
Rhodium Skychaser Leggings
Worn Effect
Rhodium Terraguard Greaves
Worn Effect
Rhodium Umbrastalker Leggings
Worn Effect
Solo Elder Chest Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Solo Elder Chest Seal of the Venturer
Worn Effect
Solo Elder Legging Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Solo Elder Legging Seal of the Venturer
Worn Effect
Temporal Soldier Leggings
Worn Effect
Tideworn Greaves of Havok
Worn Effect
Tideworn Greaves of the Light
Worn Effect
Tideworn Greaves of the Performer
Worn Effect
Tideworn Greaves of the Revenant
Worn Effect
Tideworn Greaves of the Zealot
Worn Effect
Tideworn Leggings of Carnage
Worn Effect
Tideworn Leggings of the Assassin
Worn Effect
Tideworn Leggings of the Diviner
Worn Effect
Tideworn Leggings of the Fang
Worn Effect
Tideworn Leggings of the Tender
Worn Effect
Tideworn Leggings of the Unwavering
Worn Effect
Tideworn Leggings of the Warden
Worn Effect
Veiled Leather Chest Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Veiled Plate Chest Seal of the Berserker
Worn Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022