Improved Parry / Block VI - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Attendant's Collar
Worn Effect
Blood-Crystal Stone of Rebellion
Worn Effect
Bloodrage Carcanet
Worn Effect
Chain Gorget of the Scaleborn
Worn Effect
Drakestone of the Unborn
Worn Effect
Etched Ivory Charm
Worn Effect
Etched Ivory Charm
Worn Effect
Frostrift Chestplate
Worn Effect
Frostrift Chestplate
Worn Effect
Gurwic Torque
Worn Effect
Icy Tunic
Worn Effect
Icy Tunic
Worn Effect
Pendant of Reflection
Worn Effect
Polished Mithril Torque
Worn Effect
Protective Gorget of the Deep
Worn Effect
Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. III
Worn Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022