Beneficial Haste 15 - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Alloy-Linked Boots
Focus Effect
Commanding Hide Boots
Focus Effect
Commanding Silk Slippers
Focus Effect
Dedicated Alloy Boots
Focus Effect
Dedicated Steel Boots
Focus Effect
Dreamer's Silk Slippers
Focus Effect
Druadic Hide Boots
Focus Effect
Druadic Linked Boots
Focus Effect
Enameled Black Boots
Focus Effect
Enameled Black Boots
Focus Effect
Fabled Mantle of the Rainmaker
Focus Effect
Fabled Writ of Karana
Focus Effect
Glossy Silk Slippers
Focus Effect
Gnollish Chain Boots
Focus Effect
Gnollish Chain Boots
Focus Effect
Gnollish Leather Boots
Focus Effect
Gnollish Leather Boots
Focus Effect
Intense Silk Slippers
Focus Effect
Necrotic Silk Slippers
Focus Effect
Necrotic Steel Boots
Focus Effect
Ornate Gnollish Leather Boots
Focus Effect
Purified Steel Boots
Focus Effect
Scratched Hide Boots
Focus Effect
Shiny Metallic Slippers
Focus Effect
Shiny Metallic Slippers
Focus Effect
Warped Steel Boots
Focus Effect
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022