Symbol of Marzin - Cast By
NPC Proc Level Class
#Advisor C`zatl
55 Cleric
#Arbiter Korazhk
55 Cleric
#a gifted sphinx
57 Cleric
#a Tae Ew Justicar
55 Warrior
#a Thul Tae Ew despoiler
60 Cleric
#a vacillating loktole
58 Cleric
#a vacillating loktole
56 Cleric
#a witty sphinx
57 Cleric
#Captain Rittas
65 Warrior
#Captain Rittas
65 Warrior
#Disciple Yelwinz
56 Cleric
#Eldriaks Fe`Dhar
58 Cleric
#Eom Liako Xakra
66 Paladin
#Fezbin Fizzles
70 Paladin
65 Paladin
#Galrun Starforge
70 Paladin
65 Paladin
#Gregendek Icepaw
58 Cleric
#Guardian Reloios
70 Paladin
#Guardian Reloios
70 Paladin
#Hong Lei
60 Cleric
#Inquisitor Ukkag
60 Cleric
#Irak Altil
72 Paladin
#Kdansol Borgir
60 Cleric
#Marech of the Shrine
55 Cleric
#Mogub Fibblegiz
70 GM Paladin
#Pli Liako Xakra
64 Paladin
#Qua Thall Xakra
55 Cleric
#Scion Flesh Patcher
56 Cleric
#Shin Master Grubbus
70 GM Paladin
#Sir Gerwin Thunderblade
70 Paladin
#Ssraeshzian Blood Priest
60 Cleric
#Ssraeshzian Death Priest
60 Cleric
#Ssraeshzian Plague Priest
60 Cleric
#Ssraeshzian Terror Priest
60 Cleric
#The Fabled shardwurm matriarch
55 Cleric
#Trueborn Bloodgiver
56 Cleric
#Vicar M`Kari
55 Cleric
57 Cleric
57 Cleric
#War Priestess T`zan
59 Cleric
#Zov Thall Xakra
58 Cleric
#Zycem the Scorched
56 Cleric
an aneuk overseer
60 Cleric
an arachnae terranis
54 Cleric
an arachnae terranis
55 Cleric
an arachnae terranis
56 Cleric
an Arisen Priest
55 Cleric
an ascent ice priest
59 Cleric
an ascent rock healer
59 Cleric
an elder temple defender
60 Cleric
An Elite Icy Drake
58 Cleric
an entoling essence channeler
60 Cleric
an entoling essence channeler
60 Cleric
an Evangelist of Hate
56 Cleric
an iron warder
57 Cleric
an Isle rejuvenator
60 Cleric
an unsanctified Korta priest
54 Cleric
an unsanctified Korta priest
55 Cleric
an unsanctified Korta priest
54 Cleric
an unsanctified Korta priest
55 Cleric
a basalt guardian
59 Cleric
a Broodlands worshipper
55 Cleric
a Broodlands worshipper
56 Cleric
A Castellan of Air
63 Paladin
a cerulean guardian
60 Cleric
a cerulean sky gazer
60 Cleric
A Chamberlain`s Apprentice
63 Paladin
a city patroller
57 Cleric
a city patroller
57 Cleric
a city patroller
54 Cleric
a city patroller
57 Cleric
a city patroller
56 Cleric
a city patroller
59 Cleric
a city patroller
59 Cleric
a city patroller
58 Cleric
a clay sentinel
55 Cleric
a clay sentinel
54 Cleric
a cleric of hate
54 Cleric
a cleric of hate
55 Cleric
a cleric of Tallon Zek
54 Cleric
a cleric of Tallon Zek
56 Cleric
a cleric of Tallon Zek
55 Cleric
a cleric of Vallon Zek
54 Cleric
a cleric of Vallon Zek
55 Cleric
a clever sphinx
57 Cleric
a clever sphinx
55 Cleric
a clever sphinx
56 Cleric
a clockwork medic
60 Cleric
A construct breeder
60 Cleric
A construct harvester
60 Cleric
A Cursed Korta Researcher
55 Cleric
A Cursed Korta Researcher
55 Cleric
a Custos Armorum
60 Cleric
a Delve cleric
57 Cleric
a Delve cleric
56 Cleric
a Delve cleric
54 Cleric
a Delve cleric
55 Cleric
a Delve cleric
55 Cleric
a Delve diviner
55 Cleric
a Delve diviner
56 Cleric
a Delve diviner
59 Cleric
a Delve diviner
54 Cleric
a Delve guard
55 Cleric
a Dirtdigger mender
60 Cleric
a Disciple of Innoruuk
56 Cleric
a dragorn knight
58 Cleric
a dragorn prelate
59 Cleric
a droning malformation
60 Cleric
a droning malformation
58 Cleric
a droning malformation
55 Cleric
a fidgeting anomaly
57 Cleric
a fidgeting anomaly
59 Cleric
a fidgeting anomaly
55 Cleric
a Flowkeeper engineer
56 Cleric
a Flowkeeper engineer
58 Cleric
a Flowkeeper engineer
54 Cleric
a Flowkeeper engineer
60 Cleric
a Flowkeeper engineer
59 Cleric
a Flowkeeper engineer
59 Cleric
a Frostflake templar
56 Cleric
a Frostfoot archpriest
55 Cleric
a Frostfoot archpriest
55 Cleric
a Frostfoot healer
60 Cleric
a Frostfoot healer
59 Cleric
a Frostfoot healer
60 Cleric
a goranga spiritseer
56 Cleric
a goranga spiritseer
56 Cleric
a granite bishop
60 Cleric
a granite bishop
59 Cleric
a Grelian woundmender
60 Cleric
a grimling deathpriest
55 Cleric
a grimling deathpriest
54 Cleric
a grimling high priest
58 Cleric
a grimling spiritslaver
55 Cleric
a grimling spiritslaver
54 Cleric
a humming malformation
55 Cleric
a humming malformation
55 Cleric
a luggald apprentice
55 Cleric
a Luggald Archseeker
55 Cleric
a Luggald High Priest
60 Cleric
a luggald inquisitor
56 Cleric
a luggald inquisitor
57 Cleric
a luggald priest
56 Cleric
a luggald priest
55 Cleric
a luggald priest
57 Cleric
a luggald wavemaker
56 Cleric
a luggald wavemaker
55 Cleric
a luggald wavemaker
57 Cleric
a mud sentinel
60 Cleric
a mud sentinel
60 Cleric
a mud sentinel
60 Cleric
a mud sentinel
60 Cleric
a pestilence priest
60 Cleric
a priest of Tallon Zek
54 Cleric
a Principia Vigilum
54 Cleric
a Principia Vigilum
55 Cleric
a Principia Vigilum
56 Cleric
a Protector of Zek
56 Cleric
a Quaestorium Guard
55 Cleric
a Quaestorium Guard
54 Cleric
A Quaestorium Guard
57 Cleric
a Scion caretaker
57 Cleric
a Scion caretaker
58 Cleric
a Scion caretaker
60 Cleric
a Scion caretaker
55 Cleric
a Scion caretaker
54 Cleric
a Scion caretaker
55 Cleric
a Scion caretaker
58 Cleric
a Scion enticer
55 Cleric
a Scion enticer
56 Cleric
a Scion enticer
54 Cleric
a Scion enticer
55 Cleric
a Scion enticer
55 Cleric
a Scion enticer
54 Cleric
a Scion enticer
54 Cleric
a Scion essence soother
59 Cleric
a Scion nightwatcher
54 Cleric
a Scion nightwatcher
56 Cleric
a Scion nightwatcher
56 Cleric
a Scion nightwatcher
56 Cleric
a Scion nightwatcher
54 Cleric
a Scion nightwatcher
54 Cleric
a Scion nightwatcher
56 Cleric
a Scion nightwatcher
56 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
56 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
54 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
54 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
54 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
55 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
55 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
54 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
55 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
54 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
54 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
54 Cleric
a Scion rites chanter
56 Cleric
a Scion rites scribe
59 Cleric
a Scion rites scribe
60 Cleric
a Scion rites scribe
59 Cleric
A Shissar Disciple
56 Cleric
A Shissar Priest
56 Cleric
A Shissar Templar
56 Cleric
a shrewd sphinx
58 Cleric
a shrewd sphinx
57 Cleric
a shrewd sphinx
59 Cleric
a Signiferi of the Hand
66 Paladin
a siren templar
57 Cleric
a siren templar
55 Cleric
a siren templar
56 Cleric
a Snowfoot mystic
60 Cleric
a Snowfoot mystic
59 Cleric
a Steelslave bonecrusher
56 Cleric
a Steelslave specialist
56 Cleric
a Steelslave specialist
55 Cleric
a Steelslave specialist
55 Cleric
a Steelslave transplanter
59 Cleric
a Steelslave transplanter
59 Cleric
a Steelslave transplanter
59 Cleric
a Stillmoon defender
55 Cleric
a Stillmoon defender
56 Cleric
a Stillmoon defender
57 Cleric
a Stillmoon dirt tender
54 Cleric
a Stillmoon dirt tender
56 Cleric
a Stillmoon dirt tender
57 Cleric
a Stillmoon dirt tender
55 Cleric
a Stillmoon harmony
57 Cleric
a Stillmoon harmony
54 Cleric
a Stillmoon harmony
55 Cleric
a Stillmoon harmony wing
54 Cleric
a Stillmoon harmony wing
55 Cleric
a Stillmoon laborer
55 Cleric
a Stillmoon laborer
54 Cleric
a Stillmoon laborer
57 Cleric
a Stillmoon stone wing
57 Cleric
a Stillmoon stone wing
56 Cleric
a Stillmoon stone wing
54 Cleric
a Stillmoon stone wing
55 Cleric
a Stillmoon water servant
55 Cleric
a Stillmoon water servant
57 Cleric
a Stillmoon water servant
54 Cleric
a Stillmoon water servant
56 Cleric
a stone guardian
55 Cleric
a stone guardian
54 Cleric
a stone guardian
56 Cleric
a Tae Ew disciple
54 Shaman
a Tae Ew disciple
54 Cleric
a Tae Ew disciple
54 Warrior
a Tae Ew judicator
57 Cleric
a Tae Ew judicator
57 Warrior
a Tae Ew judicator
54 Cleric
a Tae Ew justicar
55 Cleric
a Tae Ew justicar
55 Warrior
a Tae Ew prophet
56 Cleric
a Thul Tae Ew judicator
60 Cleric
a Thul Tae Ew justicar
58 Cleric
a Trueborn fleshgrinder
58 Cleric
a Trueborn fleshgrinder
59 Cleric
a Trueborn fleshmincer
54 Cleric
a Trueborn fleshmincer
55 Cleric
a Trueborn fleshmincer
54 Cleric
a Trueborn fleshmincer
56 Cleric
a vicar of hate
58 Cleric
a vicar of hate
59 Cleric
a vicar of hate
56 Cleric
a vicar of hate
60 Cleric
a vicar of hate
57 Cleric
A Vigilum Centurio
55 Cleric
A Vigilum Centurio
57 Cleric
a white jester
63 Paladin
Bathouse Manager Hakvar
60 Cleric
Bealya Tanilsuia
65 Paladin
Brizzenoth Scyth
65 Warrior
Decrepit Guard
58 Cleric
Derron Gramjon
60 Cleric
58 Cleric
Drema Young
65 Paladin
Drornok Tok Vo`Lok
65 Paladin
Edium, Guardian of Marr
75 Paladin
Elder Kalur
55 Cleric
Eldriaks Fe`Dhar
55 Cleric
Elia the Pure
55 Cleric
Eom Liako
66 Paladin
Eom Liako Xakra
66 Paladin
Gkrean Prophet of Tallon
58 Cleric
60 Cleric
Grenth Drakebane
55 Cleric
High Priestess Sercema
60 Cleric
High Priest M`kari
58 Cleric
Jarnig Kilanid
65 Paladin
Jilsuia Lluarea
65 Paladin
Jorvash the Usurper
60 Cleric
Kromrif High Priest
60 Cleric
55 Cleric
Lady Vox
55 Cleric
Laoch Jaklor
55 Cleric
Laoch Yailin
55 Cleric
65 Paladin
65 Paladin
myconid adept
54 Cleric
myconid adept
56 Cleric
myconid adept
55 Cleric
myconid priest
54 Cleric
Omat Vastsea
60 Cleric
Pinky Ekkolofezznaboten III
55 Cleric
Pli Liako
64 Paladin
Pli Liako Xakra
64 Paladin
Pridewing Veshdule
70 GM Paladin
Priest Bjek
56 Cleric
Priest Delar
56 Cleric
Priest Grenk
56 Cleric
Priest Kak`thak
55 Cleric
Qua Thall
55 Cleric
Qua Thall Xakra
55 Cleric
60 Cleric
55 Cleric
Semkak Prophet of Vallon
58 Cleric
Shressa Farondi
65 Paladin
Tilminos Farondi
65 Paladin
Trimdet Trueheart
65 Paladin
Uglib Gaibido
65 Paladin
Valinda Erginton
65 Paladin
Valorian Guardian Breiok
72 Paladin
Valorian Guardian Breiok
72 Paladin
Valorian Guardian Florik
72 Paladin
Valorian Guardian Kreike
72 Paladin
Valorian Guardian Kreike
72 Paladin
Valorian Guardian Ralthin
72 Paladin
Valorian Guardian Ralthin
72 Paladin
Valorian Watchman Gregek
72 Paladin
Valorian Watchman Kriead
72 Paladin
Valorian Watchman Tead
72 Paladin
Valorian Watchman Yelios
72 Paladin
Verina Tomb
60 Cleric
Vius Tatrua
60 Cleric
Xaui Tatrua
60 Cleric
Xin Thall Centien
54 Cleric
Xin Thall Centien
58 Cleric
Xi Vius
55 Cleric
Xi Vius
60 Cleric
Xi Xaui
54 Cleric
Xi Xaui
55 Cleric
Xi Xaui
54 Cleric
Xotmidd Ferlop
65 Paladin
Zaldin Fe`Dhar
60 Cleric
Zov Thall
58 Cleric
Zov Thall Xakra
58 Cleric
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022