Arcomancy - General Info
Classes: WIZ/254
Mana :0
Duration: 5 realtime days

Slot 1: UnknownEffect339
Slot 2: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only)
Slot 3: Limit: Resist Magic allowed
Slot 4: Limit: Min Level(60)
Slot 5: Limit: Max Level(75)
Slot 6: Limit: Instant spells only
Slot 7: UnknownEffect348
Slot 8: Limit: Target(Self excluded)

Cast on you: You focus your power to weaken your target against magic.
Cast on other: Someone
Wears off:

Casting Time: 0.0
Recast Time: 0.0
Recovery Time: 0.0
Spell Type: Beneficial
Target Type: Self Only
Resist: None (no adjust)
Interruptable: No
Deleteable: No
Dispellable: Yes
Time of day: Any
Location: Any
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022