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#Tirranun.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--[[ ## Written by Drogerin ## Take #Tirranun down to 0
Banish every <45>s Tirranun`s ashen form Regen to 80 Tirranun`s Blazing Body
Spawn adds 20/s Regen to 90 Tirranun the Ancient Protector
Add 800,000HP to max hp pool ~1.4m hp Spawn adds 10/s If during phase 1 banish and no one on agro - Heal to full No Banish phase 2. If wipe in phase 2, repop myself to remove the hp pool gain of 800,000. Modify min/max hit in phase 2. --]] local tir = nil; local tir_min_hit = 568; local tir_max_hit = 1841; local banish=true; local has_died = false; local can_die =false; local phaseone=true; function event_combat(e) if (e.joined == true) and banish == true then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.summon, 0); eq.set_timer("banish_top", 45000); -- start banish timer can_die=false; -- make sure I can't die. elseif (e.joined == false) and phaseone == true then -- If I lose combat, depop myself, depop my adds, stop all timers, tell myself to respawn in 10 seconds with all variables default. eq.set_timer("Heal", 5000); has_died=false; banish=true; can_die=false; elseif (e.joined == false) and phaseone == false then eq.depop(342066); -- Depop my old self eq.depop_all(342065); -- Repop my new due to my increased HP pool gain from phase 2. eq.spawn2(342066,0,0,-742.57,2866.09,41.52,9.0); -- NPC: #Tirranun phaseone=true; -- Set my phase back to 1. end end function event_death(e) if has_died == false then -- If I "Die" e.self:CastSpell(6538, e.self:GetID()); -- Cast Expulsion of Flame e.self:SetAppearance(3); -- Fall over e.self:WipeHateList(); -- Wipe my hate list. e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, 1); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro_on, 1); -- Set variables immune agro, agro on, no harm, immune magic. e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.no_harm_from_client, 1); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_magic, 1); e.self:TempName("Tirranun`s ashen form"); -- set my name e.self:ModifyNPCStat("hp_regen", "8250"); -- set my new regen stat eq.stop_timer('banish_top'); -- stop the banish timer. eq.set_timer("Aoe",60000); -- start my aoe timer in this phase until db can pick it back up. eq.set_timer("Adds", 20000); -- start spawning adds every 20 seconds. banish=false; -- tell banish to not happen when I respawn eq.set_next_inc_hp_event(80); -- set something to happen when I regen to 80 has_died = true; -- let myself know I can die now for real. eq.zone_emote(15,"As Tirranun is struck down, every last ember of flame is expelled from his volcanic body. His broken husk smolders quietly on the rock. Alarmingly, it appears to be getting warmer. He is recovering."); return 1 -- force myself to stay alive. end if can_die == true then return 0; else return 1; end end function event_spawn(e) tir = e.self; end function event_timer(e) if (e.timer == "banish_top") then inst_id = eq.get_zone_instance_id(); local el = eq.get_entity_list(); local top_hate = tir:GetHateTop(); if (top_hate.valid and top_hate:IsClient()) then local top_client = top_hate:CastToClient(); if (top_client.valid) then --tir:Say("Begone " .. top_hate:GetName()); tir:SetHate(top_client, 1, 1); top_client:MovePCInstance(342, inst_id, -583.00, 2503.00, -87.39, 254.3); -- banish player to this location. el:RemoveFromHateLists(e.self:GetTarget()); -- remove this player from my hate list. end end elseif (e.timer == "Form") then e.self:CastSpell(6540, e.self:GetID()); -- cast form of lava on a timer. elseif (e.timer == "Aoe") then e.self:CastSpell(6536, e.self:GetID()); -- cast Tirranun's Incinerating Aura between phases. elseif (e.timer == "Aoe_two") then e.self:CastSpell(6537, e.self:GetID()); -- cast Breath of Tirranun. elseif (e.timer == "Heal") then eq.stop_all_timers(); -- Stop all timers e.self:SetHP(e.self:GetMaxHP()); -- if no one is on my hate list... heal to full. elseif (e.timer == "Adds") then eq.spawn2(342065,0,0, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), e.self:GetHeading()); -- NPC: #whorl_of_searing_ashes e.self:AddToHateList(e.self:GetTarget(),1); -- Spawn adds / add them to hate list. end end function event_hp(e) if (e.inc_hp_event == 80) and banish == false then -- If I've regened to 80. e.self:SetAppearance(0); -- Stand myself up e.self:TempName("Tirranun`s Blazing Body "); -- Change my name e.self:CastSpell(6540, e.self:GetID()); -- cast Form of Lava eq.set_timer("Form", 25000); -- Maintain this buff every 25 seconds. eq.set_timer("Adds", 15000); -- Set adds to spawn faster, every 15 seconds now. eq.set_next_inc_hp_event(90); -- do something at 90% elseif (e.inc_hp_event == 90) and banish == false then -- If I've regened to 90. e.self:TempName("Tirranun the Ancient Protector"); -- Change my name e.self:ModifyNPCStat("min_hit", tostring(tir_min_hit)); -- modify my min hit. e.self:ModifyNPCStat("max_hit", tostring(tir_max_hit)); -- modify my max hit. e.self:ModifyNPCStat("max_hp", tostring(e.self:GetMaxHP() + 800000)); -- add 800,000HP to my max pool. e.self:SetHP(e.self:GetMaxHP()); -- Heal myself to 100. e.self:ModifyNPCStat("hp_regen", "6250"); -- reset my regen back to default. e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro_on, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.no_harm_from_client, 0); -- allow everyone to agro, and allow myself to agro. e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_magic, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.summon, 1); e.self:AddToHateList(e.self:GetTarget(),1); eq.set_timer("Adds", 10000); -- set add timers to max timer of 10sec. eq.set_timer("Aoe_two", 45000); -- start my new aoe timer. can_die=true; -- let myself know I can die properly now. phaseone=false; end end function event_death_complete(e) eq.spawn2(342067,0,0,e.self:GetX(),e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); -- Spawn a chest with loot at my location upon death. eq.stop_all_timers(); -- stop timers. end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022