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Volkara.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--[[ Volkara written by ##Drogerin 341063 ##Volkara --]] local egg_client=nil; local count = 0; function event_combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_next_hp_event(80); elseif (e.joined == false) then eq.stop_timer("egg_client"); eq.set_timer("Combat",15000); eq.set_timer("Respawn",20000); count=0; end end function event_hp(e) if (e.hp_event == 80) then eq.zone_emote(10,"Volkara stamps its legs causing eggs to fall from the ceiling."); eq.set_timer("egg_client",1); eq.set_next_hp_event(60); elseif (e.hp_event == 60) then eq.zone_emote(10,"Volkara stamps its legs causing eggs to fall from the ceiling."); eq.set_timer("egg_client",1); eq.set_next_hp_event(40); elseif (e.hp_event == 40) then eq.zone_emote(10,"Volkara stamps its legs causing eggs to fall from the ceiling."); eq.set_timer("egg_client",1); eq.set_next_hp_event(20); elseif (e.hp_event == 20) then eq.zone_emote(10,"Volkara stamps its legs causing eggs to fall from the ceiling."); eq.set_timer("egg_client",1); eq.set_next_hp_event(10); elseif (e.hp_event == 10) then eq.zone_emote(10,"Volkara stamps its legs causing eggs to fall from the ceiling."); eq.set_timer("egg_client",1); end end function event_timer(e) if (e.timer == "egg_client") then egg_client=eq.get_entity_list():GetRandomClient(e.self:GetX(),e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),1000000); if (egg_client.valid) then local clientx=egg_client:GetX() local clienty=egg_client:GetY() local clientz=egg_client:GetZ() local clienth=egg_client:GetHeading() eq.spawn2(341064,0,0,clientx,clienty,clientz,clienth) count=count+1; if count == 5 then eq.stop_timer('egg_client'); count=0; end end elseif (e.timer == "Combat") then eq.depop_all(341065); eq.depop_all(341064); eq.stop_timer("Combat"); elseif (e.timer == "Respawn") then eq.depop(341063); eq.spawn2(341063,0,0,-1952.39,-1877.55,-156.35,93.0); -- NPC: Volkara eq.stop_all_timers(); end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022