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Stu_Girbnol.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("I wonder what kind of strange fish we can catch in these new waters?"); } } sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_ARRIVE { if ($wp == 1) { quest::emote("looks sheepish and says quietly, 'It's almost too embarrassin' to admit, but on my way off the rail to sell my catch, I tripped over some stray rigging and fell on my face. My whole day's catch slid right off the deck. You boys are buyin' drinks for me tonight.'"); quest::signalwith(279046,2,15000); # NPC: Barny_Magmilg } if($wp == 14) { quest::settimer(1,120); } if($wp == 15) { quest::stoptimer(1); } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if($signal == 1) { quest::say("That's unfortunate, lad. My day wasn't so great either. I got a bite an' gave it a pull. Hooked it good. I wasn't expecting whatever I caught to pull so hard! Had the strength of twenty men! Pulled me right over the rail, it did! I had ta swim for my life! Whatever it was, it didn't catch me before I got to the dock and back aboard."); quest::signalwith(279045,2,15000); # NPC: Devolnu_Solahpeka } if(($signal == 2) && ($x == 249) && ($y == -202)) { quest::say("I'll have a malt and hurry it up! I haven't got all day."); } if($signal == 5) { quest::depop_withtimer(); } } sub EVENT_TIMER { my $random = int(rand(5)); if($random == 0) { quest::emote("attaches some bait to his hook and casts his line into the water."); } if($random == 1) { quest::emote("removes the hook from his line and attaches a very ornate-looking fly in its place."); } if($random == 2) { quest::emote("reels in his line and casts again."); } if($random == 3) { quest::emote("rummages through his box of tackle, looking for his favorite lure."); } if($random == 4) { quest::emote("lets out a sigh of frustration as he casts his line out into the dark waters below."); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022