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Octo_Assault_Bot.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
$missile_target_id = 0; $missile_x = 0; $missile_y = 0; $missile_z = 0; $is_anni = 0; $burn_tics = 0; $burn_target_id = 0; $has_burned = 0; sub EVENT_COMBAT { if($combat_state == 0) { quest::stoptimer("short_circuit"); quest::stoptimer("annih_burn_shared"); quest::stoptimer("missile_launch"); quest::stoptimer("missile_hit"); quest::stoptimer("burn_start"); quest::stoptimer("burn_tic"); quest::stoptimer("anni_start"); quest::stoptimer("bot_spawn"); quest::depopall(365026); } else { my $willf = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(365171); if($willf) { $willf->Shout("Ah the XZ-R980 is my latest and greatest creation! I haven't had time to properly test it yet however I think you all will suffice as test subjects."); } quest::settimer("short_circuit", 20); quest::settimer("annih_burn_shared", 30); quest::settimer("missile_launch", 12); quest::settimer("bot_spawn", 8); $has_burned = 0; } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if($timer eq "annih_burn_shared") { if($has_burned == 0) { my $burn_target = $npc->GetTarget(); if($burn_target) { my $target_name = $burn_target->GetCleanName(); quest::emote("Begins to burn $target_name."); $npc->Stun(11500); $burn_tics = 0; $burn_target_id = $burn_target->GetID(); quest::settimer("burn_start", 5); } } else { quest::emote("begins to overload."); quest::settimer("anni_start", 6); $npc->Stun(6500); $is_anni = 1; } } elsif($timer eq "bot_spawn") { quest::spawn2(365026, 0, 0, $npc->GetX(), $npc->GetY(), $npc->GetZ(), $npc->GetHeading()); # NPC: Suppression_Bot } elsif($timer eq "anni_start") { quest::stoptimer("anni_start"); quest::emote("overloads, eradicating everything around it."); $npc->CastSpell(1948, $npc->GetID(), 10, 0); # Spell: Destroy } elsif($timer eq "burn_start") { my $burn_target = $entity_list->GetMobID($burn_target_id); quest::stoptimer("burn_start"); if($burn_target) { quest::settimer("burn_tic", 1); if($burn_target->FindType(40)) { $has_burned = 1; $burn_target->BuffFadeByEffect(40); quest::emote("has its laser destroyed by the reflected energy."); $burn_target_id = $npc->GetID(); quest::stoptimer("annih_burn_shared"); quest::settimer("annih_burn_shared", 60); } } } elsif($timer eq "burn_tic") { $burn_tics++; my $burn_target = $entity_list->GetMobID($burn_target_id); if($burn_target) { if($npc->GetID() == $burn_target->GetID()) { $burn_target->Damage($npc, 30000, 1660, 24, 0); } else { $burn_target->Damage($npc, 6000, 1660, 24, 0); } } if($burn_tics == 5) { quest::stoptimer("burn_tic"); } } elsif($timer eq "missile_launch") { my $missile_target = $npc->GetHateRandom(); if($missile_target) { my $target_name = $missile_target->GetCleanName(); quest::emote("locks onto $target_name with a surface to surface missile."); quest::settimer("missile_hit", 8); $missile_target_id = $missile_target->GetID(); $missile_x = $missile_target->GetX(); $missile_y = $missile_target->GetY(); $missile_z = $missile_target->GetZ(); } } elsif($timer eq "missile_hit") { quest::stoptimer("missile_hit"); my $missile_target = $entity_list->GetMobID($missile_target_id); if($missile_target) { my $m_dist = plugin::DistNoRootToCoords($missile_target, $missile_x, $missile_y, $missile_z); if($m_dist < 400) { $missile_target_name = $missile_target->GetCleanName(); quest::emote("has hit $missile_target_name with a surface to surface missile."); $missile_target->Damage($npc, 10000, 0xFFFF, 28, 0); } else { quest::emote("has missed $missile_target_name with a surface to surface missile."); $missile_target_name = $missile_target->GetCleanName(); } } } elsif($timer eq "short_circuit") { quest::emote("short circuits."); my @hate_list = $npc->GetHateList(); my $jumps = 0; my $starter_target = $npc->GetHateRandom(); my @hit_already; my $jump_from_target = $starter_target; if(!$starter_target) { return; } $starter_target->Damage($npc, 250, 1075, 24, 0); my $t_id = $starter_target->GetID(); push(@hit_already, $t_id); my $hit = 1; while($hit == 1) { $hit = 0; foreach $hate_ent (@hate_list) { my $ent = $hate_ent->GetEnt(); my $h_id = $ent->GetID(); my $a_hit = 0; foreach $prev_id (@hit_already) { if($prev_id == $h_id) { $a_hit = 1; last; } } #this target can be hit if($a_hit == 0) { #check dist from prev target my $m_dist = plugin::DistNoRoot($jump_from_target, $ent); #if we have range, set our ent to our jump from target, do the damage, increment the jumps and add them to the already hit list if($m_dist < 400) { $jump_from_target = $ent; $jumps++; my $dmg = 250; for($jcount = 0; $jcount < $jumps; $jcount++) { $dmg = $dmg * 2; } $ent->Damage($npc, $dmg, 1075, 24, 0); my $h_id = $ent->GetID(); push(@hit_already, $h_id); } } } } } } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { quest::spawn2(365173, 0, 0, $npc->GetX(), $npc->GetY(), $npc->GetZ(), $npc->GetHeading()); # NPC: #Shadow_of_the_Octo_Assault_Bot quest::depopall(365026); quest::emote("sputters and starts to give off sparks before collapsing into a pile of broken machinery."); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 11, 0); my $mino = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(365004); my $spore = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(365038); if(!$spore && !$mino) { quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 3, 0); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 4, 0); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 5, 0); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 6, 1); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 7, 1); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 8, 1); my $willf = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(365171); if($willf) { $willf->Shout("Fools, defeat my champions and I will simply make more, behold my wonderous behemoth!"); } } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022