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Danika_Meriland_.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~ /Hail/i) { quest::say("'ello I am Danika, I hail from the MIGHTY town of Rivervale! I am a fierce fighter by spirit but a [trader] by reputation, if there's anything you need just let me know."); } elsif($text=~ /Trader/i) { quest::emote("smiles."); quest::say("Yes! I trade a great many goods with all sorts of people, if you wish I'm always looking for more people to [trade with]."); } elsif($text=~ /Trade With/i) { my @task_array; if(!defined($qglobals{corathus_mushroom_daily}) && !quest::istaskactive(146)) { push(@task_array, 146); } if(!defined($qglobals{corathus_jumjum_daily}) && !quest::istaskactive(151)) { push(@task_array, 151); } if(!defined($qglobals{corathus_noodles_daily}) && !quest::istaskactive(152)) { push(@task_array, 152); } if(!defined($qglobals{corathus_sandwich_daily}) && !quest::istaskactive(153)) { push(@task_array, 153); } my $task_array_size = @task_array; if($task_array_size > 0) { quest::taskselector(@task_array); } else { quest::say("I don't have any work for you right now, check back later!"); } } $qglobals{starshatter_points} = undef; $qglobals{corathus_mushroom_daily} = undef; $qglobals{corathus_jumjum_daily} = undef; $qglobals{corathus_noodles_daily} = undef; $qglobals{corathus_sandwich_daily} = undef; }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022