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#Velog.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
$min_h; $max_h; $cleave_damage; sub EVENT_COMBAT { if($combat_state == 0) { quest::stoptimer("enrage"); quest::stoptimer("cleave"); quest::modifynpcstat("min_hit", 1800); quest::modifynpcstat("max_hit", 2200); } else { quest::settimer("enrage_up", 30); quest::settimer("cleave", 12); $min_h = 1800; $max_h = 2200; $cleave_damage = 3000; quest::shout("Rarrrrrrggh!! Velog SMASH!"); } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if($timer eq "enrage_up") { $min_h = $min_h + 500; $max_h = $max_h + 500; $cleave_damage = $cleave_damage + 800; quest::modifynpcstat("min_hit", $min_h); quest::modifynpcstat("max_hit", $max_h); quest::emote("redoubles his efforts."); } elsif($timer eq "cleave") { quest::emote("executes a cleaving attack."); my @cleave_targets; my $tar = $npc->GetTarget(); if($tar) { push(@cleave_targets, $tar); my @clientlist = $entity_list->GetClientList(); foreach $ent (@clientlist) { if($ent->GetID() != $tar->GetID()) { my $m_dist = plugin::DistNoRoot($tar, $ent); if($m_dist <= 400.0) { push(@cleave_targets, $ent); } } } my $number_targets = @cleave_targets; my $damage_per_target = ($cleave_damage / $number_targets); foreach $ent (@cleave_targets) { $npc->DoSpecialAttackDamage($ent, 1, $damage_per_target); $npc->AddToHateList($ent, 5000, 0, 0); } } } } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { quest::spawn2(365175, 0, 0, $npc->GetX(), $npc->GetY(), $npc->GetZ(), $npc->GetHeading()); # NPC: #Shadow_of_Velog_the_Destroyer quest::emote("roars in pain and falls over dead."); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 10, 0); my $octo = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(365035); my $spore = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(365038); if(!$spore && !$octo) { quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 3, 0); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 4, 0); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 5, 0); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 6, 1); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 7, 1); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 8, 1); my $willf = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(365171); if($willf) { $willf->Shout("Fools, defeat my champions and I will simply make more, behold my wondrous behemoth!"); } } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022