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#Duke_Rumith.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
$num_tics; sub EVENT_COMBAT { if($combat_state == 0) { #out of combat $npc->SetHP(1520000); quest::stoptimer("dominate"); quest::stoptimer("arcane_blast"); } elsif($combat_state == 1) { #in combat quest::shout("Death comes to those who linger in the line of fire."); quest::settimer("dominate", 20); quest::setnexthpevent(76); my $robot_spawner = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(365057); if($robot_spawner) { $robot_spawner->Kill(); } } } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { quest::shout("This wasn't... what I was promised..."); quest::stoptimer("dominate"); quest::stoptimer("arcane_blast"); quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 2, 1); #enable CY quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 1, 0); #disable Start quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 9, 1); #enable spore boss quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 10, 1); #enable mino boss quest::spawn_condition("corathus", 11, 1); #enable spider boss quest::depopall(365029); quest::spawn2(365143, 0, 0, $npc->GetX(), $npc->GetY(), $npc->GetZ(), $npc->GetHeading()); # NPC: #Spirit_of_the_Past my $willf = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(365171); if($willf) { $willf->Shout("Fool, I promised you riches and power but you've squandered it by falling to these insects."); } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if($timer eq "dominate") { quest::stoptimer("dominate"); my @hatelist = $npc->GetHateList(); @hatelist = sort {$b->GetHate() <=> $a->GetHate()} @hatelist; foreach $ent (@hatelist) { if($ent) { my $h_ent = $ent->GetEnt(); if($h_ent) { my $ent_name = $h_ent->GetCleanName(); quest::shout("$ent_name your will is mine to control."); $npc->CastSpell(7028, $h_ent->GetID(), 10, 0); # Spell: Compelling Glance last; } } } quest::settimer("dominate", 60); } elsif($timer eq "arcane_blast") { if($num_tics == 0) { quest::emote("begins to unleash a barrage of arcane energy."); } my @hatelist = $npc->GetHateList(); foreach $ent (@hatelist) { if($ent) { my $h_ent = $ent->GetEnt(); if($h_ent) { my $dmg = ($h_ent->GetMaxHP() * 0.34); $h_ent->Damage($npc, $dmg, 1045, 4, false); } } } $num_tics++; if($num_tics == 3) { quest::stoptimer("arcane_blast"); } } } sub EVENT_HP { if($hpevent == 76) { quest::setnexthpevent(51); } elsif($hpevent == 51) { quest::setnexthpevent(26); } $num_tics = 0; quest::settimer("arcane_blast", 2); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022