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Palardiag_Dax-Kunoksan.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#Palardiag_Dax-Kunoksan.pl #Forge Shai`Din Ceremonial Blade # items: 61182, 61181, 61183, 61184, 61194, 61196, 61193, 61195 sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/Hail/i) { quest::say("What business could you possibly have with me mortal? Speak quickly before I have your tongue ripped out. I have a very important ceremony to prepare for."); } if ($text=~/ceremony/i) { quest::say("The time for the tainting of the blade draws near. All new initiates of the Shai`din must take place in this. If you do not [pledge allegiance to Shai`din] then I would suggest leaving now while you still have your head."); } if ($text=~/pledge allegiance/i) { quest::say("You support our cause and rituals do you $name? I cannot say I am not surprised, I do not usually come across a mortal with the same intentions as yourself. As a matter of fact this is the first time. Regardless, I think that you wish to assist us and I am willing to give you a chance. Do you [agree to collect the necessary items] to forge your own Shai`din ceremonial blade?"); } if ($text=~/agree to collect the necessary items/i) { quest::say("Very well $name, go out and seek out the four pieces of the Shai`Din blade amongst these halls. I am sure you will know what they are once you have come across them."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 61182 => 1, 61181 => 1, 61183 => 1, 61184 => 1)) {#Shai`Din Longsword Left Hilt , Shai`Din Longsword Right Hilt , Dulled Shai`Din Longsword Blade, Runed Shai`Din Blade Edge quest::say("All existing councilmen must be the third generation in their bloodline to be eligible for entrance into the di`zok hierarchy. Seek out the blood of these eight councilmen to complete your task. when you have obtained a blood sample of all eight combine them in the alchemy sack that I have provided you with to creat the tanning agent needed for your ceremonial blade. Return the tanning agent to me along with your blade and I shall judge you at that time."); quest::summonitem(61194);#Shai`Din Ceremonial Blade quest::summonitem(61196);#Shai`Din Medicine Bag } if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 61193 => 1)) {#Blood of the Royals quest::say("I do not believe your service to my clan $name, please take this as a token of my appreciation. You have done well."); quest::summonitem(61195);#Flowing Cloak of the Shai`Din } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); }#END of FILE Zone:chardokb ID:277081 --Palardiag_Dax-Kunoksan.pl
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022