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Dark_Disciple_Master.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- Dark Disciple Master event in Wakening Lands // Cleric 1.5 Epic Quest // Harmony of the Soul // -- Drogerin local addspawn; function event_spawn(e) e.self:Emote("glances at you, and you see a moment of recognition flash across his face. 'Fool! Do you know who that is? You have jeopardized everything and you shall pay with your life.' He turns to Plavo and slashes his throat quickly with the tips of his fingers. 'Now, on to you. You will not foil my plans again! Your life ends here!"); addspawn = math.random(60,70); eq.set_next_hp_event(addspawn); eq.set_timer("depop",1800000); --Despawn after 30 minutes end function event_hp(e) if(e.hp_event == addspawn) then e.self:Say("You actually expect to win? Flee now and I will spare your lives."); eq.spawn2(119177,0,0,e.self:GetX() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetY() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); --Plavo`s Remains eq.set_next_hp_event(30); elseif(e.hp_event == 30) then e.self:Emote("chants for a moment, animating fallen soldiers from the ground around him."); eq.spawn2(119178,0,0,e.self:GetX() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetY() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); eq.spawn2(119178,0,0,e.self:GetX() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetY() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); eq.spawn2(119178,0,0,e.self:GetX() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetY() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); eq.set_next_hp_event(20); elseif(e.hp_event == 20) then eq.spawn2(119178,0,0,e.self:GetX() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetY() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); eq.spawn2(119178,0,0,e.self:GetX() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetY() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); eq.spawn2(119178,0,0,e.self:GetX() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetY() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); e.self:Say("You have underestimated me! I will not fall this day!"); e.self:CastSpell(1248, e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Spiritual Echo eq.set_next_hp_event(19); elseif(e.hp_event == 19) then e.self:CastSpell(4746, e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Protection of Discord III end end function event_death_complete(e) e.self:Emote("screams in pain! No! This cannot be! I will not fall! Do not think that this is the end!"); local xloc = e.self:GetX(); local yloc = e.self:GetY(); local zloc = e.self:GetZ(); local heading = e.self:GetHeading(); eq.spawn2(119179,0,0,xloc,yloc,zloc,heading); -- a gilded chest end function event_timer(e) eq.stop_timer("depop"); eq.depop_all(119178); eq.depop_all(119177); eq.depop(); end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022