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Quest File
sub EVENT_CLICKDOOR { if($doorid == 8){ if($client->KeyRingCheck(17274)){ OPEN_DOORS(8,0); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 17274)) { OPEN_DOORS(8,1); } } elsif($doorid == 10){ if($client->KeyRingCheck(17274)){ OPEN_DOORS(10,0); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 17274)) { OPEN_DOORS(10,1); } } elsif($doorid == 11){ if($client->KeyRingCheck(17274)){ OPEN_DOORS(11,0); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 17274)) { OPEN_DOORS(11,1); } } elsif($doorid == 35){ if($client->KeyRingCheck(17274)){ OPEN_DOORS(35,0); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 17274)) { OPEN_DOORS(35,1); } } elsif($doorid == 40){ if($client->KeyRingCheck(17274)){ OPEN_DOORS(40,0); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 17274)) { OPEN_DOORS(40,1); } } elsif($doorid == 46){ if($client->KeyRingCheck(17274)){ OPEN_DOORS(46,0); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 17274)) { OPEN_DOORS(46,1); } } } sub OPEN_DOORS { #EVENT_CLICKDOOR executes before the rest of the door processing #so by unlocking and removing the lockpick value we can simulate live behavior #and not incorrectly show that the door is locked and we are not holding the key. #remove lockpiock and key item. $entity_list->FindDoor($_[0])->SetLockPick(0); $entity_list->FindDoor($_[0])->SetKeyItem(0); #send locked message $client->Message(4,"This is locked..."); #add to keyring if specified if($_[1] == 1) { $client->KeyRingAdd(17274); } #send open message $client->Message(4,"You got it open!"); #set 2 second timer to relock door. use door as timer. #doors stay open longer than 2 seconds. quest::settimer($_[0],2); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if($timer == 8 || $timer == 11) { LOCK_DOORS($timer,20511); } elsif($timer == 10) { LOCK_DOORS($timer,20513); } elsif($timer == 35) { LOCK_DOORS($timer,20515); } elsif($timer == 40) { LOCK_DOORS($timer,20514); } elsif($timer == 46) { LOCK_DOORS($timer,20516); } else { #should never happen quest::stopalltimers(); } } sub LOCK_DOORS { $entity_list->FindDoor($_[0])->SetKeyItem($_[1]); $entity_list->FindDoor($_[0])->SetLockPick(201); quest::stoptimer($_[0]); } sub EVENT_ENTERZONE { if ($class eq "Ranger" && plugin::check_hasitem($client, 62637)) { quest::unique_spawn(105290, 0, 0, 121, 546, 3, 130); # NPC: Ghost_of_Mera } } sub EVENT_LOOT { if ($class eq "Ranger" && $looted_id == 62638) { if (defined($qglobals{ranger_epic15_pre}) && $qglobals{ranger_epic15_pre} == 10) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022