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comments-helper-generator.pl - Quest File
General Info
Quest File
#!/usr/bin/perl # Author Akkadius # @file comments-helper-generator.pl # @description Script used to generate script comment helpers # @example perl ./utility/comments-helper-generator.pl ~/server # @options --strip-existing-comments Will only over-write comments this script typically generates ############################################# # modules ############################################# use warnings FATAL => 'all'; no warnings 'experimental::smartmatch'; use experimental 'smartmatch'; use File::Find; use Data::Dumper; use DBI; use DBD::mysql; use JSON; use File::Path; use File::Find; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); my $json = new JSON(); ############################################# # args ############################################# my $server_path = $ARGV[0]; my $config_path = $server_path . "/eqemu_config.json"; my $i = 0; my %options = (); while ($ARGV[$i]) { $options{$ARGV[$i]} = ($ARGV[$i + 1] ? $ARGV[$i + 1] : 1); $i++; } ############################################# # validate config ############################################# if (!-e $config_path) { print "Error! Config file [$config_path] not found\n"; exit; } ############################################# # database config ############################################# my $content; open(my $fh, '<', $config_path) or die "cannot open file $config_path"; { local $/; $content = <$fh>; } close($fh); ############################################# # database ############################################# my $config = $json->decode($content); my $database_name = $config->{"server"}{"database"}{"db"}; my $host = $config->{"server"}{"database"}{"host"}; my $user = $config->{"server"}{"database"}{"username"}; my $pass = $config->{"server"}{"database"}{"password"}; my $dsn = "dbi:mysql:$database_name:$host:3306"; my $connect = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass); my $query_handle; ############################################# # npc ############################################# $query_handle = $connect->prepare("SELECT `id`, `name`, `lastname` FROM `npc_types`"); $query_handle->execute(); while (@row = $query_handle->fetchrow_array()) { $npc_names{$row[0]} = ($row[1] . ($row[2] ? ' ' . $row[2] : '')); } ############################################# # spells ############################################# $query_handle = $connect->prepare("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `spells_new`"); $query_handle->execute(); while (@row = $query_handle->fetchrow_array()) { $spell_names{$row[0]} = ($row[1]); } ############################################# # items ############################################# $query_handle = $connect->prepare("SELECT `id`, `Name` FROM `items`"); $query_handle->execute(); while (@row = $query_handle->fetchrow_array()) { $item_names{$row[0]} = ($row[1]); } ############################################# # factions ############################################# $query_handle = $connect->prepare("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `faction_list`"); $query_handle->execute(); while (@row = $query_handle->fetchrow_array()) { $faction_names{$row[0]} = ($row[1]); } ############################################# # zone ############################################# $query_handle = $connect->prepare("SELECT `zoneidnumber`, `short_name` FROM `zone`"); $query_handle->execute(); while (@row = $query_handle->fetchrow_array()) { $zone_names{$row[0]} = ($row[1]); } my @files; my $start_dir = "."; find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d; }, $start_dir ); for my $file (@files) { if ($file =~ /generator/i) { next; } if ($file !~ /lua|pl/i) { next; } print $file . "\n"; if ($file =~ /\.lua|\.pl/i) { my $print_buffer = ""; open(FILE, $file); while (
) { my $line = $_; my $npc_id_to_comment = 0; my $spell_id_to_comment = 0; my $item_id_to_comment = 0; my $faction_id_to_comment = 0; my $zone_id_to_comment = 0; my $npc_names = ""; my $item_names = ""; if ($options{"--strip-existing-comments"}) { if ($line=~/;/ && $line =~ /Spell:|NPC:|NPC\(s\):|Faction:|Zone:|Item:|Item\(s\):/ && $line !~/End of File|EOF|then|if|else/i) { if ($file =~ /\.lua/) { print $line . "\n"; $line =~ s/--(.*)//; } if ($file =~ /\.pl/) { print $line . "\n"; $line =~ s/#(.*)//; } $line =~ s/\s+$/\n/g; } } if ($line !~ /#|}|--|if|else|End of File|EOF/i) { my $comment_prefix = ""; if ($file =~ /\.pl/) { $comment_prefix = "#"; } if ($file =~ /\.lua/) { $comment_prefix = "--"; } ########################## #::: NPC's ########################## if ($line =~ /unique_spawn|spawn2|signal|depop_all|GetNPCByNPCTypeID|IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID/i) { if ($line =~ /ChooseRandom/i) { my @split = split(quotemeta("ChooseRandom("), $line); my @split_2 = split(quotemeta(")"), $split[1]); my @split_3 = split(",", $split_2[0]); foreach my $ids (@split_3) { if ($ids > 0) { my $npc_name = trim($npc_names{$ids}); if ($npc_name ne "") { $npc_names .= $npc_name . " (" . $ids . "), "; } } } if ($npc_names ne "") { $npc_names = substr($npc_names, 0, -2); $line =~ s/;/; $comment_prefix NPC(s): $npc_names/g; } } else { my @split = split('\(', $line); foreach my $split_arg (@split) { my @split_2 = split(",", $split_arg); if (looks_like_number($split_2[0])) { $npc_id_to_comment = trim($split_2[0]); } } if ($npc_id_to_comment > 0) { my $npc_name = trim($npc_names{$npc_id_to_comment}); if ($npc_name ne "") { $line =~ s/;/; $comment_prefix NPC: $npc_name/g; } } } } ########################## #::: Spells ########################## if ($line =~ /AddAISpell|RemoveAISpell|CastSpell/i) { my @split = split('\(', $line); my $split_arg = $split[1]; my @split_2 = split(",", $split_arg); if (looks_like_number($split_2[0])) { $spell_id_to_comment = trim($split_2[0]); } } if ($spell_id_to_comment > 0) { my $spell_name = trim($spell_names{$spell_id_to_comment}); if ($spell_name ne "") { $line =~ s/;/; $comment_prefix Spell: $spell_name/g; } } ########################## #::: Items ########################## if ($line =~ /SummonItem|HasItem/i) { if ($line =~ /ChooseRandom/i) { my @split = split(quotemeta("ChooseRandom("), $line); my @split_2 = split(quotemeta(")"), $split[1]); my @split_3 = split(",", $split_2[0]); foreach my $ids (@split_3) { if ($ids > 0) { my $item_name = trim($item_names{$ids}); if ($item_name ne "") { $item_names .= $item_name . " (" . $ids . "), "; } } } if ($item_names ne "") { $item_names = substr($item_names, 0, -2); $line =~ s/;/; $comment_prefix Item(s): $item_names/g; } } else { my @split = split('\(', $line); foreach my $split_arg (@split) { my @split_2 = (); if ($line =~ /,/i) { @split_2 = split(",", $split_arg); } else { @split_2 = split(quotemeta(")"), $split_arg); } if (looks_like_number($split_2[0])) { $item_id_to_comment = trim($split_2[0]); } } if ($item_id_to_comment > 0) { my $item_name = trim($item_names{$item_id_to_comment}); if ($item_name ne "") { $line =~ s/;/; $comment_prefix Item: $item_name/g; } } } } ########################## #::: Factions ########################## if ($line =~ /Faction/i) { my @split = split('\(', $line); my $split_arg = $split[1]; if ($split_arg) { my @split_2 = (); if ($line =~ /,/i) { @split_2 = split(",", $split_arg); } else { @split_2 = split(quotemeta(")"), $split_arg); } if (looks_like_number($split_2[0])) { $faction_id_to_comment = trim($split_2[0]); } } } if ($faction_id_to_comment > 0) { my $faction_name = trim($faction_names{$faction_id_to_comment}); if ($faction_name ne "") { $line =~ s/;/; $comment_prefix Faction: $faction_name/g; } } ########################## #::: Zones ########################## if ($line =~ /MovePC/i) { my @split = split('\(', $line); my $split_arg = $split[1]; my @split_2 = (); if ($line =~ /,/i) { @split_2 = split(",", $split_arg); } else { @split_2 = split(quotemeta(")"), $split_arg); } if (looks_like_number($split_2[0])) { $zone_id_to_comment = trim($split_2[0]); } } #::: We have a valid Spell ID if ($zone_id_to_comment > 0) { my $zone_name = trim($zone_names{$zone_id_to_comment}); if ($zone_name ne "") { $line =~ s/;/; $comment_prefix Zone: $zone_name/g; } } } $print_buffer .= $line; } close(FILE); #::: Write changes open(NEW_FILE, '>', $file); print NEW_FILE $print_buffer; close NEW_FILE; } } #::: Trim Whitespaces sub trim { my $string = $_[0]; if (!defined $string) { return ""; } $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022