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Quest File
my $counter = 0; my $RangedItemID = 0; my $SecondaryItemID = 0; my $instid = 0; sub EVENT_ENTERZONE { $instid = quest::GetInstanceID('uqua',0); if (defined($qglobals{$instid."_spectre_door"})) { $entity_list->FindDoor(4)->SetLockPick(0); } if (!defined($qglobals{$instid."_destoff"})) { quest::settimer(1,90); AURA(); } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if (!defined($qglobals{$instid."_destoff"})) { AURA(); } else { quest::stoptimer(1); } } sub EVENT_CLICKDOOR { $check_gasnpc1 = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(292051); $check_gasnpc2 = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(292052); if ($doorid == 9) { if($check_gasnpc1 == 0) { quest::forcedooropen(9); } elsif (($oncursor{67707} && ($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb1"} == 1)) || ($oncursor{67708} && ($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb1"} == 2)) || ($oncursor{67709} && ( $qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb1"} == 3)) || ($oncursor{67710} && ($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb1"} == 4)) || ($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb1complete"} == 1)) { quest::forcedooropen(9); quest::setglobal($instid."_gaschmb1complete",1,3,"H6"); } else { $check_gasnpc1->SpellFinished(5054,$client); $check_gasnpc1->SpellFinished(5054,$client); $check_gasnpc1->SpellFinished(5054,$client); } } if (($doorid == 8) && (defined($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb1"})) && !($check_gasnpc1 == 0)) { #quest::selfcast(5054); } if ($doorid == 12) { if($check_gasnpc2 == 0) { quest::forcedooropen(12); } elsif (defined $qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb2"} && (($oncursor{67707} && ($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb2"} == 1)) || ($oncursor{67708} && ($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb2"} == 2)) || ($oncursor{67709} && ($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb2"} == 3)) || ($oncursor{67710} && ($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb2"} == 4)) || ($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb1complete"} == 1))) { quest::forcedooropen(12); quest::setglobal($instid."_gaschmb2complete",1,3,"H6"); } else { $check_gasnpc1->SpellFinished(5054,$client); $check_gasnpc1->SpellFinished(5054,$client); $check_gasnpc1->SpellFinished(5054,$client); } } if (($doorid == 11) && (defined($qglobals{$instid."_gaschmb2"})) && !($check_gasnpc1 == 0)) { #quest::selfcast(5054); } if ($doorid == 3) { if (defined($qglobals{$instid."_uquaragedoor"}) && ($qglobals{$instid."_uquaragedoor"} == 1)) { quest::forcedooropen(3); } } if ($doorid == 2) { if (defined($qglobals{$instid."_uquafurydoor"}) && ($qglobals{$instid."_uquafurydoor"} == 1)) { quest::forcedooropen(2); } } } sub AURA { $RangedItemID = $client->GetItemIDAt(quest::getinventoryslotid("range")); $SecondaryItemID = $client->GetItemIDAt(quest::getinventoryslotid("secondary")); if (defined($qglobals{$instid."_destper"})) { quest::selfcast(5051); } elsif ($RangedItemID == 67736 || $RangedItemID == 67737 || $RangedItemID == 67738 || $RangedItemID == 67739 || $SecondaryItemID == 67736 || $SecondaryItemID == 67737 || $SecondaryItemID == 67738 || $SecondaryItemID == 67739 || $client->FindBuff(756)) { $client->Message(15,"You feel protected from the Aura of Destruction."); } else { quest::selfcast(5051); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022