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#Tqiv_Araxt_the_Enraged.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
my $twin_absorbed = 0; sub EVENT_SPAWN { #inactive until golems down quest::modifynpcstat("special_attacks","ABfHG"); } sub EVENT_AGGRO { quest::settimer(1,1); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer == 1) { if(($x > -470) || ($x < -600) || ($y > -480) || ($y < -810)) { $npc->GMMove(-537,-620,-5,4); } } elsif ($timer == 2) { #time ran out, go inactive quest::modifynpcstat("special_attacks","ABfHG"); $npc->WipeHateList(); quest::spawn2(292015,0,0,-567,-875,9,134); # NPC: a_construct_of_rage quest::spawn2(292015,0,0,-572,-911,9,128); # NPC: a_construct_of_rage quest::spawn2(292015,0,0,-514,-911,9,390); # NPC: a_construct_of_rage quest::spawn2(292015,0,0,-514,-875,9,384); # NPC: a_construct_of_rage quest::stoptimer(1); quest::stoptimer(2); } elsif ($timer eq "absorb_twin") { $twin_absorbed = 1; $npc->AddAISpell(0, 5117, nuke, -1, -1, -300); $npc->AddAISpell(0, 5118, nuke, -1, -1, -1000); $npc->AddAISpell(0, 5120, nuke, -1, -1, -400); quest::modifynpcstat("max_hit",4800); quest::modifynpcstat("special_attacks","SEFQUMCNIDf"); quest::modifynpcstat("max_hp","600000"); quest::modifynpcstat("accuracy","1500"); $npc->ModSkillDmgTaken(36, -50); #piercing $npc->ModSkillDmgTaken(77, -50); #2h piercing $npc->ModSkillDmgTaken(2, -50); #2h blunt $npc->ModSkillDmgTaken(51, -50); #throwing $npc->ModSkillDmgTaken(28, -50); #hand to hand $npc->ModSkillDmgTaken(1, -50); #1h slashing $npc->ModSkillDmgTaken(3, -50); #2h slashing $npc->ModSkillDmgTaken(7, -50); #archery $npc->ModSkillDmgTaken(0, -50); #1h blunt quest::stoptimer("absorb_twin"); } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if ($signal == 1) { #construct of rage died, if none left, go active if(!$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(292015)) { if (!$twin_absorbed) { quest::modifynpcstat("special_attacks","SFQUMCNIDf"); } else { quest::modifynpcstat("special_attacks","SEFQUMCNIDf"); quest::modifynpcstat("max_hit",4800); } #30 minutes to kill named quest::settimer(2,1800); } } elsif ($signal == 3) { #other twin died quest::settimer("absorb_twin",30); } } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { quest::creategroundobject(67705,-537,-620,-5,2,3600000); #tell other twin I died quest::signalwith(292021,3); # NPC: #Tqiv_Qukret_the_Furious #lockouts quest::signalwith(292079, 1); # NPC: lockout_uqua }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022