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mpg_adaptation.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- The Mastery of Adaptation (Raid) -- -- MPG Raid Trial General Notes -- 1 MPG_hate - The Mastery of Hate (Raid) -- 2 MPG_endurance - The Mastery of Endurance (Raid) -- 4 MPG_foresight - The Mastery of Foresight (Raid) -- 8 MPG_specialization - The Mastery of Specialization (Raid) -- 16 MPG_adaptation - The Mastery of Adaptation (Raid) -- 32 MPG_corruption - The Mastery of Corruption (Raid) -- -- Event: -- The Mastery of Adaptation (Raid) -- Master of Adaptation spawns in center of the middle platform, despawns when saying "we are ready to begin" -- -- Construct of Power -- -5 diminutive constructs -- -- Construct of Ice -- -1 mote of frost -- -- Construct of Fire -- -1 lick of flame -- -- Construct of Brutality -- -- Construct of Pain -- -- Shape shifted every 90-110 seconds. Seems to choose a new form at random. Strips buffs when changing forms
-- -- Total HP: 3,900,000 -- -- 890-4215 min / max quad (throughout all forms) @ 35 shielding sk -- -- 3 loots, 2 runes, anguish seal popped onto cursor upon completion -- -- Zone out is skull statue in port up room -- Mobs -- 308010 Master_of_Adaptation -- 308014 Construct_of_Brutality -- 308013 Construct_of_Fire -- 308008 Construct_of_Ice -- 308000 Construct_of_Pain -- 308009 Construct_of_Power -- -- piercing (36) -- 1h blunt (0) -- 1h slashing (1) -- 2h blunt (2) -- 2h slashing (3) -- archery (7) -- throwing (51) -- hand to hand (28) -- 2hp (77) -- -- RESIST_NONE = 0, -- RESIST_MAGIC = 1, -- RESIST_FIRE = 2, -- RESIST_COLD = 3, -- RESIST_POISON = 4, -- RESIST_DISEASE = 5, -- RESIST_CHROMATIC = 6, -- RESIST_PRISMATIC = 7, -- RESIST_PHYSICAL = 8, // see Muscle Shock, Back Swing -- RESIST_CORRUPTION = 9 --local ThreadManager = require("thread_manager"); local event_started = false; local instance_id; local lockout_win = 108; local this_bit = 16; local player_list; local list_constructs = {}; local last_mob; local spells_on_change = {}; local self; local cast_buffs = {}; local cast_spells = {}; function setup() -- ID, Name, Race, Gender, Texture, sub-npcs, special abilities (only sets parm0 at this time), weakness to weapons, buffs to cast local strong = -50; local weak = 50; local normal = 0; local resists_brut = {{'mr','350'},{'fr','275'},{'cr','275'},{'pr','125'},{'dr','125'}}; local resists_fire = {{'mr','35'},{'fr','350'},{'cr','60'},{'pr','250'},{'dr','250'}}; local resists_ice = {{'mr','35'},{'fr','60'},{'cr','350'},{'pr','250'},{'dr','250'}}; local resists_pain = {{'mr','35'},{'fr','275'},{'cr','275'},{'pr','250'},{'dr','250'}}; local resists_power= {{'mr','175'},{'fr','275'},{'cr','275'},{'pr','250'},{'dr','250'}}; list_constructs = { [1] = { '308014', 'Construct of Brutality', 409, -- Race 2, -- Gender 1, -- Texture {}, -- Sub-npcs {{SpecialAbility.rampage,50},{SpecialAbility.area_rampage,50}}, {{36,weak},{0,normal},{1,normal},{2,normal},{3,normal},{7,30},{51,normal},{28,normal},{77,weak}}, resists_brut }, [2] = { '308013', 'Construct of Fire', 408, 2, 1, {308003}, {}, {{36,normal},{0,normal},{1,normal},{2,normal},{3,normal},{7,normal},{51,normal},{28,normal},{77,normal}}, resists_fire, {5706}, {5705}}, [3] = { '308008', 'Construct of Ice', 417, 2, 1, {308002}, {}, {{36,normal},{0,normal},{1,normal},{2,normal},{3,normal},{7,normal},{51,normal},{28,normal},{77,normal}}, resists_ice, {5707}, {5704}}, [4] = { '308000', 'Construct of Pain', 413, 2, 1, {}, {{SpecialAbility.flurry,20}}, {{36,normal},{0,normal},{1,normal},{2,normal},{3,normal},{7,normal},{51,normal},{28,normal},{77,normal}}, resists_pain, {5692}, {5699}}, [5] = { '308009', 'Construct of Power', 405, 2, 1, {308001, 308001, 308001, 308001, 308001}, {{SpecialAbility.flurry,50}}, {{36,-85},{0,30},{1,-93},{2,30},{3,-93},{7,-50},{51,-50},{28,-50},{77,-85}}, resists_power } }; last_mob = {}; end function ShapeShift(e) -- Clean Up Last Mob if ( last_mob ~= nil ) then -- Depop Sub-NPCs if ( last_mob[6] ~= nil ) then for _,v in pairs(last_mob[6]) do eq.depop_all(tonumber(v)); end end -- Unset Special Abilities if ( last_mob[7] ~= nil ) then for _,v in pairs(last_mob[7]) do if ( v[1] ~= nil ) then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(v[1], 0); end end end end local num = math.random(1,table.getn(list_constructs)); local mob = list_constructs[num]; -- Lets prevent the mob from shapeshifting to its same form; recursively if (mob[1] == last_mob[1]) then ShapeShift(e); return; end --mob = list_constructs[4]; e.self:SendIllusionPacket({race=mob[3],gender=mob[4],texture=mob[5]}); e.self:TempName(mob[2]); e.self:SetNPCFactionID(79); -- Faction: Gargoyle -- Cast Balance of the Nameless on self to remove debuffs e.self:CastSpell(3230, e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Balance of the Nameless -- Spawn Sub-NPCs if ( mob[6] ~= nil ) then local x = -2; for _,v in pairs(mob[6]) do eq.spawn2( v, 0, 0, e.self:GetX() + (x*5), e.self:GetY() + (x*5) + 10, e.self:GetZ(), e.self:GetHeading() ); x = x + 1; end end -- Set Special Abilities if ( mob[7] ~= nil ) then for _,v in pairs(mob[7]) do if ( v[1] ~= nil ) then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(v[1], 1); if ( v[2] ~= nil ) then e.self:SetSpecialAbilityParam(SpecialAbility.area_rampage, 0, v[2]); e.self:SetSpecialAbilityParam(SpecialAbility.area_rampage, 2, 25); end end end end -- Set the Shapes weakness to weaponry if ( mob[8] ~= nil ) then for _,v in pairs(mob[8]) do if (v ~= nil and v[1] ~= nil and v[2] ~= nil) then e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(v[1], v[2]); end end end -- Set the Shapes resists if ( mob[9] ~= nil ) then for _,v in pairs(mob[9]) do if (v ~= nil and v[1] ~= nil and v[2] ~= nil) then e.self:ModifyNPCStat(v[1], tostring(v[2])); end end end self = e.self; --ThreadManager:Clear(); -- Spells if present to add to the AI if ( mob[10] ~= nil ) then -- eq.set_timer('castspells', 1000); cast_spells = mob[10]; CastSpells(); --ThreadManager:Create("CastSpells", CastSpells); end -- Spells to cast once (self buffs) if ( mob[11] ~= nil ) then -- eq.set_timer('castbuffs', 500); cast_buffs = mob[11]; CastBuffs(); --ThreadManager:Create("CastBuffs", CastBuffs); end last_mob = mob; end function CastBuffs() if (cast_buffs ~= nil) then for _,v in pairs(cast_buffs) do --self:CastSpell(v, self:GetID()); --ThreadManager:Wait(1.0); self:CastedSpellFinished(v, self); eq.debug('Casting: ' .. v .. ' on ' .. self:GetID() ); end cast_buffs = {}; end end function CastSpells() if (cast_spells ~= nil) then for _,v in pairs(cast_spells) do --self:CastSpell(v, self:GetTarget():GetID()); --ThreadManager:Wait(2.5); self:CastedSpellFinished(v, self:GetTarget()); end end end function Boss_Spawn(e) event_started = false; instance_id = eq.get_zone_instance_id(); player_list = eq.get_characters_in_instance(instance_id); lockout_win = 108; this_bit = 16; setup(); end function Lick_Spawn(e) e.self:CastSpell(5705, e.self:GetID()) end function Mote_Spawn(e) e.self:CastSpell(5704, e.self:GetID()) end function Boss_Say(e) if ( event_started ~= true ) then if ( e.message:findi("hail") ) then e.self:Say("This is the Mastery of Adaptation trial. You must demonstrate your ability to adapt to an unpredictable and ever-changing opponent. Are you ready to [ " .. eq.say_link('begin', false, 'begin') .. " ]?"); elseif ( e.message:findi("begin") ) then local dz = eq.get_expedition() if dz.valid then dz:SetLocked(true, ExpeditionLockMessage.Begin, 14) -- live uses "Event Messages" type 365 (not in emu clients) dz:AddReplayLockout(eq.seconds("3h")) end local shifttime = math.random(90, 150); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_melee, 0) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_magic, 0) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, 0) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.no_harm_from_client, 0) eq.spawn2(308012,0,0,0,0,0,0); -- NPC: #death_touch event_started = true; eq.set_timer('shapeshift', shifttime * 1000); eq.debug( "starting shift time: " .. shifttime .. " seconds"); ShapeShift(e); e.self:Say("Very well! Let the battle commence!"); end end end function Boss_Timer(e) if (e.timer == "shapeshift") then ShapeShift(e); local new_time; local boss_hp = math.floor(100*e.self:GetHP()/e.self:GetMaxHP()); if (boss_hp <= 10 ) then new_time = math.random(25, 35); elseif (boss_hp <= 20) then new_time = math.random(35, 45); elseif (boss_hp <= 30) then new_time = math.random(45, 55); elseif (boss_hp <= 40) then new_time = math.random(55, 65); elseif (boss_hp <= 50) then new_time = math.random(65, 75); elseif (boss_hp <= 60) then new_time = math.random(70, 90); elseif (boss_hp <= 70) then new_time = math.random(75, 105); elseif (boss_hp <= 80) then new_time = math.random(80, 120); elseif (boss_hp <= 90) then new_time = math.random(85, 135); else new_time = math.random(90, 150); end eq.stop_timer('shapeshift'); eq.debug( "HP: " .. boss_hp .. " New Timer:" .. new_time .. " seconds"); eq.set_timer('shapeshift', new_time * 1000); elseif (e.timer == "leftcombat") then ResetEvent(e); --elseif (e.timer == "castbuffs") then --ThreadManager:Resume("CastBuffs"); --elseif (e.timer == "castspells") then --ThreadManager:Resume("CastSpells"); end end function Boss_Death(e) --ThreadManager:Clear(); eq.stop_all_timers(); -- Disable the deathtouch --eq.spawn_condition('chamberse', instance_id, 2, 0 ); eq.depop_all(308012); -- Spawn Shell of the Master eq.spawn2(308015, 0, 0, -212, 270, 66, e.self:GetHeading()); -- NPC: Shell_of_the_Master_ -- Update the Lockouts local dz = eq.get_expedition() if dz.valid then dz:AddReplayLockoutDuration(eq.seconds("5d")) -- 5 days + current timer (max 123 hours) end local mpg_helper = require("mpg_helper"); mpg_helper.UpdateRaidTrialLockout(player_list, this_bit, nil); end function Boss_Combat(e) if (e.joined == false) then eq.set_timer('leftcombat', 30 * 1000); else eq.stop_timer('leftcombat'); end end function ResetEvent(e) --ThreadManager:Clear(); eq.stop_all_timers(); eq.repop_zone(); end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event('mpg_adaptation', Event.say, 308010, Boss_Say); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_adaptation', Event.combat, 308010, Boss_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_adaptation', Event.spawn, 308010, Boss_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_adaptation', Event.spawn, 308003, Lick_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_adaptation', Event.spawn, 308002, Mote_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_adaptation', Event.timer, 308010, Boss_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_adaptation', Event.death_complete, 308010, Boss_Death); end function event_encounter_unload(e) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022